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Writer - Carmen Torrico

Resume=Struggling to make a name for himself as a painter in picturesque post-World War II France, the vivacious and optimistic former G.I., Jerry Mulligan, comes to realise that making it big in the artistic Parisian metropolis is easier said than done. Then, when he least expects it, Jerry finds an eager patron in the person of the affluent heiress, Milo Roberts, and has a chance encounter with the love of his life and a friend's steady girlfriend, Lise Bouvier. Suddenly, the happy-go-lucky artist has to choose between a brilliant career and true love. Can the American in Paris have it all? / Release Date=1951 / Genre=Musical, Romance / Runtime=1hour, 54 M / 7,7 of 10 /

Ein amerikaner in paris landgraf. Ein amerikaner in paris fürth. The conductor's cringy passion somehow makes her more attractive. Sinfonía en París English Full Episodes Online Free Download. Auuuuuuuuuuuh lobo hombre en París. Por siempre una obra de arte. Sinfonía Inflexiones de ' sinfonía ' ( nf): fpl: sinfonías Diccionario de sinónimos y antónimos © 2005 Espasa-Calpe: sinfonía obertura, introducción, preludio armonía, acorde, colorido, conjunto, concierto ' sinfonía ' aparece también en las siguientes entradas: Preguntas en los foros con la(s) palabra(s) 'sinfonía' en el título: Ningún título tiene la(s) palabra(s) 'sinfonía'. Traducciones: Francés | Portugués | Italiano | Alemán | Holandés | Sueco | Polaco | Rumano | Checo | Griego | Turco | Chino | Japonés | Coreano | Árabe | Inglés.

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Las Sinfonías de París son un conjunto de seis sinfonías escritas por Joseph Haydn e interpretadas en el Concert Spirituel, el Concert de la Loge Olympique (en francés, Concierto de la Logia Olímpica) y el Concert de Amateurs (en francés, Concierto de aficionados) en París. Las sinfonías [ editar] Las sinfonías son: Sinfonía n. º 82 en do mayor, El Oso ( 1786). Sinfonía n. º 83 en sol menor, La Poule («La gallina») ( 1785). Sinfonía n. º 84 en mi bemol mayor, In nomine Domini (1786). Sinfonía n. º 85 en si bemol mayor, La Reine («La Reina») (1785). Sinfonía n. º 86 en re mayor (1786). Sinfonía n. º 87 en la mayor (1785). Historia [ editar] El público parisino estaba bastante familiarizado con las sinfonías de Haydn, las cuales habían sido publicadas en París desde 1764. H. C. Robbins Landon, musicólogo y especialista en la vida y la obra de Haydn, escribe lo siguiente: A lo largo de los primeros años de la década de 1780, las sinfonías de Haydn fueron interpretadas en los numerosos conciertos parisinos con un éxito invariable, y numerosas editoriales -entre ellas, Guera in Lyon, Siber, Boyer, Le Duc y Imbault en París, etc. - hicieron pública cada nueva obra sinfónica de Haydn tan pronto como lograban una copia. [ 1] ​ La obra se compuso para una gran orquesta parisina, conocida como «Le Concert de la loge 'Olympique'» ( Orquesta de la Logia Olímpica). Esta organización estaba compuesta tanto por profesionales como por hábiles aficionados, configurando una plantilla que incluía cuarenta violines y diez contrabajos, una orquesta de extraordinarias dimensiones para la época (el propio conjunto de Haydn en Eszterháza nunca tuvo una plantilla que superase los veinticinco integrantes). [ 2] ​ De acuerdo con Robbins Landon, «los músicos vestían espléndidos trajes azul cielo con elaborados volantes, y espadas en los costados». La orquesta tocaba en un amplio teatro, en los que las interpretaciones eran patrocinadas por la realeza, incluida la reina Maria Antonieta, a quien agradaba especialmente la Sinfonía n. º 85, dando lugar al sobrenombre de la misma («La Reina»). El responsable individual del encargo de las sinfonías a Haydn fue Claude-François-Marie Rigolet, conde d'Ogny ( 1757 - 1790), un aristócrata que a la sazón tenía unos veinte años de edad. El conde, que ostentaba el cargo de «Intendant Général des Postes» (en francés, «Intendente General del Correo»), creció en un ambiente muy musical, en el que su padre llevaba una amplia colección de partituras manuscritas. Sin embargo, el patrocinio de la música debió suponer un gasto excesivo para el conde, que dejó a su muerte una enorme deuda de 100. 000 libras. Las negociaciones con Haydn eran llevadas a cabo, a petición del conde d'Ogny, por Joseph Boulogne, Caballero de San Jorge, quien era el concertino de la orquesta de la Loge Olympique. Haydn recibió 25 luises de oro por cada sinfonía, más 5 luises por los derechos de publicación franceses; la suma era, aparentemente, muy satisfactoria para Haydn. Acogida [ editar] De acuerdo con el compositor Luigi Cherubini, quien fue miembro de la orquesta, los mejores músicos de París ejecutaban en los estrenos de las sinfonías, que recibían con interés. Las obras eran también populares entre el público y la prensa, y pronto se publicaron en Londres y Viena, así como en París. El crítico anónimo del periódico Mercure de France ensalzaba particularmente la habilidad de Haydn para escribir exposiciones «monotemáticas» en forma sonata: Este gran genio, que en cada una de sus piezas sabe como diseñar desarrollos tan ricos y variados a partir de un único tema ( sujeto) -muy distinto de esos compositores estériles que pasan constantemente de una idea a otra por no saber como presentar una misma idea de varias formas. [ 3] ​ Los críticos actuales también aprecian las obras. Robbins Landon las califica como «una sorprendente fusión de brillantez, elegancia, y calidez». Charles Rosen escribe: No hay un compás, incluso el más serio, de estas grandes obras que no esté marcado por el ingenio de Haydn; y su ingenio ha crecido ahora tan poderoso y tan eficiente que se ha convertido en una especie de pasión, una fuerza al mismo tiempo omnívora y creativa. [ 4] ​ Véase también [ editar] Anexo:Sinfonías de Joseph Haydn. Sinfonías de Londres. Referencias [ editar] ↑ Robbins Landon 1963, xiv. Todo el material de este artículo procede de Robbins Landon, a no ser que se especifique otra cosa. ↑ Webster, 2001 ↑ Traducido a partir de la tradcción al inglés de Charles Rosen, en su obra Sonata Forms ( 1988, 5); véase Robbins Landon 1963 para el original en francés. ↑ Rosen 1997, 159 Bibliografía [ editar] Harrison, Bernard Haydn: The "Paris" Symphonies ( Cambridge University Press, 1998). Robbins Landon, H. ( 1963) Joseph Haydn: Critical Edition of the Complete Symphonies, Universal Edition, Viena. Rosen, Charles ( 1997) The Classical Style: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven. Norton. Rosen, Charles ( 1988) Sonata Forms, 2ª edición. Norton. Steinberg, Michael ( 1995) The Symphony: A Listeners Guide. Oxford University Press. Webster, James ( 2001) Joseph Haydn, artículo en el Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, edición en línea.

La mejor versión Original Clásica de Lobo en Paris ! Felicidades Rafael Sanchez. It has always amazed me that this film, made at roughly the same time as Singing in the Rain and also starring Gene Kelly, is generally rated below the latter. When I first saw AAIP (when it came out, which tells you how ancient I am! I was absolutely captivated, and proceeded to see it five or six times more in the next few years. Time has not changed my opinion, and from the wonderful opening sequence to the astonishing closing ballet it is sheer bliss. The enchanting Leslie Caron was a revelation when the film first appeared - gamine innocence mixed with vibrant sexiness.

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An endearing mix of humour & pathos filled with recognizable songs & elegant dance numbers; surpasses its contemporaries with many innovative filmmaking techniques (just overlook the near 20 year age gap among the leads. SIN PALABRAS UNA JOLLA EL HUAPANGO DE MONCAYO Y ALONDRA EXELENTE. Ein amerikaner in paris george gershwin.

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Minuto 6:38 en me hizo llorar. Que hermosa es mi tierra, amoooo México 🇲🇽. Ein amerikaner in paris / sinfonische fantasie. Ein amerikaner in paris musical linz. Ein amerikaner in paris kiel. Ein amerikaner in paris prinzregententheater. Ein amerikaner in paris münchen. This is about a dozen or so film adhering Hollywood's umbilical cord to Paris. It must have been the most sought after city during the period. "Our Love is Here to Stay. I Got Rhythm. S Wonderful" are phenomenal reasons to watch this film. Gene Kelly has a respectable voice crooning those classics and leads Caron's dancing to perfection.
"Embraceable You, and "I've Got a Crush on You" can be enjoyed from the dancing sequences. Musicals are entertaining and fun to watch. No love interest can be expressed to the hilt without a perfect song and a dance to match. Winning a woman's heart in an elaborate serenade lightens up the effort and reaps equal response from both the woman and the audience. Caron's dancing wags the tail of love she willingly expresses.
Anybody who enjoys the classic songs from this period will enjoy more of this music in all the musicals featuring Judy Garland, Doris Day, Fred Astaire, Frank Sinatra, and much more. From 1961 to 1965 3 out of 5 movies were musicals! Catch them.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   (Redirected from The Way Back) Jump to navigation Jump to search Way Back may refer to: The Way Back (2010 film), survival drama film The Way Back (2020 film), sports drama film "Way Back" (John Conlee song), 1984 "Way Back" (TLC song), 2017 "Way Back", song from Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight by Travis Scott See also [ edit] Wayback (disambiguation) No Way Back (disambiguation) This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title Way Back. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article. Retrieved from " " Categories: Disambiguation pages Hidden categories: Disambiguation pages with short description All article disambiguation pages All disambiguation pages.


Omg this is girl from Lovely bones. The Way Back is a community hub for dinner, drinks, happy hours, and celebrations. We’ll steer you through an exciting exploration of flavors catered to your personal tastes, each step along the way more intriguing than the last. Trust us, the journey is worthwhile. The Way Back started as a passion project, created by community focused Denverites that wanted to change the way we think about our food systems. We focused on sourcing our ingredients locally, supporting craft industries, and building a community around responsible food. From there we built a dining experience that everyone can enjoy, whether you’re here to celebrate a big day, or you just want to enjoy a tasty meal. The cuisine of The Way Back highlights the best ingredients and produce Colorado and the United States have to offer. We’re proud nerds about finding the best local farmers, foragers, and purveyors, & creating a constantly changing menu focused around seasonal availability, responsible husbandry, and organic, perennial agriculture. We also strive to feature a variety of old-school preservation techniques. Secrets are no fun. See our full list of suppliers HERE. A little off-the-beaten path. Looking for the classics? We know how to make those, too. Flavors that tell a story from across the globe, but ingredients that hail from our backyard. The Way Back 3963 Tennyson Street Denver, CO 80212 970. 682. 6888 To purchase a gift card online, follow this link: BUY A GIFT CARD Monday-Thursday: 5pm - 10pm Friday-Saturday: 5pm - 11pm IMPORTANT: Kitchen operates on a limited menu for the final hour of service each night (9-10 weekdays, 10-11 weekends. ) HAPPY HOUR (food & drinks, bar and lounge only) - until 6:30pm every day Street parking on Tennyson and the surrounding neighborhoods. We respect your privacy. Thank you!

Movie The wayback. Image caption There is evidence that someone really did make the remarkable trek A few years ago, Australian director Peter Weir couldn't get something out of his mind. It was a story dating back more than 60 years. A simple story of a group of men among stark deserts and terrifying peaks, testing the limits of human existence. The director, celebrated for contemporary classics such as The Truman Show, was hooked. "As a feat of endurance and courage and the tenacity of human beings to survive, I thought it was superb. And it stayed with me, " he said. "The usual way of testing a story is, 'does it stay with you enough to want to pursue it as a film? ' And this was the case. " The story was The Long Walk, a gripping account of a Polish officer's imprisonment in the Soviet gulag in 1940, his escape and then a trek of 4, 000 miles (6, 437km) from Siberia to India, surviving unimaginable hardships along the way. Mr Weir decided it had to be his next film. "But I just had one small throwaway question and I didn't expect the answer I got, " he says. "It is true? As it says on the cover, right? " he asked. "And there was a silence and the producer said: 'Well, there's a controversy. '" No evidence That controversy has persisted ever since the book on the subject first appeared in 1956. Right from the start, no-one could find information to prove or disprove whether the author, Slavomir Rawicz, was telling the truth, as he claimed. There were no documents, no evidence, and all trace of his fellow escapees had vanished. Four years ago, I produced a documentary for BBC Radio 4 on the subject, hoping to track down the evidence to show that Rawicz really had done this incredible feat. That documentary led Peter Weir to us. "I contacted Hugh Levinson, the producer of this programme, having heard the BBC radio programme that actually raised the question of its veracity in a very sharp way and began my own investigation, " he said. "And out of that I came to the conclusion that I couldn't be sure that Slavomir Rawicz was himself on this long walk. He was certainly arrested and imprisoned - but did he do the walk? " The evidence we found suggested the answer was No. We saw documents that suggested that Rawicz had not told the truth about his past, and that although he had been a prisoner in the gulag, he never escaped. Unknown hero A few weeks after our documentary aired, there was a baroque twist. An anonymous letter arrived, suggesting we contact a man who might be of interest. Director Peter Weir dedicates the film to three unknown survivors It led us to Camborne in Cornwall, to the home of Witold Glinski. He is an elderly Pole, courteous with a wry sense of humour - and an extraordinary story to tell. He was interned in the gulag and, just like Rawicz, he escaped in a snowstorm. Just like Rawicz, he took the same route, surviving the heat of the Gobi Desert and the heights of the Himalayas, with one instinct forcing him on. "I thought: I'm going to get a plane, train as a pilot, and then I get high, fly to Moscow, look for the Kremlin and blast it out of the ground, " he said. "That was my ambition, what was driving me. This was the driving force inside me, revenge for what the Germans and Russians did. " Glinski said he even shared some companions with Rawicz - such as a young Polish girl who died along the walk, and an enigmatic American known only as Mr Smith. Strange encounter Was it possible that Glinski was the real hero and that Rawicz had stolen his story? Perhaps. We could find no evidence to corroborate Glinski's vivid account of his escape and trek. Yet there might be a clue in what he described as a strange encounter in a street in London in the 1940s. Glinski says two men approached him, one a bedraggled Polish officer, the other a dapper Englishman. "They said, 'Are you Witold Glinski? ' "I said, 'Yes, what do you want? '" He said they wanted to talk to Glinski about writing Polish history and that they were interested in where he came from and how he got to England. "I said, 'I don't have anything to tell you', " Glinski recalled. Later he realised that the Englishman was a journalist called Ronald Downing - the ghost writer of The Long Walk. He suspects that Downing had somehow acquired a transcript of a debriefing interview in which Glinski recounted his story, and that he later conspired with Rawicz to pretend the story was his. And there is more evidence that even if Rawicz didn't do the walk, someone else did. We learned of a British intelligence officer who said he had interviewed a group of haggard men in Calcutta in 1942 - a group of men who had escaped from Siberia and then walked all the way to India. And then from New Zealand came news of a Polish engineer who had apparently acted as an interpreter for this very same interview in Calcutta with the wretched survivors. These stories are second-hand, and far from conclusive proof, but for Mr Weir, they convinced him that there was an essential truth in the story that he wanted to retain. "There was enough for me to say that three men had come out of the Himalayas, and that's how I dedicate my film, to these unknown survivors. And then I proceed with essentially a fictional film. " This is why the film - to be released later this month - has a new title, The Way Back, and why the central character is not called Slavomir Rawicz. Yet it retains its power as a tale of courage and endurance. "It's about the struggle that all of us have to survive every day, " Mr Weir says. "This is on an epic scale, but survival is at the heart of it, and what keeps you going with all the difficulties and pain of life and the bad luck. " The Long Walk will be broadcast on BBC Radio 4 at 13. 30 on Sunday 5 December. The Way Back opens in the UK on 26 December 2010.

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He was a great Batman. Kid looks way to fucken gay. Movie the way back march 6 2020. Press alt + / to open this menu. Movie the way back true story. Movie the way back wiki. I love watching broken peoples coming back to live again. It was like they found a reason to live again.


Movie the way back on youtube. High as a kite. Movie the way back based on a true story. Movie the way back cast. Movie the way back up. Movie the way back home. Loki. OMG he's so hot that he almost take my heart And pls take not only me but also my heart. Movie The way back. Critics Consensus No consensus yet. Tomatometer Not Yet Available TOMATOMETER Total Count: N/A Coming soon Release date: Mar 6, 2020 Audience Score Ratings: Not yet available The Way Back Ratings & Reviews Explanation The Way Back Videos Movie Info Jack Cunningham (Ben Affleck) once had a life filled with promise. In high school, he was a basketball phenom with a full university scholarship, when suddenly, for reasons unknown, he walked away from the game, forfeiting his future. Now years later, Jack is spiraling down, triggered by an unspeakable loss, and drowning in the alcoholism that cost him his marriage and any hope for a better life. When he is asked to coach the basketball team at his alma mater, which has fallen far since his glory days, he reluctantly accepts, surprising no one more than himself. As the boys start to come together as a team and win, Jack may have finally found a reason to confront the demons that have derailed him. But will it be enough to fill the void, heal the deep wounds of his past, and set him on the road to redemption? Rating: R (for language throughout including some sexual references) Genre: Directed By: Written By: In Theaters: Mar 6, 2020 wide Studio: Warner Bros. Pictures Cast News & Interviews for The Way Back Critic Reviews for The Way Back There are no critic reviews yet for The Way Back. Keep checking Rotten Tomatoes for updates! Audience Reviews for The Way Back There are no featured reviews for The Way Back because the movie has not released yet (Mar 6, 2020). See Movies in Theaters The Way Back Quotes News & Features.

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2019 anyone. Movie the way back reviews. Movie the way back based on true story. WAY BACK THEN INTRO TAB by John Prine @. Movie the way back 2019. Even though it might appear that this really happened, there's no proof that it did. Either way, it's an amazing story of a group of men who escaped from a gulag in 40s Siberia and WALKED all the way to India. Needless to say, their journey is filled with hardships, danger and death. Director Peter Weir has crafted a film that's thoroughly involving without grabbing the emotions. … Expand.

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I am so glad that I live in an area with round the clock access to fresh, cool water whenever I want it. Honestly, it looks fun, and cute, and I love this series and it's fun to see the gang, especially their design, but the voice acting is a bit off. Like, Shaggy. Come on. Movie the way back ed harris.


Movie The Way back to main. 2010 Action / Adventure / Biography / Drama / History Synopsis In 1941, three men attempt to flee communist Russia, escaping a Siberian gulag. The film tells their story and that of four others who escaped with them and a teenage girl who joins them in flight. The group's natural leader is Janusz, a Pole condemned by accusations secured by torturing his wife, spent much of his youth outdoors, and knows how to live in the wild. They escape under cover of a snowstorm: a cynical American, a Russian thug, a comedic accountant, a pastry chef who draws, a priest, and a Pole with night blindness. They face freezing nights, lack of food and water, mosquitoes, an endless desert, the Himalayas, as well as many moral and ethical dilemmas throughout the journey towards freedom. Parental Guide Uploaded By: OTTO March 06, 2013 at 08:40 PM Director Tech specs Movie Reviews Reviewed by 7 / 10 the movies good!!! This great Movie sometimes feels like a National Geographic book that you enjoy from your seat Yes, the Characters do get some malnourishment, and some do die from the trek, but the lighting is made well the clothing the actors ware draws you in as a viewer to believe the place and time is relevant, to say the least, and the escapees do bond enough to make it as a team, but there is, unrealistically, not enough conflict and Drama. It is all handled in such a delicate way, that it is too delicate for its own good. It is without much tension and it all plays out so gentile that the Movie is OK to watch but there is way too little to feel, what would make the movie better, is more conflict and more drama, they don't explain the other stories of the other escapees, like what happened to valka, and the other guys, its okay just wish it was more engaging Reviewed by cinemajesty 4, 000 Miles To Peace Movie Review: "The Way Back" (2010) The last movie by star-director Peter Weir, who had delivered a streak of two remarkable films in motion picture history with "The Truman Show" (1998) starring Jim Carrey and "Master & Commander" (2003) starring Russel Crowe, strikes his final stroke of cinematic paint with exceptional "National Geographic" funded cinematography by long-time collaborating cameraman Russell Boyd, when the 125-Minute-Final-Cut by Academy-Award-nominated editor Lee Smith reaches each and every characteristic of fleeing a Russian "World-War-II" refugee "Gulag" prison camp in Siberia through snow and ice over creeks in the woods, Mongolian deserts to showdowns at an monk-inhabited Himalayan monastery before the Indian borders reveal itself as beacon of each journeying passenger's revelation. The cast comes along with strong convictions into an unbreakable endeavors of the human spirit to endure the impossible of finding the way back home (aka peace). Director Peter Weir, at age 65, directs the ensemble surrounding Ed Harris, Saoirse Ronan as come-and-gone local caretaker Irena to join a random-selected her-life-endangering bunch of prisoner-of-war escapists, including Colin Farrell, revealing dark siding manners of a former street life and actor Jim Sturgess as Janusz, who acts in a strong convicted opening interrogation scene executed by Russian NKVD (People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs), but fading in his performance towards more and more story-driven visuals as emotional score beneficiaries composed by Burkhard von Dallwitz, when Peter Weir's film can be enjoyed as pure, well-researched as educational survival drama, still prevailing in cinematic significance after its neglected World-Premiere on September 3rd 2010 in favors of Telluride Film Festival instead engaging Venice or time-near Toronto (TIFF). © 2018 Felix Alexander Dausend (Cinemajesty Entertainments LLC) Reviewed by anthonykeane-24229 10 / 10 This Film Confirmed my Grandparents Story For you that doubt, grew up with my Grandparents. i was sent to live with them quite early in life, but I grew up with the stories. They licked ice off screws on the cattle carts on the way to Siberia for water. And yes, they went to British India via Mongolia and the story gets even more disturbing. Their crime? They were intelligent to be allowed to live. Thank you for making this film and showing the horrors of Communism. I doubted it myself because of what the world tells us, I was wrong. There is no way on Earth this story is a fabrication, my Grandfather whom still lives does not even know of the I knew the story from 8+ in the late 80s. Thank you Britain for taking care of my Grandparents, thank you to the Indian people and thank you to the Persians. I will repay my debt to England, I owe you. And f*^& you Stalin and Lenin. Read more IMDb reviews.

» going back, sometimes way back GRNDGD ‘Re(tro)spect’ Archives. Movie the way back affleck's. Had me a Director of Warrior. Damn that's an emotional film... Nominated for 1 Oscar. Another 4 wins & 4 nominations. See more awards  » Videos Learn more More Like This Action | Adventure Drama 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7. 4 / 10 X During the Napoleonic Wars, a brash British captain pushes his ship and crew to their limits in pursuit of a formidable French war vessel around South America. Director: Peter Weir Stars: Russell Crowe, Paul Bettany, Billy Boyd Thriller 7. 1 / 10 A man's personality is dramatically changed after surviving a major airline crash. Jeff Bridges, Isabella Rossellini, Rosie Perez Biography 7. 3 / 10 A U. S. fighter pilot's epic struggle of survival after being shot down on a mission over Laos during the Vietnam War. Werner Herzog Christian Bale, Steve Zahn, Jeremy Davies At the end of WW2, a German POW doing hard labor in the Soviet Gulag escapes from his Siberian camp to return to Germany but he's pursued by a Soviet NKVD officer. Hardy Martins Bernhard Bettermann, Iris Böhm, Anatoliy Kotenyov History War 7. 6 / 10 A Russian and a German sniper play a game of cat-and-mouse during the Battle of Stalingrad. Jean-Jacques Annaud Jude Law, Ed Harris, Joseph Fiennes A mountain climber becomes trapped under a boulder while canyoneering alone near Moab, Utah and resorts to desperate measures in order to survive. Danny Boyle James Franco, Amber Tamblyn, Kate Mara Romance A young Australian reporter tries to navigate the political turmoil of Indonesia during the rule of President Sukarno with the help of a diminutive photographer. Mel Gibson, Sigourney Weaver, Linda Hunt 6. 8 / 10 After their plane crashes in Alaska, six oil workers are led by a skilled huntsman to survival, but a pack of merciless wolves haunts their every step. Joe Carnahan Liam Neeson, Dermot Mulroney, Frank Grillo Crime 6. 2 / 10 An ex-con with a reputation tries to go straight by working as a handy man for a reclusive actress but this is unfortunately not the wish of London's underground crime lord. William Monahan Colin Farrell, Keira Knightley, Ray Winstone 7. 2 / 10 Jewish brothers in Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe escape into the Belarussian forests, where they join Russian resistance fighters, and endeavor to build a village, in order to protect themselves and about one thousand Jewish non-combatants. Edward Zwick Daniel Craig, Liev Schreiber, Jamie Bell In a dangerous post-apocalyptic world, an ailing father defends his son as they slowly travel to the sea. John Hillcoat Viggo Mortensen, Charlize Theron, Kodi Smit-McPhee 7. 8 / 10 A FedEx executive undergoes a physical and emotional transformation after crash landing on a deserted island. Robert Zemeckis Tom Hanks, Helen Hunt, Paul Sanchez Edit Storyline In 1941, three men attempt to flee communist Russia, escaping a Siberian gulag. The film tells their story and that of four others who escaped with them and a teenage girl who joins them in flight. The group's natural leader is Janusz, a Pole condemned by accusations secured by torturing his wife, spent much of his youth outdoors, and knows how to live in the wild. They escape under cover of a snowstorm: a cynical American, a Russian thug, a comedic accountant, a pastry chef who draws, a priest, and a Pole with night blindness. They face freezing nights, lack of food and water, mosquitoes, an endless desert, the Himalayas, as well as many moral and ethical dilemmas throughout the journey towards freedom. Written by <>, Shahob, Bellingham, WA, US Plot Summary Plot Synopsis Taglines: Their escape was just the beginning Motion Picture Rating ( MPAA) Rated PG-13 for violent content, depiction of physical hardships, a nude image and brief strong language See all certifications  » Details Release Date: 21 January 2011 (USA) See more  » Also Known As: The Way Back Box Office Budget: $30, 000, 000 (estimated) Opening Weekend USA: $1, 218, 868, 23 January 2011 Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $24, 172, 201 See more on IMDbPro  » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs  » Did You Know? Trivia Director and co-writer Peter Weir included the experiences of French adventurer Cyril Delafosse-Guiramand, who did the walk described in Slavomir Rawicz 's book. He became a technical advisor for the film production. Peter Weir recollected: ".. Delafosse-Guiramand, late 30s, French. He works in the IT industry but his hobby is walking. He was inspired by the book and sometime after 2000 he undertook the walk, so he was the first person I went to see. He was living in Laos then with his wife. So I went up there and we talked for a couple of days and I said, 'Would you advise us? I'll send you scripts. ' Then I began to say, 'Can I put some of the stuff you're telling me in, like this thing about these mosquitoes? This man you met in the forest that has a bark necklace? ' He said, 'Sure, ' very generously so I put that in.. Then he coached the actors and then was with us every day. "[2011] See more » Goofs In the establishing long shot of the woodcutters, many of the prisoners are clearly only pretending to cut the logs, only tapping them with their axes. See more » Quotes [ first lines] [ in Polish, using English subtitles] Interrogator: [ presents pen to sign confession] Janusz: No. Bring in the witness. Janusz's Wife, 1939: [ brought in] Do you know this man? His name? Janusz Wieszczek. Witness, what's your relationship with this man? [ crying] I am his wife. [... ] See more » Soundtracks Tibet Written by Burkhard Dallwitz See more » Frequently Asked Questions See more ».

Chodo aur chodne Karo shree ram. Movie The Way back. Im not particularly impressed with this trailer but man this theme is catchy. I was chewing my gum to this tune. The Way Back In 1941, three men attempt to flee communist Russia, escaping a Siberian gulag. The film tells their story and that of four others who escaped with them and a teenage girl who joins them in flight. The group's natural leader is Janusz, a Pole condemned by accusations secured by torturing his wife, spent much of his youth outdoors, and knows how to live in the wild. They escape under cover of a snowstorm: a cynical American, a Russian thug, a comedic accountant, a pastry chef who draws, a priest, and a Pole with night blindness. They face freezing nights, lack of food and water, mosquitoes, an endless desert, the Himalayas, as well as many moral and ethical dilemmas throughout the journey towards freedom. Genres: History, Biography, Adventure, Drama Actor: Dragos Bucur, Colin Farrell, Ed Harris, Alexandru Potocean, Saoirse Ronan, Mark Strong, Gustaf Skarsgård, Jim Sturgess, Sebastian Urzendowsky, Zachary Baharov, Sally E. Brunski, Igor Gnezdilov, Dejan Angelov, Stanislav Pishtalov, Mariy Grigorov Director: Peter Weir Country: United Arab Emirates, Poland, USA Duration: 133 min Quality: HD Release: 2010 7. 3.

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This article is about the 2010 film. For the 1986 film starring Michael Caine, see The Whistle Blower. The Whistleblower Promotional poster Directed by Larysa Kondracki Produced by Christina Piovesan Amy Kaufman Celine Rattray Benito Mueller Wolfgang Mueller Written by Larysa Kondracki Eilis Kirwan Starring Rachel Weisz David Strathairn Nikolaj Lie Kaas Anna Anissimova Monica Bellucci Vanessa Redgrave Music by Mychael Danna [1] Cinematography Kieran McGuigan [1] Edited by Julian Clarke [2] Production company Voltage Pictures Distributed by Samuel Goldwyn Films Release date 13 September 2010 ( TIFF) 12 August 2011 (Canada) 27 October 2011 (Germany) Running time 112 minutes Country Canada Germany United States [3] Language English Box office 1. 1 million [4] The Whistleblower is a 2010 Canadian-German-American biographical crime drama film directed by Larysa Kondracki and starring Rachel Weisz. Kondracki and Eilis Kirwan wrote the screenplay, which was inspired by the story of Kathryn Bolkovac, a Nebraska police officer who was recruited as a United Nations peacekeeper for DynCorp International in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1999. While there, she discovered a sex trafficking ring serving (and facilitated by) DynCorp employees, with international peacekeepers turning a blind eye. Bolkovac was fired and forced out of the country after attempting to shut down the ring. She took the story to BBC News in the UK and won a wrongful dismissal lawsuit against DynCorp. Kondracki wanted her debut film to concern human trafficking, and she encountered Bolkovac's story in college. She and Kirwan struggled to obtain financial support for the project. Eight years after Kondracki decided to produce the film, she secured funding and cast Weisz in the lead role. The Whistleblower —a co-production of Canada, Germany, and the United States—was filmed in Romania from October to December 2009. The Whistleblower premiered on 13 September 2010, at the Toronto International Film Festival, and Samuel Goldwyn Films distributed the film in theaters in the United States. The film was advertised as a fictionalization of events occurring during the late 1990s. Kondracki said that the facts are broadly accurate but some details were omitted for the film; for example, a three-week "breaking-in" period for trafficking victims was not shown. The film received mixed reviews. The performances by Weisz and her co-stars were praised, but the intense violence depicted in several scenes was debated by critics, with some calling it exploitative. Kondracki and Weisz responded that what happened in Bosnia had been toned down for the film. The Whistleblower received several awards and nominations, including three nominations at the 2012 Genie Awards. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon hosted a screening of the film and promised action would be taken to prevent further instances of human trafficking. The Guardian reported that other UN officials attempted to downplay the events depicted and that initiatives against trafficking in Bosnia were aborted. Plot [ edit] Kathryn Bolkovac is a police officer from Lincoln, Nebraska, who accepts an offer to work with the United Nations International Police in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina for a British company, Democra Security (a pseudonym for DynCorp International. 5] After successfully advocating for a Muslim woman who experienced domestic abuse, Kathryn is appointed head of the department of gender affairs. Raya, a young Ukrainian woman, and her friend Luba are sold to a Bosnian sex-trafficking ring by a relative. Raya escapes with Irka, another girl forced into prostitution, and they are sent to a women's shelter for victims of human trafficking. While investigating their case, Kathryn uncovers a large-scale sexual slavery ring utilized by international personnel (including Americans. She persuades Raya and Irka to testify against their traffickers in court, guaranteeing their safety; however, an indifferent UN official drops Irka at the border between Bosnia and Serbia when she cannot produce a passport. Although rescued from the woods by Kathryn, Irka is too afraid to proceed with the trial. Meanwhile, Raya is recaptured by the traffickers after a corrupt peacekeeper tips them off. To deter other girls from running away and talking to the authorities, the traffickers make an example out of Raya by brutally raping her with a metal pipe in front of them. When she brings the scandal to the attention of the UN, Kathryn discovers that it has been covered up to protect lucrative defense and security contracts. However, she finds allies in her investigation: Madeleine Rees, head of the Human Rights Commission, and internal-affairs specialist Peter Ward. As her investigation continues, Kathryn is met with threats on her answering machine and dead ends when highers-up override and close all the Internal Affairs cases. Still, she continues to try to find Raya, and finally locates her on a raid, but Raya refuses to come with her. A few days later, Raya is found dead, having been shot in the head by one of the traffickers, Ivan. Kathryn sends an email to fifty senior mission personnel detailing her findings; she is then fired from her job. She and Ward acquire evidence of an official admitting the scandal before she is forced to leave the country, and she brings it to the BBC News. The final credits note that after Kathryn's departure, a number of peacekeepers were sent home (although none faced criminal charges because of immunity laws) and the U. S. continues doing business with private contractors such as Democra Security (including billion-dollar contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Cast [ edit] Production [ edit] Writing [ edit] There were so many people in the same situation as her. They saw what was going on, and they didn't respond in the way that she did. — Rachel Weisz on Kathryn Bolkovac [6] The Whistleblower is based on the experiences of Kathryn Bolkovac, an American police officer who in 1999 was assigned to serve as a peacekeeper with the United Nations in post-war Bosnia. While there, she reportedly discovered a sex-trafficking ring which served and was facilitated by other peacekeepers. Bolkovac was fired after trying to investigate the ring, but later won a wrongful dismissal lawsuit. [6] Director Larysa Kondracki and co-screenwriter Eilis Kirwan learned of Bolkovac's story while attending Columbia University, eight years before the film's production. Kondracki subsequently devoted significant time to research human trafficking and the sex trade. After Bolkovac sold her the film rights for 100, 7] she resolved to adapt the story for the screen. [6] Financing for the project was initially difficult to secure, although the situation improved after Rachel Weisz was cast as Bolkovac. "I was young and naïve. Kondracki said of her initial attempts to secure funding. "I thought: Of course they're going to make my film. It's brilliant. 6] The Whistleblower was described as a "fictionalized dramatic presentation" of a late-1990s scandal. The producers based it on Bolkovac's experiences, rather than on her memoir. [5] Vanessa Redgrave played Madeleine Rees, a UN human-rights official ( one of the film's few heroic characters" who helps Bolkovac uncover the sex trade. Raya ( Roxana Condurache) and Luba (Paula Schramm) two Ukrainian young women who are trafficked into Bosnia, are the primary representations of the trafficking victims encountered by Bolkovac. Neither is based on a particular person; they are composites of young women forced to work in Bosnian brothels. Kondracki's younger sister, Rayisa, also played a trafficking victim. [8] For legal reasons the pseudonym "Democra Security" was used for DynCorp International, the organization whose employees reportedly sexually enslaved the women. [5] Although the producers kept the film factual, they debated how much to include. Details on the bureaucracy were removed. Kondracki said, It was too much information and, frankly, people were bored. 6] Another concern was how much violence against the sex-trafficking victims should be depicted in the film. Kondracki chose to bluntly portray the inhumane treatment of the young women, which she described as accurate representations of what happened. [5] This included a graphic scene, in which Raya is raped with a lead pipe after her escape and recapture. Weisz thought the reality had been toned down, In real life there were girls doing this as young as 8 years old. 6] Kondracki agreed, saying that she had lightened the events depicted out of fear that viewers would "tune it out. 5] We show what is just about permissible to show. We couldn't possibly include the three-week desensitisation period, when they burn the girls in particular places. We couldn't really capture the hopelessness of life these women are subjected to. [9] Kondracki said that her goal for The Whistleblower was "information and exposure" on human trafficking. She said, No one is putting pressure on governments to stop it, and there is no accountability. It's laziness. 6] Filming [ edit] The Whistleblower is a Canadian–German co-production. [8] Weisz received the script from producer Amy Kaufman in 2007. Since she was pregnant with her son at the time, 10] she initially turned down the offer. She said the story haunted her, 11] and she later contacted Kaufman to ask if the project was still available. [11] She signed on in August 2009, 12] and shooting began in October 2009. [13] 14] Bolkovac visited the set in Bucharest, Romania, where most of the movie was filmed. [11] Weisz said that she made a point to spend "every waking moment" with her to accurately portray her. [10] Weisz and Bolkovac are dissimilar in appearance: the former is dark-haired and slight, and the latter is "blond and much more voluptuous" and "much taller. As a result, the actress focused on emulating Bolkovac's accent and determination. [10] Bolkovac later said she commended the choice to portray her and appreciated Weisz's efforts to be accurate. [15] Filming took around six weeks, relatively short for a thriller; Weisz said most take about three months to complete. [16] Producers used hand-held cameras [17] and had a lower budget than usual for the genre. [16] Kondracki said filming in Eastern Europe was crucial, In a story such as this, it's more about what you don't see, so you need to create that world. 14] The Carpathian Mountains in Romania served as the backdrop for the war-ravaged Sarajevo of the late 1990s. [14] Scenes set in UN buildings were filmed in Toronto. [18] Most outdoor scenes are set at night; daytime shots often appear bleak, gray and overcast. This, coupled with a grainy texture, helped create a documentary feel. [19] She was so interested in who I was as a person. Not, obviously, to look like me or to behave like me, but to make sure that my character came out and to make sure that she was saying and doing things perhaps the way that I would've wanted them done. And I know that there had to be a lot of liberties taken to make the movie. But I think in general she does do a great job of bringing my character to the film. — Kathryn Bolkovac on Weisz's portrayal [20] Weisz had to separate herself emotionally from the atrocities depicted in the film. "It's something you learn. she said. "It's true between 'action' and 'cut. and after 'cut' it's just not true anymore. 21] Bolkovac echoed Weisz's sentiments, adding that distancing oneself emotionally is a necessity when working on a police force. [21] However, the producers wanted the audience to be affected by scenes depicting brutal treatment of the women forced into prostitution, and the character of Raya was created to give a human face to the victims. [22] Much of the rape scene was cut after its brutality caused a viewer to faint during the film's first screening in Toronto. [21] Weisz responded: I completely understand. It would be just too harrowing for people to watch. What actually happened was so much worse. I mean the stories I could tell you from the first person who encountered these young women. That was the "light" version if you can believe that. But it isn't a documentary, you don't want to destroy people. You just want to illuminate something that actually happened that was a hundred times worse. [23] Themes [ edit] Victor Malarek 's book The Natashas inspired Kondracki to produce a film on sex trafficking The Whistleblower focuses on sexual slavery, human trafficking, and corruption. [24] Kondracki wanted her first project to concern sex trafficking but was unsure how to create a moving, original plot. Her mother was born in Ukraine, and she was aware of what she described as the country's "epidemic" of trafficking. [7] Victor Malarek 's book The Natashas inspired her to produce a film on the subject. [7] She said of her initiative being a challenge, No one wants to watch a film of an enslaved girl being raped for two hours. 9] Bolkovac's experiences gave Kondracki a framework for the film and added the themes of corruption and wide-scale cover-ups. [7] Film critic Rex Reed said that the abuse of power featured prominently in The Whistleblower; a number of government officials participate in the sex trade or turn a blind eye to it [24] including peacekeepers, UN members and mercenaries. 7] Wallace Baine of the Santa Cruz Sentinel wrote that these aspects' portrayal made the movie "slippery and true-to-life. She said, There are clear and vivid monsters in this film, but there are also those existing in the shades-of-gray middle, nice-enough guys tolerating crimes of unspeakable barbarity. 19] Justice, another prominent theme, does not materialize by the end. [8] The sex trafficking victim Raya is killed, and none of the peacekeepers who participated in the trafficking are prosecuted (although several are sent home. According to Baine, viewers are left with the impression that "the worst violence in Bolkovac's story was the violence done to justice. 19] Bolkovac is portrayed as imperfect—a "noble but screwed up" individual. [24] In the film (which roughly mirrors her real life) her personal life is in disarray. She has lost custody of her children to her ex-husband and goes to Bosnia to earn money to move closer to them. While there, she has an affair with a fellow peacekeeper. [19] Kondracki wanted to promote the idea of an average protagonist who acted against injustice while her peers looked the other way. [7] Her flaws are offset by her determination to fight the sex trade, and reviewers found these aspects instrumental in making her a three-dimensional character. [19] 24] Weisz compared Bolkovac's story of "one lone woman fighting injustice" to that of David and Goliath, her favorite film genre. [11] In the film, as in real life, Bolkovac begins by investigating a case of a kidnapped girl. As the story unfolds, she discovers a wide-ranging web of corruption and faces growing obstacles. The sex trade is facilitated by a large, influential organization. [16] When she tries to report her findings to the UN and local officials, she receives threats and is "shunned by coworkers and thwarted by higher-ups. Weisz explained that she liked the idea of an ordinary person doing something extraordinary. She said, I love that kind of thriller, the ordinary person who, because of their character, it's their character that leads them. 11] Release [ edit] The Whistleblower premiered on 13 September 2010, at the 2010 Toronto Film Festival. [25] Screenings were also held at film festivals in North America, 26] including the 2011 Human Rights Watch Film Festival in New York. [6] A screening was held for The Whistleblower in Bosnia-Herzegovina for the first time in March 2014. The film was shown in Sarajevo and Mostar, with Kathryn Bolkovac being invited to speak to the Bosnian audience. [27] Box office [ edit] Samuel Goldwyn Films purchased rights to distribute the film in the United States. [28] The film had a limited release starting on 5 August 2011. It initially screened in seven theaters and expanded to a maximum of 70 theaters before drawing down. Its theatrical run lasted 12 weeks, during which it grossed 1. 1 million. [4] Critical response [ edit] At the time of its theatrical release, The Whistleblower received mixed reviews. [29] Review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes said critics commended Weisz's performance but thought that "the film suffers from a literal-minded approach to the material. The website surveyed 115 critics and, categorizing the reviews as positive or negative, assessed 85 as positive and 30 as negative. Of the 115 reviews, it determined a rating average of 6. 5 out of 10. Based on the reviews, the website gave the film a score of 74. 30] Another aggregator Metacritic surveyed 30 critics and assessed 17 reviews as positive, 10 as mixed, and three as negative. Based on the reviews, it gave the film a score of 59 out of 100, which it said indicated "mixed or average reviews. 31] The Guardian's Ed Vulliamy called The Whistleblower "the most searing drama-documentary of recent years. 9] and The Huffington Post ' s Marshall Fine said the story was "dark, grim, and harrowing. 32] Doris Toumarkine of Film Journal International called the movie a "well-told but troubling story impressively wrapped for audiences who show up in theatres for do-good cinema of a high order. 18] Leigh Paatsch of said, it is Bolkovac's ferocious will to right so many wrongs (expertly channelled by Weisz) that keeps you glued to the screen. 33] Stephenie Foster of The Huffington Post gave the film a highly-favorable review: It's a compelling and maddening story, and reflects the complexity of how international institutions function and interact and the difficulty of accountability in a situation where people have immunity for their actions. But, it's also a story of gutsy people in tough and compromising situations making decisions that aren't in their personal best interest. [34] An equally-positive review appeared in The Balkan Chronicle: Kondracki shows great promise with her direction. Pacing is tight for the most part, and the film feels well film is unsatisfying only in its conclusion. This is not the fault of the filmmakers who choose to stay true to Bolkovac's story. No one was ever brought to justice. A few of men were fired and sent home, but everyone had diplomatic immunity so no one ever faced criminal charges. Two million people worldwide are still being trafficked. [35] Allison Willmore of The A. V. Club gave The Whistleblower a negative review, criticizing the producers for making its antagonists one-dimensional: There's no hint of the erosion of morality that led to this point. 36] Peter Rainer of The Christian Science Monitor called the film's pace "frustratingly uneven" but commended the actors' performances: Condurache "makes Raya's fears tremblingly palpable. 37] Stephen Holden of The New York Times wrote that the film "tells a story so repellent that it is almost beyond belief. Its conclusion—that in the moral quagmire of war and its aftermath, human trafficking and corruption are collateral damage—is unutterably depressing. 8] He praised Weisz's performance as "the strongest element" of the production. [8] The actors' performances received overall praise from reviewers. Camerin Courtney of Christianity Today was dismayed that the main character engaged in a sexual relationship with a married man, but Weisz "is wonderful as Bolkovac, a no-nonsense civil servant who is stunned at what she walks into" while "Vanessa Redgrave is a needed touch of strength and warmth as her mentor Madeleine, and David Strathairn is at his government thriller best as Peter Ward, an Internal Affairs agent. Raya is heart-breaking as the young victim. 38] Steve Rea of The Post and Courier praised Redgrave's acting in the supporting role of Madeleine Rees as "forceful, elegant, precise. 16] Mick LaSalle of the San Francisco Chronicle said, Weisz gives a psychologically astute performance as a woman who can't leave things alone. 39] Rex Reed of The Observer called her "superb" in the lead role. [24] Kondracki's graphic depiction of violence was controversial. Bob Mondello of NPR called it "sobering" but felt the scenes detracted from the film and should have been more subtle. [40] Ryan Rojas of Tonight at the Movies described the film as "gritty and merciless" and cautioned that certain scenes might offend some viewers: While the scenes do work as reinforcing the horror of the events, it really just made it obvious that the way that the director was going to win over fans was to simply shock them into numbness, as scenes showing rape, mutilation, and murder are shown in very disturbing fashion. 41] Christian Hamaker of wrote: The film is almost unremittingly grim, which may seem appropriate for such a horrifying subject, but the effect on the viewer is that of being struck repeatedly with a sledgehammer. Sex trafficking is bad. Really bad! Did you get that, or do you need to watch a few more scenes of physical and sexual brutality? Don't worry: The Whistleblower has those aplenty. It takes brutality into the realm of gratuitousness, all in the name of showing the horrors of the issue it's addressing. [42] A review in The Balkan Chronicle, an Internet-based newspaper reporting from the Balkans, disagreed with the opinion that the violence was unnecessarily explicit or sensationalized: Sugarcoating it would do no one any good. Grisly authenticity is one of the film's greatest aspects. 43] Later, when Bolkovac spoke at a screening of the film in Bosnia, it was reported that her message was well-received and discussion about the events that occurred in the late 1990s "did not fail to engage and provoke. 27] Home media [ edit] 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment released the film on DVD on 15 January 2012. [9] 44] The movie was reportedly more successful on Blu-ray Disc than in theatres, and film critic Lynette Porter said that the subject's serious nature made it better-suited for television. [26] Accolades [ edit] Aftermath [ edit] In response to controversy caused by the film, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon promised action to prevent sex trafficking by UN workers. Consistent with Bolkovac's account, The Whistleblower portrays DynCorp International employees as participants in the postwar Bosnian sex trade with the UN turning a blind eye. Bolkovac responded, Unfortunately, the widespread horror is already there. This is not going to be simple or a quick fix. She said that in addition to Bosnia, peacekeepers had violated human rights in Nigeria, Kosovo, Burundi, Sierra Leone, the Congo, Liberia, Cambodia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Haiti, Colombia, Guinea and Sudan. [9] 14] Kondracki added that while she wanted to be optimistic and hoped that the screening would "lead to genuine discussion and thought about the UN's involvement in sex trafficking and other crimes" she worried that it might not have the desired lasting impact: I know we are going to hear a lot about what has been done since the time depicted in this film, but rhetoric only goes so far. The situation has escalated. Following the theatrical release of The Whistleblower, The Guardian reported that other UN officials attempted to downplay the events depicted and that initiatives against trafficking in Bosnia were aborted. [9] DynCorp International spokesperson Ashley Burke said: I haven't seen the movie so I can't comment on its content, but I can tell you that, when we contacted the film's distributor to learn more about the movie, we were informed that the film 'is a fictionalized dramatic presentation' that while inspired by Ms. Bolkovac's experiences, is not based on her book. There was no threatened legal action taken to ensure they did not use the company's name in the film. [5] References [ edit] a b Chang, Justin (15 September 2010. Review: The Whistleblower. Variety. Retrieved 14 July 2014. ^ Mackie, John (4 March 2010. Vancouver at the Oscars: District 9 film editor makes the cut. The Vancouver Sun. ^ The Whistleblower (2011. American Film Institute. Retrieved 8 July 2014. ^ a b "The Whistleblower. Box Office Mojo. Retrieved 5 October 2013. ^ a b c d e f Lynch, Colum (29 June 2011. The Whistleblower: The movie the U. N. would prefer you didn't see. Foreign Policy. Retrieved 3 October 2013. ^ a b c d e f g h Karpel, Ari (28 July 2011. Exposing Injustices, the Real-Life Kind. The New York Times. Retrieved 3 October 2013. ^ a b c d e f Griffin, Blake (11 May 2011. Exclusive Interview With Larysa Kondracki On The Whistleblower. We Got this Covered. Retrieved 8 October 2013. ^ a b c d e Holden, Stephen (4 August 2011. The Whistleblower (2010. Retrieved 3 October 2013. ^ a b c d e f Vulliamy, Ed (14 January 2012. Has the UN learned lessons of Bosnian sex slavery revealed in Rachel Weisz film. The Guardian. Retrieved 4 October 2013. ^ a b c Lacher, Irene (31 July 2011. The Sunday Conversation: Rachel Weisz. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 5 October 2013. ^ a b c d e Zakarin, Jordan (1 October 2011. Rachel Weisz In 'The Whistleblower' An Ordinary Woman Doing Extraordinary Things. The Huffington Post. Retrieved 5 October 2013. ^ Siegel, Tatiana (20 August 2009. Trio join Weisz for indie 'Whistleblower. Retrieved 29 November 2009. ^ Blaga, Lulia (28 October 2009. Whistleblower begins filming at MediaPro Studios. Film News Europe. Archived from the original on 18 October 2013. Retrieved 5 October 2013. ^ a b c d Liao, Shannon (5 August 2011. Blowing the Whistle on the U. 's Big Secret. The Epoch Times. Retrieved 6 October 2013. ^ Q&A with Kathryn Bolkovac, inspiration for the film 'The Whistleblower. Park & Go. Archived from the original on 12 October 2013. Retrieved 5 October 2013. ^ a b c d Rea, Steve (28 August 2011. Whistleblower' Rachel Weisz haunted by Bosnian sex-slave story. The Post and Courier. Retrieved 12 October 2013. ^ Whitman, Howard (17 February 2012. Blu-ray Movie Review: The Whistleblower. Technologytell. Retrieved 2 April 2012. ^ a b Toumarkine, Doris (1 August 2011. Film Review: The Whistleblower. Film Journal. Archived from the original on 14 October 2013. Retrieved 5 October 2013. ^ a b c d e Baine, Wallace (18 August 2011. Whistleblower' focuses on horrors of sex trafficking. Santa Cruz Sentinel. Archived from the original on 17 October 2013. Retrieved 8 October 2013. ^ King, Dennis (27 January 2012. Rachel Weisz celebrates heroic woman in fact-based 'The Whistleblower. NewsOK. Retrieved 6 October 2013. ^ a b c Leong, Melissa (17 September 2010. Star Rachel Weisz and subject Kathryn Bolkovac on detaching themselves from the events of The Whistleblower. The National Post. Archived from the original on 7 July 2012. Retrieved 6 October 2013. ^ The Whistleblower (2010/2011. Covering Media. Retrieved 6 October 2013. ^ Hammond, Pete (5 August 2011. HAMMOND: Could Rachel Weisz Be Back In The Oscar Game. Deadline. Retrieved 6 October 2013. ^ a b c d e Reed, Rex (2 August 2011. The Whistleblower Reveals a Truth More Chilling than Fiction. The Observer. Retrieved 8 October 2013. ^ Brevet, Brad (24 August 2010. The Complete 2010 Toronto International Film Festival Line-up. Rope of Silicon. Retrieved 27 May 2011. ^ a b Porter, Lynette (12 September 2010. More than a Movie: The Whistleblower's Heartfelt Plea for Greater Humanity. Pop Matters. Retrieved 7 October 2013. ^ a b Sivertsen, Kim (5 March 2014. The Whistleblower" shown in Sarajevo and Mostar. The Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue. Archived from the original on 15 August 2014. Retrieved 26 June 2014. ^ Kit, Borys (4 November 2010. Rachel Weisz's 'The Whistleblower' Picked Up By Samuel Goldwyn Films. The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved 27 May 2011. ^ Sandell, Scott (13 August 2011. The Whistleblower' Poster child for the middlebrow. Retrieved 3 July 2014. ^ The Whistleblower. Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved 6 October 2013. ^ The Whistleblower. Metacritic. Retrieved 6 October 2013. ^ Fine, Marshall (5 August 2011. HuffPost Review: The Whistleblower. Retrieved 8 October 2013. ^ Paatsch, Leigh (29 September 2011. Film review: The Whistleblower. Retrieved 6 October 2013. ^ Foster, Stephenie (2 August 2011. The Whistleblower: A Compelling Film About Standing Up for What's Right. Retrieved 3 October 2013. ^ The Whistleblower – A film about the true story from Bosnia. The Balkan Chronicle. 20 March 2012. Archived from the original on 28 December 2013. Retrieved 3 October 2013. ^ Willmore, Allison (4 August 2011. The Whistleblower. The A. Club. Retrieved 5 October 2013. ^ Rainer, Peter (5 August 2011. The Whistleblower: movie review. Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved 3 October 2013. ^ Courtney, Camerin (12 August 2011. Christianity Today. Retrieved 7 October 2013. ^ LaSalle, Mick (12 August 2011. The Whistleblower' review: truth improves it. San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved 8 October 2013. ^ Mondello, Bob (4 August 2011. A 'Whistleblower' Against International Injustice. NPR. Retrieved 12 October 2013. ^ Rojas, Ryan (4 August 2011. Movie Review: The Whistleblower – A graphically charged drama about real life human trafficking. Tonight at the Movies. Retrieved 12 October 2013. ^ Hamaker, Christian (5 August 2011. Whistleblower Tackles Human Trafficking. Retrieved 12 October 2013. ^ The Whistleblower—A film about the true story from Bosnia. Retrieved 26 June 2014. ^ The Whistleblower. The-Numbers. Retrieved 26 June 2014. ^ a b "The Whistleblower, a true tale. Sunday Times. 26 May 2013. Retrieved 6 October 2013. ^ a b "Larysa Kondracki. Columbia University. Archived from the original on 10 May 2014. Retrieved 6 October 2013. ^ 22nd Annual Palm Springs International Film Festival Announces Festival Winners. Palm Springs International Film Society. 16 January 2011. Archived from the original on 22 November 2011. Retrieved 6 October 2013. ^ Savage, Sophia (29 June 2011. Many Festivals, Many Winners: iW Rounds up June's Major Film Fest Awards. Indie Wire. Retrieved 6 October 2013. ^ a b. Method. Cafe' lead Genie noms. Delhi News Record. 17 January 2012. Archived from the original on 16 October 2013. Retrieved 12 October 2013. ^ 2012 Genie Awards Nominations: Complete List. Movie Fone. Archived from the original on 27 February 2014. Retrieved 6 October 2013. ^ VFCC Announces 12th Annual Award Nominees. Vancouver Film Critics. 2 January 2012. Retrieved 6 October 2013. External links [ edit] Official website The Whistleblower on IMDb The Whistleblower at Rotten Tomatoes The Whistleblower at Metacritic Kathryn Bolkovac's website.

Rachel Weisz, Monica Bellucci, Vanessa Redgrave, David Strathairn A drama based on the experiences of Kathryn Bolkovac, a Nebraska cop who served as a peacekeeper in post-war Bosnia and outed the U. N. for covering up a sex scandal. The whistleblower download movie youtube. What happened to the North Korea version? That was the best one. 17 lies. Trevor. the best. hilarious. his facial expressions when he talks about the hostage @ 3:20 and on... omg. Trevor is tooooo good. The Whistleblower Download movie reviews. 2:26 Let no man steal your thyme. The whistleblower download movie 2016.

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It's because it's a coup all right they're trying to overthrow the duly elected president and if they do this country will start a revolt. They'll get an Emmy for that Golden Graham stuff... Now we'll have to hear the word whistleblower for the next 3 years. Pelosi wisely held fire until he hung himself. Then, BAM. Wow thanks. I was gonna watch the playlist but this is just as good. Youre awesome. New sub. I am not even American but man American politics drama is so fun to watch. lol 😂😂. The whistleblower download movie torrent. The whistleblower download movies. The whistleblower download movie hd. The Whistleblower Full Movie - video dailymotion. The whistleblower download movie list.

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Joshua Marston Erin Darke, Hansel Tan Romance 7. 4 / 10 A widower is determined to get to the bottom of a potentially explosive secret involving his wife's murder, big business, and corporate corruption. Fernando Meirelles Ralph Fiennes, Danny Huston 6. 2 / 10 The wife of a British Judge is caught in a self-destructive love affair with a Royal Air Force pilot. Terence Davies Tom Hiddleston, Ann Mitchell Adventure 7. 2 / 10 A historical drama set in Roman Egypt, concerning a slave who turns to the rising tide of Christianity in the hope of pursuing freedom while falling in love with his mistress, the philosophy and mathematics professor Hypatia of Alexandria. Alejandro Amenábar Max Minghella, Oscar Isaac Thriller 6. 9 / 10 Johnny Worricker (Bill Nighy) is a long-serving MI5 officer. His boss and best friend Benedict Baron (Sir Michael Gambon) dies suddenly, leaving behind him an inexplicable file, threatening. See full summary  » David Hare Bill Nighy, Tom Hughes Crime Jake Vig (Burns) is a consummate grifter about to pull his biggest con yet, one set to avenge his friend's murder. But his last scam backfired, leaving him indebted to a mob boss (Hoffman) and his enforcer. James Foley Edward Burns, Dustin Hoffman, Rachel Weisz 6. 8 / 10 In 1965, three Mossad Agents cross into East Berlin to apprehend a notorious Nazi war criminal. Thirty years later, the secrets the Agents share come back to haunt them. John Madden Helen Mirren, Sam Worthington, Tom Wilkinson Comedy A quiet, unassuming man begins to change in a major way as a result of meeting a new, art-student girlfriend, and his friends are unsettled by the transformation. Neil LaBute Paul Rudd, Gretchen Mol Action 5. 6 / 10 Following a fatal accident, a Chinese expatriate working for a mining company in Australia discovers that new technology developed by the company may be a health risk, and investigates a web of conspiracies in his search for the truth. Xiaolu Xue Jiayin Lei, Wei Tang, Xi Qi 6 / 10 Soon after moving into their seemingly idyllic new home, a family learns of a brutal crime committed against former residents of the dwelling. Jim Sheridan Daniel Craig, Naomi Watts A dramatic thriller that weaves together the stories of an array of people from disparate social backgrounds through their intersecting relationships. Jude Law, Anthony Hopkins Edit Storyline Inspired by true events, Kathy (Rachel Weisz) is an American police officer who takes a job working as a peacekeeper in post-war Bosnia. Her expectations of helping to rebuild a devastated country are dashed when she uncovers a dangerous reality of corruption, cover-up and intrigue amid a world of private contractors and multinational diplomatic doubletalk. Written by Production Plot Summary Add Synopsis Taglines: Nothing is more dangerous than the truth. Motion Picture Rating ( MPAA) Rated R for disturbing violent content including a brutal sexual assault, graphic nudity and language See all certifications  » Details Release Date: 27 October 2011 (Germany) See more  » Also Known As: The Whistleblower Box Office Opening Weekend USA: 61, 002, 7 August 2011 Cumulative Worldwide Gross: 1, 870, 392 See more on IMDbPro  » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs  » Did You Know? Trivia Bolkovac's case was actually the second against DynCorp (Democra in the movie) alleging misbehavior in Bosnia. Air mechanic Ben Johnston has also sued the company, alleging he was sacked because he had uncovered evidence that DynCorp employees were involved in 'sexual slavery' and selling arms. See more » Goofs As Kathryn walks down the hallway of the Holiday Inn, a shot shows her view looking down the hall. A man is on her left walking toward her. The next shot shows Kathryn's front as she keeps walking down the hall. The man has passed her and his now on her right. See more » Quotes [ first lines] Raya: in Ukrainian] I have to get home. Mama's gonna kill me. Luba: No. You are staying with me tonight. Roman wants us there at nine in the morning. Raya, we've been over this. It's just a few months working in a hotel. Yes, but... You want to work at a Copyshack like your mother? He said it was both of us or nothing! Raya... [ walks away] See more » Soundtracks The Beauty Within Written by Suma Ograda Published by Dennis Music Ethnic Production Music Library Courtesy of The Music People Ltd. See more ».

The whistleblower download movie pc. Hes trying to recreate “The Night of the long knives” and the GOP is complicit. 🤔🤭. Whistleblower was not only CIA but Federal documents reveal that he is a registered Democrat held over from the Obama White House, previously worked with former Vice President Joe Biden and former CIA Director John Brennan, a vocal critic of Trump who helped initiate the Russia collusion investigation of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election. With his background how could any Republican get an UNBIASED report. This LEAKER, NOT a whistleblower needs to be named and shamed. ANY President can call or talk to whoever they want in conducting National Affairs. This is all, another DISGUSTING and DISGRACEFUL DEMOCRATIC STUNT TO DISCREDIT TRUMP. Come Nov 2020, Trump will be voted in by landslide reelection because of these Democratic Losers. The average citizen is sick and tired of these corrupt politicians and continuous antics, while we are paying their salaries. They should be working on HEALTH Care, Infrastructure and Funding the Military and they are just playing partisan politics. THIS IS ANOTHER DEMOCRATIC B S STUNT.

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The 1996 video of Schumer, Naddler and Zoe Lofgren talking about how dangerous a partisan impeachment is and one day the Dems will seek payback is laughable. I am honestly exhausted of hearing the same talking points over and over and over its maddening. Us Tax payers should be furious with the amount of man hours being spent when real work needs to be done. THE ELECTION IS COMING WHEN AMERICA WILL DECIDE. The abuse of power is every politician involved in this. Mark my words after the election all this is going to be looked at as colossal waste of time and money. Imagine if the money was used to help the homeless in America.

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. Karim Aïnouz. Carol Duarte, Flávia Gusmão. rating 1852 Votes. reviews A Vida Invisível is a movie starring Julia Stockler, Carol Duarte, and Flávia Gusmão. Two sisters born in Rio de Janeiro make their way through life, each mistakenly believing the other is living out her dreams half a world away. Karim Aïnouz. Phone A Vida Invisível d'hiv. Adoro os filme do Woody Allen. Esse filme tem na netflix. Ainda existe chance de Bacurau ser indicado em alguma categoria do Oscar. Phone A Vida Invisíval d'oise. Parece mesmo nós - como Nação - sendo invadidos e tomados por selvagens. Luke: Que a força esteja com você Léia: Sempre PQP.

Belo filme e bela lei rouanet ! Que paradoxo. Só os macho(cados) aqui fazendo mimimi. Mn só eu q quando li o nome do filme pensei q era um live action da quele anime parasyte? Kkkk. Cinema Br insiste nesses clichês de mostrar o RJ, morro da Urca, de maneirismos, de exagero. E outra forçar a barra em ter que ter Fernanda Montenegro em tudo só por causa que ela foi indicada uma vez, achei o testo fraco e previsível, sinto muito se Cidade de Deus não ganhou, não vai ser esse que vai ganhar.

Bacurau seria melhor no Oscar. Filme incrível <3. Infelizmente é uma triste realidade que este filme retrata! Envolvidos com os compromissos cotidianos muitas vezes passamos despercebidos, mas observando melhor deparamos constantemente em nossa caminhada. 1:51 spoiler do final do filme.

Elle and Timmy ♥️. Um filme com Gregório Duvivier ganhando o Oscar? Tem uma galera aí que vai chorar sangue se isso acontecer... Pra que tantos remakes e continuações de filmes no cinema. Guida and Euidice are two sisters who could not be any more different. Euridice is tall, Guida is short. Euridice is focused, determined and working hard to become a professional pianist, Guida can't think about anything but boys. When a tragic incident separates them the girls are lost without each other but they never give up hope to meet again. A desperate search turns into a journey of a lifetime, when in fact the girls only live a few streets away from each other. will the sisters be able to reunite? And at what cost?
Based on a novel INVISIBLE LIFE offers a very typical plot for Brazilian cinema. Sisters separated by fate is a tagline straight from GLOBO tv channel soap operas that are so popular in Brazil. With a running time of 2h20min the pace is rather slow and the story takes its time to get going. Where the film succeeds is the atmosphere of the 40s Rio, with its walkways, restaurants, and its diminishing Portuguese middle class that can easily slip into extreme hardship and poverty.
Independent director Karim Ainouz is a Cannes darling but has never quite made it into the big league. This feels like a passion project for him and his love for Rio is obvious in every shot. Definitely not for everyone THE INVISIBLE LIFE is rich in emotion and atmosphere. Watch out for a small role from Brazilian acting royalty Fernando Montenegro. Her emotional gut wrenching cameo could be just the reason to see this overlong family saga.

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Phone A Vida Invisívélo. Aitah poourr. Agente era namorado ta! Mas e meu sentimento? Caguei É... é queci q ñ tenho mais p@u😂😂😂😂. Coisas que foram surpresa pra mim. Ad Astra fora de efeitos e trilha - O Irlandês fora de maquiagem e trilha - The Ballad of Lonesome Cowboy fora de canção - Latinos Americanos fora de Filme Internacional - Parasite tinha canção original.

A única coisa ruim do filme é esse gregório

Gloria colibri Fernanda. Poderia ser interessante, já vi alguns filmes com esse tema que são bons, mas acho que esse humor meio pastelão, meio Porta dos Fundos vai foder o filme. Crl a felicidade do hessel em fazer essa entrevista. Inclusive: foi excelente. É uma lágrima que sinto em meu rosto? Kkkk Creio q sim Tomara q seja épico Merece e muito. Esse filme é simplesmente maravilhoso e necessário. Impecável. Candidato oficial do Brasil ao Oscar. Parabéns. Que trailer incrível! ansiosíssimo pra descobrir o que se passa em bacurau.

Novela? Oi? Me lembrou muito Almodóvar tb. Os Arianators surtam com a trilha sonora. Filme brasileiro escolhido para tentar vaga no Oscar mostra drama feminino nos anos 50. Trabalho cuidadoso de Karim Aïnouz tem dose extra de emoção com Fernanda Montenegro. Dá para chamar "A vida invisível" de "drama de época" mas com ênfase maior na primeira palavra dessa definição. É drama que não acaba mais, daqueles de ouvir soluços na sala de cinema. Mas retrata a época dos anos 1950 com liberdade: os diálogos parecem atuais e o tema feminino bate forte em 2019. O diretor Karim Aïnouz (de "O Céu de Suely" e "Praia do Futuro" faz um trabalho cuidadoso em um melodrama assumido. A história é do desencontro de duas irmãs: Carol Duarte e Fernanda Montenegro dividem o papel da talentosa e reprimida Eurídice; Julia Stockler vive a rebelde Guida. O filme levou o prêmio Um Certo Olhar em Cannes e foi escolhido para tentar a vaga do Brasil no Oscar. O apoio da Amazon, que comprou os direitos de distribuição, e o renome do produtor Rodrigo Teixeira são trunfos na campanha. A lista final de indicados sai no dia 10 de janeiro. Assista ao trailer de "A vida invisível" A direção de arte e as atuações podem te fazer esquecer que a história se passa há 60 anos. As cores são fortes, de um Rio de Janeiro vivo e cheio de verde, em contraste com as mulheres que lutam para continuar a ver alguma luz ali. As irmãs falam dentro de casa como se fossem millenials cheias de sonhos. Não chega a ser um "Maria Antonieta" de Sofia Coppola, em que a rainha tem tênis All Star. Mas também passa longe da pompa que um filme do tipo poderia ter. Não é um caso de falha de ambientação, mas de uma escolha por misturar os tempos - o que faz mais sentido quando a história chega à Eurídice dos dias atuais de Fernanda Montenegro. Karim Aïnouz e elenco falam sobre 'A vida invisível' Mas o período atual é curto - Fernanda tem presença importante, mas com pouco tempo de tela. Quase tudo se passa em um mundo antes da revolução cultural dos anos 1960. A afirmação feminista que viria anos depois ainda era um desejo difuso das irmãs. Gregório Duviver vai bem como Antenor, o marido que era ao mesmo tempo inseguro e controlador. Em resumo, as duas passam o tempo todo sofrendo por causa de homem - e não tem nada a ver com sofrimento romântico. A violência sexual e psicológica dentro de um casamento visto como normal é revelada com o teor de tragédia que o tema requer, ainda mais no Brasil. Karim Ainuz fala de campanha para vaga no Oscar A trama baseada em um romance de Martha Batalha, A vida invisível de Eurídice Gusmão" é bem particular, cheia de lances de azar e sofrimentos interlaçados. É um grande melodrama, no bom sentido. Julia Stockler e Carol Duarte têm uma química notável para uma história de desencontros. A dupla já garantiria o suficiente para sair satisfeito - e chorando - da sala de cinema. Mas aí chega a parte de Fernanda Montenegro para turbinar o drama. Fernanda Montenegro em cena do filme 'A vida invisível de Eurídice Gusmão' do diretor Karim Aïnouz — Foto: Divulgação/Bruno Machado São as cenas mais emocionantes envolvendo Fernanda Montenegro e cartas desde "Central do Brasil" 1998. A campanha pela indicação também tenta uma vaga para ela como atriz coadjuvante, o que corrigiria a injustiça de ter perdido para Gwyneth Paltrow há 20 anos. Pena que, apesar da chance de indicação, a estatueta na categoria de filme internacional é improvável. Ele sai no mesmo ano do sul-coreano "Parasita" cotado até na categoria principal - azar semelhante ao de "Central do Brasil" no ano de "A vida é bela. Premiado ou não, é um dos filmes do ano. Campanha do Brasil no Oscar com 'A vida invisível' — Foto: Arte G1 Newsletter G1 Created with Sketch. O que aconteceu hoje, diretamente no seu e-mail As notícias que você não pode perder diretamente no seu e-mail. Para se inscrever, entre ou crie uma Conta Globo gratuita. Obrigado! Você acaba de se inscrever na newsletter Resumo do dia.

Phone A Vida Invisível satis. Se A Vida Invisível deparar com Dor e Glória no Oscar 2020, um páreo difícil para o premiado brasileiro diante do emocionante filme-testamento de Pedro Almodóvar, a disputa pelo menos atestará a força do melodrama como um gênero que se renova de tempos em tempos. Diretor que sempre se mostrou avesso a aderir a formatos tradicionais de cinema narrativo, Karim Aïnouz faz na adaptação do livro de Martha Batalha uma aproximação com o melodrama americano dos anos 1950 que não seria a mesma se não houvesse Almodóvar como um intermediário. Isso fica latente principalmente no uso de cores; Aïnouz faz seu filme mais arrojado cromaticamente desde a estreia em longas com Madame Satã. Não por acaso, são duas histórias ambientadas no Rio de Janeiro, na Lapa da metade do século 20, e ao mesmo tempo em que se arrisca ineditamente com A Vida Invisível numa estrutura de roteiro com causalidade mais amarrada, Aïnouz transita por terreno que já conhece: a noite carioca, a umidade, o calor que se sente na latência dos corpos e das cores. É por meio desse calor que o filme fará transpirar seu melodrama. A trama lembra mesmo os filmes de Douglas Sirk sobre afetos partidos, sufocados em questões domésticas. As irmãs Eurídice ( Carol Duarte) e Guida ( Julia Stockler) sonham alto, têm a vida inteira pela frente, mas não têm de fato. Elas se separam quando Guida foge para a Europa com um marinheiro e é deserdada pelo pai, e Eurídice sai de casa para se casar e formar família com Antenor ( Gregório Duvivier. O filme trata da tentativa de reencontro das irmãs nos anos seguintes, para representar essa busca por uma reparação dos sonhos precocemente largados pelo caminho. Sirk era um esteta na composição de enquadramentos mas nunca um cineasta da estilização. O que Rainer Werner Fassbinder e Almodóvar fizeram ao assimilar sua influência foi tirar os turbilhões emocionais das heroínas de Sirk de dentro dos corpos e transformá-los em uma manifestação exterior. Em Fassbinder isso está muito na profundidade de campo, em Almodóvar na cenografia e no design de interiores; cores, volumes e texturas que formam um programa estético (pautado frequentemente pelo excesso) capaz de traduzir o que é esse turbilhão interior das personagens. Ao Omelete, Aïnouz diz que buscou também o excesso em A Vida Invisível, seu primeiro longa rodado em digital, e isso fica bem filtrado na forma como o Rio de Janeiro se apresenta, certamente uma cidade bem mais ventosa no filme do que na vida real. Palmeiras, cortinas, cabelos, tudo se agita em A Vida Invisível ao sabor do vento, uma das formas que o diretor encontra para - nessa tradição estetizada do melodrama - traduzir visualmente o que Guida e Eurídice vivem caoticamente sem compartilhar com os outros, enquanto tocam suas rotinas na medida do possível. A floresta que invade a cidade com suas cores e seus barulhos (realçados no design de som) abre o filme e o encerra também, para demarcar bem a relação de Eurídice com seu lado original, selvagem. não necessariamente uma castidade mas uma vitalidade inabalável. Por conta dessa oportunidade de rodar no Rio, onde mesmo as tintas mais fortes não parecem um exagero tão grande assim, A Vida Invisível tem na cidade seu grande protagonista e um excelente cenário para o melodrama pictórico: o clima abafado, presente o tempo inteiro nos cabelos molhados, e a umidade inclemente que mofa as paredes das casas, dão conta da inquietação e da estagnação. Mofa-se no Rio de Janeiro com aquela sensação de incômodo que nunca passa. Eurídice troca de vestidos (o cuidado com figurino e cabelo também é pensado para expressar estados de espírito) sempre com o desconforto do que não se pertence. A impermanência e o chamamento do exílio são questões-chave no cinema de Karim Aïnouz, e é interessante antepor A Vida Invisível a filmes como O Céu de Suely ou O Abismo Prateado para entender o trajeto que o cineasta faz aqui. Suas heroínas de lugar nenhum estão eternamente fadadas à busca, e talvez A Vida Invisível seja mesmo um filme mais fechado porque essa busca já tem nomes: Eurídice procura Guida, procura a música, procura a si mesma em coisas que ela tem mais ou menos definidas em mente. Estamos diante de um filme de causas e efeitos mais claros porque a própria Eurídice tem noção do que perde a cada escolha que é feita em nome dela. A partir daí, o controle do filme transita um pouco: deixa de ser sobre o olhar de Aïnouz (a busca de Hermila Guedes em O Céu de Suely é sempre uma busca de Karim, é o diretor que elege no corte e na câmera o que a personagem erraticamente busca sem saber) e passa a ser mais sobre a presença de Carol Duarte, a intérprete de Eurídice. E aí está o principal impasse do filme, porque é o momento em que - nessa tentativa de flerte com o cinema mais narrativo - Aïnouz precisa transferir o poder para sua atriz principal. Porque a escolha pela narrativa tradicional em boa medida é uma escolha pela invisibilidade do autor. Ironicamente, então, embora trate da invisibilidade de Eurídice Gusmão, quem tem dificuldade em "desaparecer" para que a personagem ganhe autonomia é o próprio diretor, presente em cena através de todos os formalismos com que este melodrama se veste. Os filmes anteriores de Aïnouz dependiam demais de uma capacidade dos atores de ocupar espaços, reivindicá-los, para a partir disso viabilizar uma dramaturgia, e Duarte se move nervosamente em cena atrás desse controle, sem autoridade de protagonista. O casal com Duvivier frequentemente parece um cosplay de adulto numa peça de época - o que até tem a ver com a condição dos personagens mas talvez seja uma consequência involuntária da encenação problemática. Não por acaso os momentos mais fortes são aqueles que exigem de Carol Duarte uma extroversão previamente ensaiada, como a dança no casamento, quase uma possessão. Nessas horas se apazigua a relação da câmera com sua atriz principal, porque na catarse Aïnouz consegue compartilhar o controle, ainda que pareça calculado. No mais, é o diretor quem dita a relevância e o ritmo: cenas de uma violência contida, como essa dança possuída ou o momento em que o pai limpa raivoso o peixe, têm os planos encurtados no final; o corte abrupto conserva a excepcionalidade desses momentos de impacto e os isola, em favor de um acúmulo de desconfortos. (Acúmulo esse que também se dá nas cores, na temperatura, nos sons. ) Talvez a comparação com a subtrama de Guida seja boa para mostrar esse descompasso. Sempre que o filme mostra a fábrica onde ela trabalha, vemos um borrão cinzento ao fundo, opressivo, sem objetos especificamente ressaltados como detalhe - um espaço que achata as pessoas e as oprime pela falta de especificidade. Não é, por assim dizer, um espaço "digno" de construção de uma história visual como é a sala de estar de Eurídice. Talvez por isso Julia Stockler ocupe a fábrica tão bem, a cada gesto carregado de pesar, quando coloca ou tira o macacão, ou quando acusa a brutalidade que carrega nas mãos. Em outras palavras, dentro desse terreno baldio Stockler tem liberdade de reivindicá-lo e o faz com propriedade, torna-o seu. Ela então passa a carregar a fábrica consigo. Essa questão de carregar o mundo dentro de si é o que está no centro do melodrama como gênero, é o que o potencializa. Ao colocar uma série de obstáculos diante de sua Eurídice (objetos de cena, condições climáticas, cortes de câmera) Aïnouz não consegue em A Vida Invisível que isso se transforme em um senso de desconforto verdadeiramente de Eurídice - ao longo do filme esse desconforto é de Carol Duarte. O filme resiste ao close-up dela talvez por sentir que há algo ali fora de lugar ou de tom. Já Guida é filmada frontalmente desde o início, exposta ao julgamento da sua impulsividade, e Stockler responde melhor ao estímulo talvez por este ser mais claro e direto. De que forma é possível partir de um cinema que elege seus protagonistas pela expansividade, como Aïnouz fez até hoje, para chegar a uma protagonista cuja norma é a anulação, como Eurídice? Esse desafio que se apresenta ao diretor é maior e mais problemático do que sua decisão de tatear uma narrativa menos lacunar. A questão fica aberta, e o final do filme escolhe o caminho mais garantido: sacar Fernanda Montenegro para o close-up enfim sacramentador. Nessa hora se desvela essa coisa absolutamente inclassificável que é a consciência corporal e a presença de cena de uma atriz desigual, e nela o filme enfim consegue descobrir uma certa harmonia entre a intenção e sua expressão. A Vida Invisível A vida invisível Ano: 2019 País: Brasil Classificação: 16 anos Direção: Karim Aïnouz Roteiro: Murilo Hauser Elenco: Gregório Duvivier, Fernanda Montenegro, Júlia Stockler, Carol Duarte.




Download Full Pati Patni Aur Woh Solar Movies 1280p 123movies dual audio

Pati Patni Aur Woh
8.9 stars - Anguish Elizabeth




Release Year: 2019

1477 votes

actor: Bhumi Pednekar

Duration: 126 Min


Kuch Samajh Nahi Aya... Par Sunke Achha Laga 😛.
Videos Learn more More Like This Comedy, Drama 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7. 6 / 10 X Two couples with the same surnames pursue in-vitro fertilization and wait for their upcoming babies. Trouble ensues when they find that the sperms of each couple have been mixed with each other. Director: Raj Mehta Stars: Akshay Kumar, Kareena Kapoor, Diljit Dosanjh Action Crime 7. 7 / 10 Shivani Shivaji Roy is back and this time she's on the trail of a 21 year old merciless villain who targets women. Gopi Puthran Rani Mukerji, Vishal Jethwa, Shruti Bapna 7. 5 / 10 It tells the story of a man who is balding prematurely and how he copes up with the situation. Amar Kaushik Ayushmann Khurrana, Bhumi Pednekar, Yami Gautam History 5. 9 / 10 The film is based on the third battle of Panipat which took place on the 14 of January in 1761 between the Marathas and the King of Afghanistan, Ahmad Shah Abdali. Ashutosh Gowariker Arjun Kapoor, Sanjay Dutt, Kriti Sanon Thriller 6 / 10 Karan goes to London to stop a terrorist attack on India. Aditya Datt Vidyut Jammwal, Adah Sharma, Gulshan Devaiah 7. 3 / 10 Chaman Kohli is 30 -year-old bachelor with Premature Balding and in quest of a beautiful wife. Chaman hits rock bottom when an astrologer gives him a deadline to find himself a wife or remain a celibate forever. Sunny Singh Nijjar, Maanvi Gagroo, Saurabh Shukla Romance 7. 2 / 10 Rom-com Movie, directed by Raaj Shaandilyaa, stars Ayushmann Khurrana who plays a 'dream girl. In every love story, there is always one trying to win the heart of the other, who could be the 'dream girl. Raaj Shaandilyaa Nushrat Bharucha, Annu Kapoor 6. 5 / 10 An Indian soldier chases after his mentor who has gone rogue after an unexpected kill. Siddharth Anand Hrithik Roshan, Tiger Shroff, Vaani Kapoor Biography 8. 4 / 10 Tanhaji Malusare, a military chieftain in the army of the Maratha king Shivaji, leads the charge to capture the strategically important Kondhana fort guarded by the army of the fierce Rajput chieftain Udaybhan Rathod. Om Raut Ajay Devgn, Saif Ali Khan, Kajol 6. 2 / 10 Story of Failed Gujarati Businessman, who jumps into unknown world of China to get once in a life time business idea, which will change his life. Mikhil Musale Rajkummar Rao, Boman Irani, Mouni Roy 8. 3 / 10 Both over the age of 60, Chandro Tomar and Prakashi Tomar inspire other women in India when they demonstrate their expert sharpshooting skills. Tushar Hiranandani Taapsee Pannu, Prakash Jha 8. 2 / 10 A celebrated Bollywood director Rohan Khurana stands accused by a female member of his crew, Anjali Dangle of having raped her at his residence. Ajay Bahl Akshaye Khanna, Richa Chadha, Meera Chopra Edit Storyline Chintu Tyagi is an ordinary, middle class man who finds himself torn between his wife and another woman. Plot Summary Add Synopsis Details Release Date: 6 December 2019 (USA) See more  » Also Known As: Pati Patni Aur Woh Box Office Opening Weekend USA: 422, 960, 8 December 2019 Cumulative Worldwide Gross: 6, 712, 525 See more on IMDbPro  » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs  » Did You Know? Trivia This movie is loosely based on same title movie released in 1978. See more » Goofs At beginning of movie the narrator's says that Abhinav has punched female cop but in reality he punched a male cop. See more » Connections Remake of Pati Patni Aur Woh  (1978) See more ».
It's just a movie but young guys who loose hair loose confidence and get depressed... people who are in this condition know and understand about how it feels to loose hair.
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This bakwas movie ka bakwas trailer made my mind to see Tanhaji 5th time again. 2:34 Beautiful Song 🎶. Level 1 He gets money for enacting those. He won't care. He also has his Pyaar ka Punchnama fanbase putting him on a pedestal. level 2 Also the Indian law and government does not consider marital rape as rape. level 1 First of all, you can't just generalize like this. This rape Joke is not funny but others are. These are jokes and people need to take them as jokes. Real problem about that line in the trailer was that the actor was not even joking in the scene and it was a statement. This article is garbage if they can't even point that out. level 2 Did you know, 7 out of 8 people enjoy gang rape level 1 the moment people start telling others whats funny whats not. its end of comedy... level 2 Exactly, Kartik Aryans notion of rape and marital rape is definitely questionable but it does not mean we start telling others what is funny and what isn't. level 2 Comment deleted by user 3 months ago ( More than 1 child) level 2 Comment deleted by user 3 months ago ( More than 1 child) level 1 Comment deleted by user 3 months ago ( More than 3 children) level 1 Rape jokes are not funny. They sound a bit forced. level 1 Crap article. Writer is a total dumbfuck. A person can lie to someone or manipulate someone (juggaad) to have sex with other person. It would definitely be wrong morally but not a rape as the second person would be consenting to have sex with the liar or manipulator. At one point one person has to be smart enough to understand when he or she is being taken advantage of. In the end, the real world is a dog eat dog world. Goddamn, what kind of reporting news agencies are doing these days. level 1 Isn't he already Typecasted. His career doesn't seem to go anywhere level 1 Bollywood is all about hypocrisy. level 1 You can joke about practically anything. level 1 The fuck is "sex hassil karliya" Women don't give men sex, it's a mutual thing. level 2 I can see your cognitive dissonance 6 points 3 months ago level 1 He has one of those punchable faces.


Arijit ❤️. Pati Patni Aur Woh Theatrical release poster Directed by Mudassar Aziz Produced by Bhushan Kumar Renu Ravi Chopra Juno Chopra Krishan Kumar Written by Mudassar Aziz (dialogue) Screenplay by Mudassar Aziz Based on Pati Patni Aur Woh by Kamleshwar Starring Kartik Aaryan Bhumi Pednekar Ananya Panday Music by Songs: Tanishk Bagchi Rochak Kohli Sachet–Parampara Tony Kakkar Lijo George - DJ Chetas Score: John Stewart Eduri Cinematography Chirantan Das Edited by Ninad Khanolkar Production company T-Series B. R. Studios Distributed by AA Films Release date 6 December 2019 Running time 126 minutes [1] Country India Language Hindi Budget 35 crore Box office est. 117. 70 crore [2] Pati Patni Aur Woh ( transl.  The husband, the wife, and 'her' is a 2019 Indian Hindi -language romantic comedy film directed by Mudassar Aziz and produced by Renu Ravi Chopra. The film is a remake of the 1978 film of same name, and stars Kartik Aaryan, Bhumi Pednekar and Ananya Panday in the lead roles. Filming began on 4 February 2019, 3] and the film was theatrically released in India on 6 December 2019. [4] 5] Plot [ edit] Chintu Tyagi is an ordinary, middle-class man from Kanpur who is married to Vedika Tripathi. He is bored in his day-to-day life and finds comfort in Tapasya Singh, a young fashion designer from Delhi. From the day she compliments him about his smile, Chintu finds himself drawn towards Tapasya. Chintu woos Tapasya. However, one day Vedika learns the truth and sees them together. Vedika does not tell Chintu that she knows of his infidelity and leaves home early to attend her cousin's wedding. Chintu then goes to Tapasya's home and meets her friends. Tapasya and Chintu go to a nightclub. Upon returning to Tapasya's home, Tapasya is ready to move their relationship to the next level but Chintu's conscience holds him back. He realizes he has wronged Vedika. But it is too late, as at the cousin's wedding, a drunken Vedika meets her ex-boyfriend. Vedika tells Chintu she is leaving him and knows of his infidelity. Chintu is heartbroken and goes to Vedika's parents home but she is not there. Chintu becomes a different man and trashes Vedika's ex-boyfriend's travel agency. Chintu is sent to jail and is then bailed out by his friend. Chintu becomes depressed. He then finds out Vedika is leaving the country and frantically drives to the airport with the police chasing him. At the airport, he finds Vedika, Tapasya and Vedika's ex-boyfriend. Chintu tries to stop Vedika and then finds out it is Vedika's ex-boyfriend who is going to Canada. He learns that this was a plan to make Chintu realize Vedika's worth. In the end, Vedika forgives him and they reconcile, thus living happily ever after. Later one day, a new girl named Neha, comes to Chintu's office with a contract. Chintu finds himself infatuated by her. Cast [ edit] Kartik Aaryan as Abhinav "Chintu" Tyagi Bhumi Pednekar as Vedika Tyagi née Tripathi Ananya Panday as Tapasya Singh Aparshakti Khurana as Fahim Rizvi (Chintu's friend) Manu Rishi Chadha as Mukhtar Singh (Tapasya's father) Rajesh Sharma as Prem Tripathi (Vedika's father) K. K. Raina as Arvind Tyagi (Chintu's father) Navni Parihar as Kusum Tyagi (Chintu's mother) Neeraj Sood as Brijesh Kumar Pandey Geeta Agarwal Sharma as Hemlata Tripathi (Vedika's mother) Shubham Kumar as Rakesh Yadav Sunny Singh as Doga (special appearance) Kriti Sanon as Neha Khanna (special appearance) Jimmy Sheirgill as the narrator Marketing and release [ edit] The first look of characters of the film were released on 15 October. [6] 7] Next day, on 16 October two theatrical posters were released, presenting theme of the film, and the release date was also announced as 6 December 2019. [8] The trailer of the film was released on 4 November 2019 by T-Series. [9] Soundtrack [ edit] Pati Patni Aur Woh Soundtrack album by Tanishk Bagchi, Rochak Kohli, Sachet–Parampara, Tony Kakkar and Lijo George - DJ Chetas Released 14 January 2020 [10] Recorded 2019 Genre Feature film soundtrack Length 21: 37 Label T-Series External audio Official Audio Jukebox on YouTube The music is composed by Tanishk Bagchi, Rochak Kohli, Sachet–Parampara, Tony Kakkar and Lijo George - DJ Chetas with, lyrics written by Kumaar, Mellow D, Tony Kakkar, Tanishk Bagchi, Navi Ferozpurwala and Shabbir Ahmed. The song "Ankhiyon Se Goli Maare" from Dulhe Raja, originally composed by Anand-Milind and written by Sameer Anjaan was recreated for the film twice- once by Tanishk Bagchi and then by DJ Chetas. [11] 12] Track listing No. Title Lyrics Music Singer(s) Length 1. "Dheeme Dheeme" Mellow D, Tanishk Bagchi, Tony Kakkar Tanishk Bagchi, Tony Kakkar Neha Kakkar, Tony Kakkar 2:57 2. "Ankhiyon Se Goli Mare" Shabbir Ahmed Tanishk Bagchi Mika Singh, Tulsi Kumar 3:26 3. "Dilbara" Navi Ferozpurwala Sachet–Parampara Sachet Tandon, Parampara Thakur 4:07 4. "Tu Hi Yaar Mera" Film Version) Kumaar Rochak Kohli Armaan Malik, Neha Kakkar 3:20 5. "Dilbara" Version 2) Navi Ferozpurwala Sachet-Paramapara B Praak 4:08 6. "Ankhiyon Se Goli Maare Returns" Shabbir Ahmed Lijo George - DJ Chetas Dev Negi, Asees Kaur 3:39 7. "Tu Hi Yaar Mera" Version 2) Kumaar Rochak Kohli Arijit Singh, Neha Kakkar 3:20 Total length: 24:57 Box office [ edit] Pati Patni Aur Woh ' s opening day domestic collection was 9. 10 crore. On the second day, the film collected 12. 33 crore. On the third day, the film collected 14. 51 crore, taking total opening weekend collection to 35. 94 crore. [2] As of 17 January 2020, with a gross of 85. 46 crore in India and 12. 18 crore overseas, the film has a worldwide gross collection of 115. 61 crore. [2] References [ edit] External links [ edit] Pati Patni Aur Woh on IMDb Pati Patni Aur Woh at Bollywood Hungama Pati Patni Aur Woh at Rotten Tomatoes.

It's an average movie. only one time can watch it if you have nothing else to do. I didn't find it very funny. Bhumi was good. Kartik was Ok Ananya was a miscaste. Pati Patni Aur Woh Story: The film, a modern take on the cult comedy-drama by the same name (1978) follows the escapades of a married man, who falls for another woman, and the chaos that ensues. Pati Patni Aur Woh Review: Abhinav Tyagi aka Chintu Tyagi (Kartik) a government employee from Kanpur, is smitten by the feisty Vedika (Bhumi) when their parents get them to meet each other as a prospective match. Soon, they tie the knot. The couple seems to be enjoying marital bliss until Tapasya Singh (Ananya) walks into their life. She adds a dash of sass and spice to Chintus otherwise mundane existence. He now wants to spend time with the young girl, who is in Kanpur to look for a plot to set up a workshop for her boutique in Delhi. When Chintu feels that she is hesitant to be friendly with him due to his marital status, he spins a yarn. Adding to the madness is his friend Fahim Rizvi (Aparshakti) who sometimes aids Chintu in his exploits, and at times adds to his troubles. Unfortunately, things go out of control and lead to a lot of confusion and drama. Kartik as Chintu Tyagi strikes the right balance as a man who breaks away from the routine when an opportunity presents itself. The actor has a charming screen presence and makes the most of his part. Once again, he strikes with a monologue, something thats become a trademark for Kartik. This time around, however, he isnt ranting about the women in his life, but talks about the rut that most middle-class men get caught in. Bhumi is in good form as the ambitious Vedika (Chintus wife. She is a teacher, who has her own fan following among her students, and even flaunts a glam avatar. The actress has proved that she can get into the skin of any character and does the same with ease this time around, too. Ananya, who made debut earlier this year with ‘Student Of The Year 2, shows a lot of improvement. She does need to work on certain aspects like her dialogue delivery, but she seems to have found her comfort zone in front of the camera. Besides the three central characters, Aparshakti Khurana, with his noteworthy comic timing, often steals the scene. He has proved time and again that he is an asset to any film. The actor has shared screen space with Kartik in ‘Luka Chuppi, and their easy camaraderie is evident in this movie, too. Its their scenes together that bring in the most laughs. Filmmaker Mudassar Aziz, who has directed films like ‘Happy Bhaag Jayegi (2016) and ‘Happy Phirr Bhaag Jayegi (2018) has a firm hold over the romcom genre. Though he takes some time to set up the plot, he doesn't let the film deviate from its path. He keeps the film breezy and ensures that there are enough funny dialogues and witty one-liners to keep you hooked. He keeps the narrative simple and avoids getting into the preachy zone. Though the plot is known, the director manages to keep you invested throughout. Though this is a remake of the Sanjeev Kumar-starrer, the treatment given to it is such that it is relevant even to the viewers today. The dialogues are funny, but though words like ‘kantap are used, it seems to be a superficial attempt at adding a local flavour. A tighter edit would have helped quicken the pace, but thankfully, there arent too many songs popping up. Watch out for two special appearances and a throwback to the original film, when Kartik hums, ‘Thande thande paani se. If you are looking for some good entertainment this weekend, this one could be a delightful watch.

Download Full Pati Patni Aur wohnungen. Akssh vani. Download full pati patni aur woh full movie 2019. Pati patni aur woh full movie download kaise kare. Mst look🤘🤘🤘🤘. Download full pati patni aur woh box office. After Kartik Aaryan and company received heavy backlash for his monologue in Pati, Patni, Aur Woh, looks like the makers have made the decision after all. Kartik Aaryan's monologues have been one that have been famous for the longest time now. What started with Pyaar Ke Punchnama has continued in another form with his upcoming film Pati Patni Aur Woh, however, this time, it has lead to a lot of backlash to the actor, along with the team. The movie also co-stars Ananya Panday and Bhumi Pednekar in lead roles, and while the actor's dialogue does talk about marital rape like a joke, both the leading ladies have also been asked to stand up to this being actresses. In the movie, Kartik says, “Biwi se sex maang lein, toh hum bhikaari. Biwi ko sex mana kar dein, toh hum atyachaari aur kisi tarah jugaad laga ke uss se sex haasil kar lein na toh balaatkaari bhi hum hain. ” (If we ask wife for sex, we are beggars, if we say no to them for sex then we are tormentors, and if we manage to get sex, we are rapists) This dialogue has not gone well with the audience, and everyone has criticised the entire team for the same. Now, reports have it that the monologue will be edited out of the film since it has come across as offensive. Source.

Pati Patni Aur Woh Poster Directed by B. R. Chopra Produced by B. Chopra Written by Kamleshwar Starring Sanjeev Kumar Vidya Sinha Ranjeeta Music by Ravindra Jain Release date 7 July 1978 Running time 141 minutes Country India Language Hindi Pati Patni Aur Woh ( transl.  The husband, the wife and the mistress) is a 1978 Hindi movie produced and directed by B. Chopra. The film stars Sanjeev Kumar, Vidya Sinha, Ranjeeta Kaur, and in guest appearances Rishi Kapoor, Neetu Singh and Parveen Babi. The film was remade under the same name in 2019 starring Kartik Aaryan, Bhumi Pednekar and Ananya Pandey. The film was directed by Mudassar Aziz and produced by Bhushan Kumar. Plot [ edit] The film starts off indicating the parallels of the story with that of Adam & Eve. Here, Adam is Ranjeet, Eve is Sharda while the apple is Nirmala. Ranjeet is newly employed in a company, whose pay scales can be gauged from the fact that he goes to work on a bicycle. However, this bicycle itself brings him face-to-face with Sharda, when he bumps into her by accident. Sharda's bicycle gets badly damaged & Ranjeet drops her off. The same evening, Ranjeet goes to the wedding of his friend Abdul Karim Durrani ( Asrani) a co-worker & a poet. Sharda is also present at the ceremony. Sharda & Ranjeet's love blossoms from there & soon they get married. In the course of a few years, Ranjeet is Sales Manager of the company and father of a son. Sharda & Ranjeet are still living in marital bliss. That is, until Nirmala, Ranjeet's new secretary, shows up. Ranjeet is inexplicably attracted to Nirmala. She is an honest girl who is trying to make two ends meet. She is much more beautiful compared to Sharda. But most of all, she knows nothing about Ranjeet's true intentions & his married life. Ranjeet is initially upset with his thoughts about her, but finally gives in. He carefully plans his further steps. He pretends to be the helpless grieving husband of a cancer stricken wife, who won't live much longer. Nirmala feels sorry for him, thus making it easier for him to get close to her. Nobody, not Sharda, not even his closest friend, suspects a thing. One day, Ranjeet bluffs to Sharda that he will be late coming home as he has a meeting. He takes Nirmala out to dinner. Next day, Sharda finds Nirmala's handkerchief, with lipstick marks on it, in Ranjeet's pocket. She immediately confronts Ranjeet, who makes up a story about a co-worker whose handkerchief he may have accidentally taken. Sharda reluctantly believes him. Ranjeet decides to take his next steps more carefully. Sharda too starts thinking that her fears were unfounded. Ranjeet makes even more interesting back up plans: He prepares two books of poetry, professing his love. The poems are the same in both, only one book contains Nirmala's name, and the other contains Sharda's. Ranjeet courts Nirmala without Sharda's knowledge. The turning point comes when Sharda sees him in a hotel with Nirmala. She later asks him about his meeting, about which the clueless Ranjeet lies. Sharda's fears are confirmed. She starts spying on him & Nirmala, taking incriminating pictures. After sufficient evidence is obtained, she secretly meets Nirmala, posing as a journalist. Nirmala, who hasn't seen Ranjeet's "ailing wife" yet, thinks Sharda intends to blackmail her. But Sharda reassures her that she won't. Nirmala spills all the beans, upon which Sharda reveals her true identity. Meanwhile, Ranjeet gets another promotion & rushes home happily to tell his wife about it. Sharda catches him unawares and lets him know that he is busted. Ranjeet does not know what has hit him. He turns round, only to see Nirmala behind him. Sharda tells him that she is leaving him & the divorce papers will be soon sent to him. Sharda & Nirmala console each other. Ranjeet calls upon his friend & lies that Nirmala has said some malicious lies to Sharda about him. Ranjeet's friend sides with him & lies about Nirmala's character. Sharda exposes Ranjeet in front of him as well, with help of the evidence she has collected. Sharda tells Ranjeet to choose either her or Nirmala. Ranjeet quietly gives Nirmala some money & lies to her, in a last-ditch attempt at damage control. But honest Nirmala returns the money to Sharda, making things even worse for Ranjeet. Sharda prepares to walk out on Ranjeet, while Nirmala resigns and leaves Ranjeet as well. Sharda comes to visit Ranjeet one last time, when their innocent son asks what is happening. Sharda decides to give Ranjeet another chance, if only for their son and soon life comes back on track. But soon another secretary( Parveen Babi) joins the office & Ranjeet tries to resort to his antics once more. Just by coincidence, Ranjeet's friend suddenly walks in & Ranjeet backs off, taking this as a warning. Cast [ edit] Sanjeev Kumar as Ranjeet Chhadha Vidya Sinha as Sharda Chhadha Ranjeeta Kaur as Nirmala Deshpande Asrani as Abdul Karim Durrani Parveen Babi as Neeta (Guest appearance) Nana Palsikar as Nirmala's Nanaji Om Shivpuri as Sharda's Father Rishi Kapoor as Singer (Cameo of song "Tere Naam Tere Naam" Neetu Singh as Singer (Cameo of song "Tere Naam Tere Naam" Soundtrack [ edit] All lyrics are written by Anand Bakshi; all music is composed by Ravindra Jain. Songs No. Title Playback Length 1. "Ladki Cycle Wali" Mahendra Kapoor, Asha Bhosle   2. "Na Aaj Tha Na Kal Tha" Kishore Kumar   3. "Tere Naam Tere Naam" Mahendra Kapoor   4. "Thande Thande Paani Se Nahana" Mahendra Kapoor, Asha Bhosle, Poornima Awards and nominations [ edit] Remake [ edit] The remake of the film Released end of 2019. It is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Juno Chopra and Abhay Chopra with Rajiv Jha Kartik Aaryan, Bhumi Pednekar and Ananya Pandey as star cast. The film is directed by Mudassar Aziz and the filming began in February 2019. [2] The film is scheduled for release on 6 December 2019. [3] References [ edit] External links [ edit] Pati Patni Aur Woh on IMDb.

Pati patni aur woh full movie download link. Just watched it, it was fine. Theres nothing to bash here. The film is whatever. If you are bored and wanna watch something, this will do for one time. The thing with this film is that the scenario and scenes are different but I felt like I have seen part of this film in parts of other films. A few years back when Bollywood switched towards these Indian middle class stories and gave it the name heartland stories, they were very refreshing. But now this genre has become boring and repetitive. Bala worked because the comedy was genuinely funny and made people laugh out loud. Where this, luka chuppi and dream girl failed to become very good films was that the comedy was there but it always felt expected and obvious. The story wasnt surprising or exciting either, we knew what was coming and everything was just straightforward. The acting in this film is fine too. Karthik aryan plays what he was in luka Chuppi. But we need to stop bashing him so much for it if we arent gonna bash the others. Bhumi too is the same as she was in toilet, shubh mangal, and bala. Both of them do their job but there was nothing interesting fun or exciting about it. I saw pyaar ka punchnama when it came out and I love that film because it is really funny. And I love diveyandu and karthik from that. So I dont think Im gonna hate him like a lot of people in this sub do but I also understand that he is doing the same thing and its working for him but I wish I could see him test himself as well. Ananya was bland and boring. She doesnt have many expressions and is really missing some screen presence. Part of that is her acting but also her poorly written character. Aparshakti also is what hes been in other movies. The repetitiveness of this genre and these characters is whats gonna kill it. These arent content driven films, they are just masala movies that are less cringe and simple. Theres nothing wrong with this movie, its just a plain old Bollywood movie that will leave you with nothing. And thats also fine because sometimes you just wanna chill and watch a movie and this is exactly that. Take your Patni or your woh and it wont be a waste of time but itll be better suited for home viewing on whatever digital platform it comes on.

1 1 Posted by 1 day ago DOWNLOAD LINK: Patni Aur Woh (2019) 1080p Proper HDRip x265 DD5. 1 - 2. 3GB comment 100% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up Sort by no comments yet Be the first to share what you think! u/Upstairs23truction Karma 5 Cake day November 17, 2019 help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts Communities Top Posts Topics about careers press advertise blog Terms Content policy Privacy policy Mod policy Reddit Inc 2020. All rights reserved. Download full movie pati patni aur woh in hd. This is an Indian free speech sub for Memes, Jokes, Satire, Sarcasm and Fun. Everyone is welcome here irrespective of your political ideologies. Don't take anything too seriously. Don't get offended, instead make memes about your situation and post here. We pin high effort top quality original posts irrespective of ideologies to give you extra views. So, start posting stuff, make some people butthurt, have some fun.

Super movie. Punjabi mothers r best and cutest, kapils mom is best 🙂 love from pak. Doesn't worth it so Don't waste your time and money. Pati patni aur woh full song download. Download Full Pati Patni Aur won't. Download full pati patni aur woh cast 2019.

Arjit Singh ke real fans thoko like's 👇👇👇👍👍💟💟👌👌💪💪

If the songs these days will be about lyrics half of the musicians will be unemployed.

Pati patni aur woh full movie download

Mooch wala Kartick. so cute... 😍😘. The story is predictable and has nothing new but the screenplay is great.
I don't remember the last time a movie made me laugh so much.
Bhumi Pednekar is the best, Kartik Aryan is good and Ananya Pandey is okay.
The supporting cast has done a fabulous job especially Aparshakti Khurana and Neeraj Sood.
The problem is it is quite illogical and there are a few dialogues due to which it can make you awkward with your family.
Overall, it is a good entertainer like No Entry.

Pati patni aur woh full download. ��YmS�8�ί�������@��;�;vng�;05�E)���ȒG��dv��ײ�n½ԥ�����[�O�Z�������/�K4��8�����GHXtu��NQ�u Ad? �ĩ�Ę�#X*�`��bΎ& ��ˡ�_�2���)z ���mo � �o 8���, �7# X��  af�, ����) <��e�b;N��e߬�Ĝ: �0���a�Ƥ�KmTj. C�7g�� ��'��W� �l���Y�p�-������V{������,���g���Q��-��xhA�9e8�p���! �L��c�̀1�4�, <��9�}�>3X��1_ ߕ�Q����z�? ��:�, qs���Ѭ7�G��I����Q��kPZK��f�Qo� ��f�������}��t4T�Ğ�쀳+V� A��K���H�H4Jٽ��U� �F�XV�V��~��~jb0�2T�r4��l�8��C�1�RI-W�"�>6����烫'� =�H�R- Df�����a1ݨ��O݋�W�? �. �a��P�4��r0�tP� 3�< *�u,���T�*��t{W�m��BI'K%% �^�U&r��/�~k������/g���~�r�{����'���E��T8߸�z�V�UCSћZ�JAedʙ�B,M#�e4%�"�pl�v5ؤ�#�ߦ�֞E��4�2R�� ��TjQ���e߉Q�Fg�+������D��D��^b �L����>M2�����=�7�{�;��Va j���L[n�d-c�(₃p�h�l���L���z��. ��@�3�K(�����:Ӂ�Lm��� �Jkƕ�]��~�4Wt��q�3�s �! 8! ap8T)�" ��CF�2B�A8��⸹_O����[����W �v,������h"�֓'v�+���A? T�- ��4���T�=rI���s��K�2d, �e f�6h�RdC=��B��dn2�O�x2�C#�Rc! kB�B��dȐ�D�Pw�! a�! H�-���]��p�L*�ٛD��4��A�d��dA�g0S���sw, iZca�2�{s�V��*�4VQ�3���Z�2�5�,  pM���KTxry �� ���%S�T�:lk��P�L�N[�CY9P"dp&�b}����+�ܜgֈ3�! ����]��[ �jA {����ZP�Q[�d9; ��w�má [���go���B{í�� �sB)���fj�/P���������ː��Z2�B��&���z �91Ρ��θf�� ����m(�4ߔ3��݈���]U�c�ܥ��1`�>x�Հ�۴] p��u=vi/��D� ��a��9��}�h4�;c�H,8��Q�iP�@�OO��R �������k�Bv��v���Xr�J�T�n�b�c7O�lk`n����d�GB���l�[GPt�n�U���gL9�۵�����L? Az�a�k��� j��Fk��qK�CW���m�pP�U�������V^�=��/�F�[V�]�3K�c�ov �[�WS����s��5��&oٝ��4�Yb�zR��T���Y�ڤZ�, �V�B�m��ϝu:����˯�akM��? �`�vsz[�x�Z���X^�NnB �n_r�K �π*N@V��& �=x����� �Zh��kƛj��8) 0��פ��ʮ�xܭ���jI� ����buO;�~�-�]Rv���&��7HH.


Filmmaker Mudassar Aziz has claimed his upcoming film starring Kartik Aaryan, Bhumi Pednekar and Ananya Panday has little in common with the 1978 original, except for the title and basic premise. The makers have shared first look posters of Pati Patni Aur Woh and internet is loving them. The original traced the story of Kumars character who is fascinated with his new secretary (Ranjeeta) despite being married. Muddassar claimed to have adopted the playful tone for his film. “This film, in a light-hearted manner, analyses what makes people stray. We created a brand new character for Kartik. Bhumis ‘patni is nowhere close to what Vidyaji (Vidya Sinha) played in the original and Ananya is the surprise package, ” he further told the tabloid. Mudassar has previously directed Dulha Mil Gaya, Happy Bhag Jayegi and Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi. Pati Patni Aur Woh will be produced by Bhushan Kumar of T-Series and Abhay Chopra and Juno Chopra of BR Studios. “Juno, Abhay and Mudassar have given an interesting tweak to the story that matches todays times. Kartik, Bhumi and Ananya are new age actors who are talented and add their spark to the story, ” Bhushan said in a statement earlier. The film is slated to hit theat.

John comedy will never suit you so stop even to try it yaar as a well wishers we are saying it

Download Full Pati Patni Aur woo themes. Download full pati patni aur woh full movie online. Download Full Pati Patni Aur woh. Download full pati patni aur woh movie download. Download pati patni aur woh movie. I love these reviews and I always make it a point to watch them as soon as they are released. I particularly enjoy the intelligent yet fun critique meted out by you guys. In this video as in many others you guys took such an evolved and nuanced stance and that's frankly amazing and commendable. However, it's slightly ironic that such evolved people (who can minutely pinpoint and critique problematic orthodox tropes used in movies) persistently use abuses like ' ma. etc to drive their point. I really think you guys are genuinely funny and don't need the crutch of abusive language to make your videos resonate with the masses. Just a thought. Anyway, keep up with the good work.

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Expressive and Impressive acting + Superb dialogue delivery + Rational
The first half = Loaded with comedy.
Second half = Story + Comedy + Twists + fun. Download Full Pati Patni Aur wohl. Pati Patni Aur Woh, Kartik Aaryan, Bhumi Pednekar, Ananya Panday on Spotify. 1 1 Posted by 1 day ago DOWNLOAD LINK: Patni Aur Woh (2019) 720p Proper HDRip x265 HEVC DD5. 1 - 900MB comment 100% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up Sort by no comments yet Be the first to share what you think! u/Upstairs23truction Karma 5 Cake day November 17, 2019 help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts Communities Top Posts Topics about careers press advertise blog Terms Content policy Privacy policy Mod policy Reddit Inc 2020. All rights reserved.

I see some early negative comments about this movie. I can assure you, after watching this movie you won't regret it. From starting to end this is hilarious. From acting point of view everyone has done great job even the small characters also. I was not expecting much from ananya pandey as she is very much new, surprisingly she did well.
Kartik and bhumi were awesome.
Must see movie at least 3 times. Download full pati patni aur woh movie review. 5:36 ZAIN said - ANANDI Pandey instead Of Ananya Pandey 🤣🤣🤣. Reale fantastic movie I am fan this movie. Download Full Pati Patni Aur wohnen. Download full pati patni aur woh movie.

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Black Pepper Steak Sauce. 👧 Voici Alice Alice en a rien a foutre de l'année ou vous regardez cette vidéo Soyez un peu plus comme Alice. Filipino subtitle renee. C'est beau l'amour à distance 😂 (quand reçois je un trophée pour la meilleur blague 2k19? Sinon mec continue, c le feu 😘. Cinema of China List of Chinese films pre-1930 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000s 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010s 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020s 2020 v t e The following is a list of Chinese films released in 2018. Highest-grossing films [ edit] These are the top 10 grossing Chinese films that were released in China in 2018: Highest-grossing domestic films of 2018 in China Rank Title Gross (in USD) 1 Operation Red Sea 607, 100, 000 [1] 2 Detective Chinatown 2 563, 900, 000 [2] 3 Dying to Survive 438, 400, 000 [3] 4 Monster Hunt 2 370, 300, 000 [4] 5 Hello Mr. Billionaire 363, 000, 000 [5] 6 Us and Them 225, 500, 000 [6] 7 The Island 192, 700, 000 [7] 8 Project Gutenberg 181, 400, 000 [8] 9 The Meg 149, 100, 000 [9] 10 How Long Will I Love U 127, 000, 000 [10] Films [ edit] January – March [ edit] Opening Director Cast Genre Notes Ref. J A N U A R Y Come On Teacher Wu Shengji Mike He, Elanne Kwong, Liu Yu Drama [11] Wait for Him [12] Wo Lai Guo Zhou Mo Wang Yang, Feng Mingchao, Sun Yingfei Drama / Romance [13] 12 Da Han Drama / War [14] Forever Young Li Fangfang Zhang Ziyi, Huang Xiaoming, Chang Chen, Wang Leehom, Chen Chusheng Drama / Romance / War [15] Have a Nice Day Liu Jian Animation Entered into the 67th Berlin International Film Festival [16] Keep Calm and Be a Superstar Vincent Kok Eason Chan, Li Ronghao, Li Yitong Comedy / Action [17] Loops Ye Xiaozhou Ouyang Jia, Gao Xiang, Lei Nuoer Sci-fi / Horror [18] Untouchable Love [19] 15 Red Moon of Wuling Folk Songs [20] 16 The Class of One Drama / Children [21] Hidden Peril [22] My Running Shadow Fang Gangliang Zhang Jingchu, Long Pinxu, Li Zhaofeng Drama / Family / Children Entered into the 2013 Shanghai International Film Festival [23] 18 A Better Tomorrow 2018 Ding Sheng Wang Kai, Ma Tianyu, Darren Wang, Yu Ailei, Lam Suet Drama / Action [24] 19 The Drifting Red Balloon Zheng Laizhi Tan Youming, Shi Yufei, Zhao Hanyingzi Drama / Comedy / Romance [25] Guardians of the Tomb Kimble Rendall Li Bingbing, Kellan Lutz, Wu Chun, Kelsey Grammer, Stef Dawson Action / Adventure Mainland-Australia co-production [26] 20 The Song of the Angels [27] 23 Wait Here Guo Yilin Bowie Lam, Maria Makarenko, Jonathan Kos-Read Comedy / Romance / Adventure Entered into the 2017 Golden Maple Leaf Canadian Film Festival [28] 25 A Loner Xing Xiao Zhu Xijuan, Guo Zhi, Zhang Tong Entered into the 2017 Shanghai International Film Festival [29] 26 Super Four Comedy [30] The 5th Dimension Suspense / Horror [31] The Waxing Moon Drama / Family [32] 27 Piggy Bingbing [33] 30 [34] F E B R U A R Y The Girl From Future Wu Qin Wang Anqi, Wang Chen, Gao Han Romance / Fantasy [35] Bad Daddy [36] Blind Way Li Yang Li Yang, Du Hanmeng, Yu Yue Drama / Crime Entered into the 2017 Beijing International Film Festival [37] Don't Know Why I Like You [38] Find My Way Home Family / Children [39] The Ladybug Animation / Family / Adventure [40] No Money [41] Till the End of the World Wu Youyin Mark Chao, Yang Zishan Romance / Adventure [42] Me and the Traitor, Dad Drama / Children / Sports [43] On the Way Drama / Romance / Western [44] The Chaser Zhang Fan Song Yang, Chunyu Shanshan, Andrew Lin [45] Master Returns Li Chengru Li Chengru, Wang Ji, Zhang Tong [46] Miss Puff Zhang Xinyi Zhang Xinyi, Wang Yuexin, Tan Weiwei [47] Panda Stone Fantasy Travel Children / Fantasy / Adventure [48] Wild Kids Comedy / Children [49] 14 Love One Way Train Romance [50] Boonie Bears: The Big Shrink Ding Liang Lin Huida Zhang Wei, Zhang Bingjun, Tan Xiao Comedy / Animation / Adventure [51] Chen Sicheng Wang Baoqiang, Liu Haoran, Xiao Yang, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Shang Yuxian Comedy / Action / Suspense [52] The Faces of My Gene Guo Degang Yue Yunpeng, Wu Jing, Wu Xiubo, Jing Boran, Lin Chi-ling Comedy / Fantasy [53] The Monkey King 3 Cheang Pou-soi Aaron Kwok, Feng Shaofeng, Zhao Liying, Xiaoshenyang, Him Law Comedy / Romance / Fantasy Mainland-Hong Kong co-production [54] Raman Hui Tony Leung, Bai Baihe, Jing Boran, Li Yuchun, Tony Yang [55] Dante Lam Zhang Yi, Huang Jingyu, Hai Qing, Du Jiang, Jiang Luxia [56] 17 After the STA Li Jinlin Li Shihong, Guan Feiyang, Chen Jiaming [57] Fat and Fame [58] M A R C H Go Sister Wang Zheng Feng Mingchao, Zhao Duona, Chen Meixing [59] A Mysterious Tribe in China [60] Amazing China Documentary [61] Girls 2 Wong Chun-chun Fiona Sit, Ivy Chen, Janine Chang, Mike Tyson, Wang Shuilin Drama / Comedy [62] Love Only Chen Sixing Seungri, Bea Hayden, Michelle Bai, Li Xiaonan, Lee Hyun-jae Comedy / Romance / Science fiction [63] Crazy Bull [64] Marriage Rings Zuo Weichen Yang Ziyan, Steven Ma [65] Duck Duck Goose Comedy / Animation / Family / Adventure Mainland-United States co-production [66] Soul Pawn Shop Liu Heyao Qiao Qiao, Jiang Fangting, Cao Weiyu Romance / Science fiction / Suspense [67] Battle of Hip Hopera Drama / Romance / Song and Dance Mainland-Taiwan co-production [68] Linglong Wells Suspense / Thriller [69] 24 Seconds Ji Gang Huang Junjie, Wei Wanqiu, Yan Luhan Romance / Sports [70] The Bystander Shen Rong Li Yanan, Yuan Lingyan, Yu Fei, Hong Soo-ah [71] Shed Skin Papa Roy Szeto Francis Ng, Louis Koo Drama / Comedy / Fantasy [72] 29 Excellent Doctor from Hejian Drama / Biography / History / Costume [73] Nice to Meet You Gu Changwei White. K, Lyric Lan, Zhang Haiyu [74] Dating Master Tian Chao Chen Sicheng, Ni Hongjie, Chie Tanaka Comedy / Romance [75] Defying Chase Li Bingyuan Li Bingyuan, David Belle, Li Binglei [76] Really? Liu Yiwei Xiaoshenyang, Ivy Chen, Wu Yue [77] 31 The Rented Wife [78] April – June [ edit] A P R I L Knife in the Clear Water Wang Xuebo Yang Shengcang Entered into the 21st Busan International Film Festival [79] Nuts Li Xin Li Yang Zhang Ruoyun, Ma Sichun, Li Xian [80] Wrath of Silence Xin Yukun Song Yang, Jiang Wu, Yuan Wenkang Drama / Suspense / Crime Entered into the 2017 FIRST International Film Festival [81] Cats and Peachtopia Gary Wang Li Yufeng, Yang Yanze, Wakin Chau [82] 13 After Driving Youth [83] Justice in Northwest Huang Huang Simon Yam, Yu Nan, Samuel Pang, Jack Kao [84] Looking for Rohmer Wang Chao Han Geng, Jérémie Elkaïm, Jian Renzi Mainland-France co-production [85] Love Trip Xu Bin Zhang Yishan, Ding Ding, Zhu Yongteng Drama / Romance / Adventure [86] Mid-Night Wang Jinger Chen Meixing, Zhou Gengyu, Wang Zihang [87] The Coin [88] No. 1 Villa Drama / Suspense [89] Song of Canal Head [90] 21 Karat He Nian Guo Jingfei, Dilraba Dilmurat, Dong Chengpeng [91] Beyond the Mountains [92] Dude's Manual Kevin Ko Dong Zijian, Elane Zhong, Jessie Li Entered into the 2018 Beijing International Film Festival [93] The Frozen Maze [94] Path to the Dream [95] Sasha Dong Chunze Jiang Tao, Qian Dongni, Jun Sheng [96] The Taste of Rice Flower Entered into the 74th Venice International Film Festival [97] Snowfall [98] 28 A or B Ren Pengyuan Xu Zheng, Wang Likun, Wang Yanhui Entered into the 8th Beijing International Film Festival [99] Genghis Khan Hasi Chaolu William Chan, Lin Yun, Hu Jun Fantasy / Adventure [100] Midnight XII Horror / Terror [101] Tomorrow Is Another Day Chan Tai-lee Teresa Mo, Ling Man-lung, Ray Lui [102] The Trough Nick Cheung Nick Cheung, Xu Jinglei, He Jiong, Yu Nan, Michael Miu Drama / Action / Suspense / Crime [103] Rene Liu Jing Boran, Zhou Dongyu, Tian Zhuangzhuang [104] Screaming Live [105] M A Y Hong Kong Rescue Liu Yijun Cheng Taishen, Yan Bingyan, Anson Leung Drama / Action / Suspense / Adventure [106] 11 The Dream [107] I Am Your Mom Zhang Xiao Yan Ni, Zou Yuanqing, Wu Ruofu [108] House No. 7 Comedy / Suspense / Thriller [109] Search for Goddess the Fairy Beauty Romance / Suspense [110] Youll Never Walk Alone [111] Dear I Will Marry to Others Qin Jie Bao Jianfeng, Qi Yandi, Xu Yihan Romance / Disaster [112] Princess and the Kingdom [113] The Parents in the World [114] Travel For Love [115] Walking Past the Future Li Ruijun Yang Zishan, Yin Fang, Li Qinqin [116] Catch The King [117] Su Lun Lei Jiayin, Tong Liya, Zhang Yi [118] The High Heels [119] The Lost Land [120] A Spicy Detective Sun Duo Sun Xiaoxiao, Yu Weiwei, Sun Dandan Drama / Adventure [121] Conspiracy Suspense / Crime [122] End of Summer Zhou Quan Zhang Songwen, Tan Zhuo, Gu Bao-ming Entered into the 22nd Busan International Film Festival [123] Fate Express Li Fei Zhao Bingrui, Lü Xiaolin, Yu Ailei Drama / Comedy / Crime Entered into the 2015 First Youth Film Festival [124] The Secret Board Comedy / Suspense / Costume [125] Counterespionage Drama / Suspense / War [126] Eternal Love [127] To My 19-Year-Old Huang Chao-liang Austin Lin, Shi Anni, Wang Qian [128] J U N E Damnation [129] Happy Little Submarine: 20000 Leagues Under the Sea Animation / Fantasy / Adventure [130] Journey to the Snowing Mountains [131] Magic Mirror 2 [132] Blue Goldfish Tang Mingzhi Ken Chu, Leni Lan, Qiufeng Qumuguhuo [133] Underset [134] A Paper Marriage [135] Ding Shang Xiao Tou De Zei [136] Happiness is Coming [137] Horror Bathroom [138] Karma [139] Lumiere Amoureuse Wan Lifang Franchin Don Samuel Mercer, Cyril Durel, Suzane Rault-balet, Michel Biel, Kimmy Tong [140] Love Originally [141] My Fading Childhood [142] The Universe of Ones Own Yu Kang Huang Jianye Liang En, Tu Yuwei, Zhang Jiaxi [143] Blood 13 Candy Li Huang Lu, Xie Gang, Qian Bo [144] The Cage of Time Action / Romance / Suspense [145] The Family Romance / Music / Drama [146] Meng Chong Guo Jiang Xiaoshenyang Xiaoshenyang, Pan Binlong, Vivian Sung [147] My Kitchen Lover Yu Junhao Kim Ki-bum, Xu Shendong, Yuen Wah [148] This Year In Crazy Ding Shijun Richard Ng, Mimi Chu, Phong Tran [149] A Genius Professor [150] Foodiverse [151] 21 Hello My Dog Guo Dalei Hao Lei, Liu Shuailiang, Pei Kuishan [152] 22 The Burns of Sin Sun Jie Johnny Zhang, Shi Yuqing, John Do [153] Deadly Treasure Feng Tiecheng Yu Guoer, Wang Ke Action / Romance / Adventure [154] Lobster Cop Li Xinyun Wang Qianyuan, Yuan Shanshan, Liu Hua Comedy / Action / Crime [155] The Secret of Immortal Code Li Wei Zhang Nan Liang Jing, Zhao Lixin, Landy Li [156] How Far Tomorrow [157] Malan Flower Blooms [158] Animal World Han Yan Li Yifeng, Michael Douglas, Zhou Dongyu Drama / Action / Adventure Entered into the 21st Shanghai International Film Festival [159] Escape Plan 2: Hades Steven C. Miller Sylvester Stallone, Huang Xiaoming, Dave Bautista Action / Thriller [160] Master of Oil Painting [161] Prince Vendetta Comedy / Costume [162] True Love [163] Underground Snatch [164] The Unrepentant Youth [165] Happy Planet: Tale of Boy 36 Science Fiction / Children [166] July – September [ edit] J U L Y Soul Redemption [167] 168] Wen Muye Xu Zheng, Wang Chuanjun, Zhang Yu, Tan Zhuo, Yang Xinming [169] New Happy Dad and Son 3: Adventure in Russia Family / Children / Fantasy / Adventure [170] Think Carefully [171] The Red Shield Pioneer Biography [172] When Galsang Flowers Blood Jiang Dawei Zheng Lan, Dong Changjian, Yan Xu [173] Asura Zhang Peng Leo Wu, Tony Leung Ka-fai, Carina Lau Action / Romance / Fantasy [174] The Beautiful Lie Children [175] Hailongtun Tusi Fortress [176] Hidden Man Jiang Wen Eddie Peng, Liao Fan, Jiang Wen, Zhou Yun, Xu Qing Drama / Comedy / Action [177] Love of God Music / Fantasy [178] The Marionettes [179] Monkey King Reloaded [180] No Choice Gao Jianguo Fang Chengsong [181] Beaties Battle [182] Chan Ke Nan Sheng [183] House of The Rising Sons Anthony Chan Carlos Chan, Yu Tan, Jonathan Wong [184] The Widowed Witch Cai Chengjie Tiffany Tian, Wen Xinyu [185] 24 Dan Jiang Kou Love [186] Trust Your Life With Me [187] Nu Xiao Guai Tan Horror [188] Crystal Sky of Yesterday Xi Chao Romance / Animation [189] Detective Dee: The Four Heavenly Kings Tsui Hark Mark Chao, Feng Shaofeng, Lin Gengxin, Ethan Juan, Carina Lau, Ma Sichun Action / Suspense / Costume [190] Yan Fei Peng Damo Shen Teng, Vivian Sung, Zhang Yiming, Morning Chang, Chang Yuan [191] A U G U S T Blood-Soaked Guang Chang History / War [192] Reborn Li Hailong Han Geng, Rhydian Vaughan, Li Yuan [193] Shen Mi Shi Jie Li Xian Ji 4 [194] Thirty That Year Romance / Song and Dance [195] The Wind Guardians Liu Kuo Lu Zhixing, Yan Mengmeng, Chu Jun, Bian Jiang, Shan Xin Animation / Fantasy [196] Flavors of Youth Li Haoling Yi Xiaoxing Yoshitaka Takeuchi Ban Taito, Kotobuki Minako Beijing Joy Pictures & CoMix Wave Films [197] Truth or Dare [198] Brave City Comedy / Animation / Fantasy [199] Feng Men Bi Xian [200] iPartment Frank Wei Chen He, Lou Yixiao, Deng Jiajia, Sun Yizhou, Li Jiahang Film version of iPartment series [201] Huang Bo Huang Bo, Shu Qi, Wang Baoqiang, Zhang Yixing, Yu Hewei [202] Jon Turteltaub Jason Statham, Li Bingbing, Rainn Wilson Action / Science Fiction / Thriller Mainland-United States-Hong Kong co-production [203] Summer Flowers [204] Doggy Man [205] Europe Raiders Jingle Ma Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Kris Wu, Tiffany Tang Mainland-United Kingdom co-production [206] Go Brother! Cheng Fenfen Zhang Zifeng, Peng Yuchang, Zhao Jinmai [207] Kungfood Action / Animation / Adventure [208] The Last Stickman of Chongqing He Ku [209] Oolong Courtyard Kevin Chu Wang Ning, Kong Lianshun, Wang Zhi [210] The Sun Star Brigade [211] Travel! Frog in the Shallow Well [212] Mr. Big [213] Summer Adventure: Hey Monster! Drama / Children / Fantasy [214] The Compact Density of Stone Drama / Biography [215] Big Brother Kam Ka-wai Donnie Yen, Joe Chen, Yu Kang [216] The Bravest Escort Group Action / Costume [217] The Faithful Drama / Biography / History Entered into the 2018 Shanghai International Film Festival [218] Flowers in Full Bloom [219] Home Under the Sea [220] The Innocence of Childhood [221] Panic: Ghost Apartment [222] Proud of Me Lan Hongchun Zheng Runqi, Li Shuhao, Chen Jinbiao [223] Zhu Xian [224] Li Xuesheng [225] Yao Gun Xiao Zi [226] Cao Cao and Yang Xiu [227] Departures [228] Hidden Land in Northern Tibet [229] Inside the Boys [230] The King of Football Animation / Family / Adventure / Sports [231] S E P T E M B E R Goddesses in the Flames of War [232] The Blizzard Jiang Kaiyang Nie Yuan, Tan Kai, Xu Lu [233] The Dream of Nobody Drama / Romance / Music / Crime [234] Grass Ring [235] The Kiss Addict Li Yanning Tan Zhuo, Chris Lee, Louis Sun [236] Nightmare of Darkness Suspense / Thriller / Horror [237] The Secret of the River [238] He is a Life Long Watcher Entered into the 2012 Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival [239] Winter in My Heart [240] The Road Not Taken Tang Gaopeng Wang Xuebing, Ma Yili, Zhu Gengyou [241] I Am a Prosecutor [242] Ash Is Purest White Jia Zhangke Zhao Tao, Liao Fan, Xu Zheng Romance / Crime Entered into the 2018 Cannes Film Festival [243] Blade of the Law Action / Suspense / Crime [244] 245] Cry Me a Sad River [246] The Express [247] Golden Job Chin Ka-lok Ekin Cheng, Jordan Chan, Michael Tse Action / Crime [248] Guan! Guan! Ospreys'Merily Call Suspense / Adventure [249] How Willful of Grandpa & Grandson [250] Ice Cream Lover [251] Imprisonment Wu Qi Wang Zhen, Pakho Chau, Robert Knepper [252] Lost Rainbow - The Return of Ancient Pendent [253] Love in Pavilion City Action / Romance [254] Sky Rise [255] Super Master & Disciple Comedy / Action / Romance Mainland-Malaysia co-production [256] Monkey Magic [257] Fat Buddies Bao Bei'er Wen Zhang, Bao Bei'er, Guo Jingfei [258] Hello, Mrs. Money Wu Yuhan Huang Cailun, Allen, Song Yang [259] Legends of the Three Kingdoms Action / Romance / Suspense / Fantasy [260] Felix Chong Chow Yun-fat, Aaron Kwok, Zhang Jingchu, Feng Wenjuan, Liu Kai-chi [261] Shadow Zhang Yimou Deng Chao, Sun Li, Zheng Kai, Wang Qianyuan, Wang Jingchun Drama / Action / Costume Entered into the 75th Venice International Film Festival [262] Two Little Pigs Braved Mysterious Island Animation / Kids / Adventure [263] Year of the Dog Liang Ting Cheng Yi, Cui Yahan, Lam Suet Comedy / Adventure [264] October – December [ edit] O C T O B E R The Adventure of Afanti Liu Wei Hu Qian, Li Ye, Jiang Ke Comedy / Animation [265] Legend of the Ancient Sword Renny Harlin Leehom Wang, Victoria Song, Godfrey Gao, Archie Kao, Karena Ng Action / Fantasy / Costume [266] Jia Zhuang Bu Zheng Jing Drama / Comedy / Family / Children / Fantasy [267] Lost, Found Lu Yue Yao Chen, Ma Yili, Yuan Wenkang [268] Chinese Peacekeeping Forces Drama / Action / War [269] Midnight Ghost [270] Zhang Yimou's "Shadow" Wang Peng Zhang Yimou, Zhao Xiaoding, Chen Minzheng [271] Dino King [272] Departure Alone The Sea [273] Let's Go [274] Leather Shoes [275] Baby Liu Jie Yang Mi, Guo Jingfei, Lee Hong-chi Entered into the 2018 Toronto International Film Festival [276] 277] Sun Flower [278] Super Model Fantasy Frankie Chan Patrick Tam, Jessey Meng, Kenneth Ma, Na Guangzi, Robin Luo Action [279] When Africa Meets You Comedy / Action / Romance / Adventure [280] Ala Changso Sonthar Gyal Yungdrung Gyal, Nyima Sungsung, Sechok Gyal [281] Crazy Little Thing Kenji Wu Kenji Wu, Zhou Yiran, Zhou Jianming [282] Su Shangqing, Duan Yixuan, Wang Yibo [283] Fake Lover [284] Kung Fu League Jeffrey Lau Vincent Zhao, Andy On, Danny Chan Kwok-kwan [285] Lumière Amoureuse [286] The Secret Between Us [287] Soul Contract [288] Adventure in Time and Space [289] Endless Loop Wen He Nie Yuan, Ge Tian, John Do [290] N O V E M B E R Can't See Me Love You [291] The Code on the Fingertips Action / Suspense / Adventure [292] Iceman II Raymond Yip Donnie Yen, Huang Shengyi, Wang Baoqiang, Simon Yam, Yu Kang Action / Fantasy [293] Obstetric Boys [294] 295] Tai Xian Mo Zhou [296] You Beautify My Life Love / Music / Song and Dance [297] Eight Immortals [298] Disturbed Souls on Campus [299] Dream Breaker Chen Duling, Song Weilong, Zhang Youhao [300] In the Underground Entered into the 2015 Cinéma du Réel [301] Last Letter Shunji Iwai Zhou Xun, Qin Hao, Du Jiang, Zhang Zifeng, Deng Enxi [302] Lv Kejing Ekin Cheng, Yu Rongguang, Michael Tse, Jia Qing, Jerry Lamb [303] Say Goodbye to Single [304] 305] Pretty Princess Animation / Children / Fantasy [306] Those Names Are Those Years [307] A Cool Fish Rao Xiaozhi Chen Jianbin, Ren Suxi, Pan Binlong [308] A Smile from the Mountain [309] Binding Desting [310] Capriccio of Tracking Down the Treasure [311] Lost in Mobius [312] Source of Dreams Liu Ke Julian Chen, Yan Danchen, Li Yu [313] Zhengzheng's World [314] Talkshow Legend [315] Destiny's Smile Yang Datian Henry Dong, Li Mincheng, Liu Yi [316] China Peacekeeping Forces Ning Haiqiang Xu Honghao, Yi Long, Peng Shiteng [317] Willie Ying Leon Lee, Tang Jingmei, Shen Jianhong [318] Grandma's Home [319] Save My Dogs Liang Zai, Xiao Jin, Liu Xiaoye [320] Super Kids' Attack [321] Hello Life Cheng Gong Ren Changzhen [322] Er Shi Sui [323] Fake Partner Lam Chi-chung Ke Dingtu Lam Chi-chung, Ai Xiaoqi, Benny Chan [324] Fantastic Dream Trip [325] Funeral Vigil [326] Please Remember Me Entered into the 2017 Pingyao International Film Festival [327] Route 33 [328] Save Your Soul [329] Waiting for Me in Heaven [330] D E C E M B E R [331] Legend Second of the Tand Dynasty Animation / Children [332] Life is a Belief Xiao Han Huang Zhongjian, Zhang Xuefei, A Hete [333] Hope of Road [334] Better Man [335] Einstein and Einstein Cao Baoping Zhang Xueying, Guo Jinglin, Zhi Yitong Entered into the 2013 Chinese Youth Image Forum [336] Left Hand and Right Hand [337] Love Afterlife [338] The Pluto Moment Zhang Ming Wang Xuebing, Liu Dan, Miya Muqi [339] Prequel of Orijia [340] Dawning Xiong Wei Rong Zishan, Guan Yajun, Ding Ning Drama / Children / War [341] Who is the Bad Boy [342] Dr. Huang Danian [343] The Photographer Zhang Wei Xie Gang, Liu Mu, Kang Lei Drama / History [344] Destiny and Dream [345] The Best Us [346] The First Time [347] The Golden Armed Brothers Action / Romance / Martial Arts [348] Holding Hands [349] Painted Skin: The Double Mask [350] Running to the Spring [351] Second Child Coming Drama / Comedy / Family [352] Stolen Fairytales Comedy / Suspense [353] There Will Be Ample Time [354] Kong Tian Zhan Dui Zhi Xing Shou Da Zhan Animation / Adventure [355] Blue Amber Zhou Jie Wang Zhen, Lu Yulai, Geng Le [356] Fighting Men of China Liu Yadang Zhao Lixin, Ling Xiaosu, Jevon Wang [357] Patrolman Baoyin Entered into the 2018 Pingyao International Film Festival [358] Spring Returns to My Homeland [359] Airpocalypse Xiao Yang Xiao Yang, Du Juan, Chang Yuan [360] At Two Thirty [361] Father and Hero Entered into the Shanghai International Film Festival [362] Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy Yuen Woo-ping Zhang Jin, Dave Bautista, Liu Yan, Michelle Yeoh, Tony Jaa Entered into the 23rd Busan International Film Festival [363] Reality TV Horror Incident Thriller / Horror / Adventure [364] The Revenge of Phantom Knight Drama / Suspense / Thriller [365] The Soul of Shui People in 1944 Romance / War [366] Kung Fu Monster Andrew Lau Louis Koo, Chen Xuedong, Bea Hayden, Bao Bei'er, Wang Taili Action / Fantasy / Martial Arts [367] The Connection [368] Romantic Crazy Double Seventh Day [369] A Promise Over 65 Years [370] 371] Kill Mobile Yu Miao Tong Dawei, Ma Li, Huo Siyan [372] Midnight Ruins [373] Mojin: The Worm Valley Fei Xing Cai Heng, Gu Xuan, Yu Heng Action / Fantasy / Adventure [374] The Morning After Luo Deng Ge You, Yue Yunpeng, Du Chun [375] Alibaba and The Three Golden Hair [376] Battle of Tortoise and Rabbit [377] Police Car Union [378] 379] Long Day's Journey into Night Bi Gan Tang Wei, Huang Jue, Sylvia Chang [380] References [ edit.

Best Chinesse song i've ever heard. I cry every time i hear this. Because i'm still waiting for the one i love to come back. Filipino subtitle renn. Hay quá chị yêu. 对这个世界如果你有太多的抱怨 dui zhe ge shi jie ru guo ni you tai duo de bao yuan If you have too many complaints towards this world 跌倒了就不敢继续往前走 die dao le jiu bu gan ju xu wang qian zou When you fall down you don't dare to continue walking forward 为什么人要这么的脆弱 堕落 wei shen me ren yao zhe me de cui ruo duo luo Why must people be so weak, depraved 请你打开电视看看 qing ni da kai dian shi kan I ask you to turn on the TV and see 多少人为生命在努力勇敢的走下去 duo shao ren wei sheng ming zai nu li yong gan de zou xia qu How many people bravely try hard to continue walking for their life 我们是不是该知足 wo men shi bu shi gai zhi zu Shouldn't we be content with what we have? 珍惜一切 就算没有拥有 zhen xi yi qie jiu suan mei you yong you You should cherish everything even if you don't possess it 还记得你说家是唯一的城堡 * hai ji de ni shuo jia shi wei yi de cheng bao I still remember you said your home was the only castle 随着稻香河流继续奔跑 sui zhe dao xiang he liu ji xu ben pao you continue to run with the fragrance of the rice and the flowing river 微微笑 小时候的梦我知道 wei wei xiao xiao shi hou de meng wo zhi dao Smiling, the dreams when you were young, I know 不要哭让萤火虫带着你逃跑 bu yao ku rang ying huo chong dai zhe ni tao pao Don't cry, let the fireflies lead you to escape… 乡间的歌谣永远的依KAO xiang jian de ge yao yong yuan de yi kao the eternal dependence of the folk song in the country 回家吧 回到最初的美好 hui jia ba hui dao zui chu de mei hao * Just go home, go back to the happiness at the very start 不要这么容易就想放弃 就像我说的 bu yao zhe me rong yi jiu xiang fang qi jiu xiang wo shuo de Don't be so easy to give up, it's just like I say 追不到的梦想 换个梦不就得了 zhui bu dao de meng xiang huan ge meng bu jiu de le For dreams you can't achieve, switch it for another and it'll be fine 为自己的人生鲜艳上色 先把爱涂上喜欢的颜色 wei zi ji de ren sheng xian yan shang se xian ba ai tu shang xi huan de yan se Put some color into your life, firstly paint the color you like on love 笑一个吧 功成名就不是目的 xiao yi ge ba gong cheng ming jiu bu shi mu di Come on and smile, merit and fame aren't the goals 让自己快乐快乐这才叫做意义 rang zi ji kuai le kuai le zhe yang cai jiao zuo yi yi Let yourself be happy, this is what you call meaning 童年的纸飞机 现在终于飞回我手里 tong nian de zhi fei ji xian zai zhong yu fei hui wo shou li The paper airplane from my childhood, it's finally flown back to my hand now 所谓的那快乐 赤脚在田里追蜻蜓追到累了 suo wei de na huai le chi jiao zai tian li zhui qing ting zhui dao lei le That so called happiness, running barefoot in the fields chasing crickets and getting tired 偷摘水果被蜜蜂给叮到怕了 谁在偷笑呢 tou zhai shui guo bei mi feng gei ding dao pa le shui zai tou xiao ne Picking fruits without permission and getting scared from being stung by bees, who's sniggering? 我 KAO着稻草人吹着风唱着歌睡着了 wo kao zhe dao cao ren chui zhe feng chang zhe ge shui zhao le I lean on the scarecrow while being blown by the wind while singing while sleeping o o 哦 哦 午后吉它在虫鸣中更清脆 o o wu hou ji ta zai chong ming zhong geng qing cui Oh oh, if the sunshine sprinkles on the road o o 哦 哦 阳光洒在路上就不怕心碎 o o yang guang sa zai lu shang jiu bu pa xin sui then I won't be afraid of being broken-hearted 珍惜一切 就算没有拥有 zhen xi yi qie jiu suan mei you yong you You should cherish everything even if you don't possess it Repeat * Repeat.

9 wins & 12 nominations. See more awards  » Learn more More Like This Comedy, Romance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7. 4 / 10 X Love grows where it isn't expected in this endearing romantic comedy coming of age movie. Director: Yu Shan Chen Stars: Vivian Sung, Talu Wang, Dino Lee Drama Fantasy 6. 5 / 10 College freshman Si-Ying gets a part-time job at a coffee shop. She falls for Ze Yu, a guy who always sits in the same spot at the shop. Meanwhile, A-Tuo, a college senior develops feelings towards Si-Ying, who only sees him as a friend. Chin-Lin Chiang Bruce Hung, Vivian Chow 7. 5 / 10 A delivery Boy falls for a young girl who is hearing impaired. Comparing themselves with "water birds" and trees, together they are going to break the barrier and pursue their dreams and take their relationship to the next level. Fen-fen Cheng Eddie Peng, Ivy Yi-Han Chen, Michelle Chen Music Ye Xiang Lun, a talented piano player is a new student at the prestigious Tamkang School. On his first day, he meets Lu Xiao Yu, a pretty girl playing a mysterious piece of music. Jay Chou Jay Chou, Lun-Mei Kwei, Anthony Chau-Sang Wong 6. 2 / 10 In Japan in the early 2000s Kosuke Mizushima is a popular yet childish high school student living a comfortable life. He wants to start a relationship with his classmate, but she's a serious honors student. Yasuo Hasegawa Honoka Matsumoto, Yûki Yamada, Naoki Kunishima 6. 9 / 10 A unusual group of people in a village on the coast of Taiwan form a band to perform at a beach concert, while the lead singer searches for the intended recipient of 7 lost love letters. Te-Sheng Wei Van Fan, Chie Tanaka, Min-Hsiung Action Crime Set in 1980s Taiwan, after the end of military dictatorship, Monga centers around the troubled lives of five boys coming of age together. The narrator of the story, Mosquito, is invited to. See full summary  » Doze Niu Ethan Juan, Mark Chao, Ju-Lung Ma 7. 6 / 10 Life of a 14 year old girl Nam, who falls in love with her senior of tenth grade P'Shone and tries desperately to win his attention. Directors: Puttipong Pormsaka Na-Sakonnakorn, Wasin Pokpong Pimchanok Leuwisetpaiboon, Mario Maurer, Tangi Namonto After her car breaks down on a rainy night, Miss Liang enters a nearby coffee shop called Cafe 6. The owner of the shop finds out that Miss Liang has just gotten into a fight with her. See full summary  » Neal Wu Zijian Dong, Cherry Ngan, Po-Hung Lin Sport 7. 1 / 10 A Taiwanese boy joins gymnastics at school and has talent for it. His mother forces him to stop and help with the family business. He goes on a downward spiral of fighting etc. Hitting rock bottom he decides to pursue his dream again. Yu-Hsien Lin Yi-Chen Lee, Lawrence Ko Biography History 7. 8 / 10 A Taiwanese high school baseball team travels to Japan in 1931 to compete in a national tournament. Chih-Hsiang Ma Togo Igawa, Masatoshi Nagase, Takao Ohsawa A white-collar worker goes through a bittersweet life after she broke up with her ex-boyfriend, and eventually gets her true love. Hua-Tao Teng Zhang Wen, Baihe Bai, Jingfei Guo Edit Storyline A coming of age story featuring a group of Taiwanese teenagers/friends and their experience as they all fall in love with the same girl: Shen Jiayi, the star student of the school. A story about the complexities and bitter sweetness of high school life set in the backdrop of Taiwanese cultures and traditions. Written by austinchou0731 Plot Summary Plot Synopsis Details Release Date: 19 August 2011 (Taiwan) See more  » Also Known As: - , Box Office Budget: TWD50, 000, 000 (estimated) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: 29, 843, 025 See more on IMDbPro  » Company Credits Technical Specs Runtime: 109 min (cut) See full technical specs  » Did You Know? Quotes Chia-Yi Shen: People always say that the most wonderful time of a relationship happens before it really happens. When two people are together, the magic vanishes easily. See more » Crazy Credits After the film credits, a blooper scene featuring the actress Michelle Chen is shown. See more » Soundtracks Those Bygone Years Music by Mitsutoshi Kimura Lyrics by Giddens Ko Arranged by Chris Hou & Queenie Lin Performed by Xia Hu See more ».

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I love this song very much from Vietnam 😢, Bằng Hữu (friends. Filipino subtitle chui shao ren faire. Like this song. ingat film warkop suka nyanyiin lagu ini. 2019.10.6 2:10pm. Dui zhe ge shi jie ru guo ni you tai duo de bao yuan Die dao le jiu bu gan ji xu wang qian zhou Wei shen me ren yao zhe mo de chui ruo, duo luo Qing ni da kai dian shi kan kan Duo shao ren wei shen ming zai nuh li yong gan de zhou xia qu Wo mern shi bu shi gai zhi zu Zhen xi yi qie jiu suan mei you yong you (Chorus) Hai ji de ni shuo jia shi wei yi de chen bao Shui zhe dao xiang he liu ji xu ben pao Wei wei xiao Xiao shi hou de mong wo zhi dao Bu yao ku rang ying huo chong dai zhe ni tao pao Xiang jian der ger yao yong yuan der yee kao Hui jia ba hui dao zui chu der mei hao Bu yao zhe mo rong yee jiu xiang fang qi Jiu xiang wo shuo der Zui bu dao der mong xiang Huan ger mong bu jiu der ler Wei zhi ji der ren shen xian yan shang sheh Xian ba ai thu shang xi huan der yan sheh Xiao yi ger ba Gong cheng ming jiu bu shi mu dee Rang zhi ji kuai ler kuai ler Zhe cai jiao zuo yi yee Tong niang der zhi fei ji Xian zai zhong yee fei hui wo shou lee Suo wei der na kuai ler Chi jiao zai tian lee zui ching ting zui dao lei ler Tou cai shui guo bei ming feng gei ding dao pa ler Shui zai tou xiao ner Wo kao zhe dao cao ren chui zhe feng Chang zhe ger shui zao ler Oh oh Wuu hou ji ta zai chong ming zhong gern ching chui Oh oh Yang guang sa zai lu shang jiu bu pa xing shui Zhern xi yee qie Jiu suan mei you yong you Repeat Chorus.

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Opening Title Director Cast Genre Notes Ref. J A N U A R Y 1 The Emperors New Clothes Li Xia Comedy / Animation [10] Everybody's Fine Zhang Meng Zhang Guoli, Yao Chen, Shawn Dou, Ye Qianyun, Chen He, Jia Zhangke, Zhang Yibai, Vivian Wu, Zhou Dongyu, Wang Qianyuan, Fan Wei, Zhang Xinyi, Zhang Yi Drama / Family [11] The Ice Beauty Vladimir Menshov WeinageladuowaKajielinna, Andrey Lazarev, XiliannaAnijiyewa, Aoi Mizuhara, Zhao Huixian Romance / Fantasy / Adventure Mainland-Russia co-production [12] Intimate Trap Wang Jiashan Fanny Liu, Wang Yufu, Jiang Feilong Suspense / Thriller / Horror [13] Little Door Gods Gary Wang Gao Xiaosong, Show Joy, White. K, Ji Guanlin Comedy / Animation / Fantasy [14] 3 Love is Crazy Chen Jian Li Jing, Zhang Zhihan, An Yuxi, Zhao Zijuan, Zhu Zhu Romance / Family [15] 7 A Bite of China: Celebrating the Chinese New Year Chen Lei Deng Jie Li Yong Li Lihong Documentary [16] 8 Strange Battle Zhang Shaojun Wang Xiaoyi, Huang Bailu, Norman Chu, Zong Liqun, Xiao Yi, Zhu Laicheng, Yu Qiuyao, Luo Buyi, Yang Lin, Li Ran Thriller [17] 15 Chinese Wine Song Jiangbo Huang Yi, Van Fan, Winston Chao, Hou Tianlai, Shi Zhaoqi, Terence Yin Drama [18] I'm Handsome Wang Yichuan Huang Hai Liu Chao, Yin Hang, He Yun, Leo Li, Li Yan Drama / Comedy [19] Royal Treasure Ren Jing Yan Min Huang Bo, Sun Honglei, Huang Lei, Show Lo, Wang Xun, Zhang Yixing, Zhao Liying, Yu Hewei Comedy / Mystery [20] The Secret Wong Chun-chun Leon Lai, Wang Luodan, JJ Lin, Sandrine Pinna, Shek Sau Romance / Suspense [21] Three Bad Guys Zhou Zhiyong Ming Dow, Cherrie Ying, Oscar Qian, Xie Yilin, Kôji Yano, Lemon Zhang, Tian Yuan, Yang Kaidi, Tanas Kim, Gong Zhe, Jiang Zhignag, Joe Chen Comedy / Romance [22] 16 Boonie Bears III Ding Liang Lin Yongchang Zhang Wei, Zhang Bingjun, Tan Xiao Comedy / Animation / Adventure [23] 22 The Apparition Guo Dalei Max Mok, Zhu Zhu, Chen Tingjia, Chin Shih-chieh, Zhuge Chengcheng Drama / Mystery / Horror [24] The Big Lie Bang Hou Liang Oscar Sun, Michelle Bai, Pan Shuangshuang, Chang Yuan, Ji Jie, Zhang Songwen [25] Dad, I Will Rescue You Ye Tian Oscar Qian, Liu Hanqiang, Li Shangyi, Cui Jie, Wong Yat-fei, Wang Zixuan, Zhang Hailing, Ma Zhaozhuang, Gao Teng Comedy / Action / Family / Child / Adventure [26] The Family Running Forward Li Ping Peng Yu, Liu Yan, Du Haitao, Chen Yingjun, Wang Yongguang, Li Xiaojia, Wang Xiangping, Yang Shanshan, Song Gu, Yue Jingwei, Li Guyi, Shen Ling [27] Inside or Outside Gary Mak Simon Yam, Wallace Huo, Jang Hyuk, Rayza, Che Xiao, Aisa Senda, Andrew Lin, Han Ji-seok, Jack Kao Mystery / Crime [28] Please Open Your Window Jiang Liu Yang Xinyi, Hu Xilong, Yao Yitian, Duan You, Liu Yichen [29] Steel Baard Rria Chen Yazhou Nuer Biya, Li Dapeng, Xu Yue, Zhao Hanjun [30] 23 The Ape Story Liu Pan Lu Peiyu, Luo Yanqian, Wang Susu [31] Fruity Robo The Great Escape Wang Wei Lai Hongyu, Zu Liqing, Ju Yuebin, Shen Ke, Wang Wei, Lu Shuang, Deng Hong, Liao Chenxi, Li Tuan, Zhao Ran, Chen Yu [32] 28 Yu Lian Mi Qing Wang Bo Wang Zhensen, Tao Huan Drama / Romance / Mystery / Thriller [33] 29 For Love Zheng Laizhi Li Feier, Huang Ming, Li Jinming, Leon Jay Williams, Du Haitao [34] Kung Fu Panda 3 Jennifer Yuh Nelson Alessandro Carloni Jack Black, Bryan Cranston, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, J. K. Simmons, Jackie Chan, Seth Rogen, Lucy Liu, David Cross, Kate Hudson, James Hong, Randall Duk Kim Comedy / Action / Animation / Adventure Mainland-United States co-production [35] Lost in the Pacific Vincent Zhou Brandon Routh, Zhang Yuqi, Russell Wong, Vincent M. Ward, Dai Xiangyu, Bernice Liu, Debbie Goh, Sunny Wang, Jiang Mengjie, Steven Dasz Drama / Sci-Fi / Adventure [36] My Best Friends Huo Meng Wang Jingchun, Tong Yue, Liu Guancheng, Dai Jiang Drama / Comedy / Romance [37] Out of Ordinary Li Baosheng Sun Haiying, Lü Liping, Kent Tong, Zhang Boyu, Yang Shuting, Wu Jiayi, Ali Lee, Zhu Ziyan [38] Youth in the Air Outlet Zhou Xiaopeng Chen Weidong, Lu Enjie, Tu Xiayan, Jiang Yiyi, Hou Di [39] F E B R U A R Y The New Year's Eve of Old Lee Gao Qunshu Zhao Benshan, Yan Ni, Rayza, Aaron Yan, Pan Binlong, Da Peng, Zhang Yi, Liang Jing, Zhou Dongyu, Yu Hewei, Lian Yiming, Mai Hongmei, Chen Xiaoqing, Yu Feihong, Song Yanfei, Yao Chen, Wen Zhang, Zhang Xinyi, Chen He, Yuan Hong, Sha Yi, Xiaoshenyang, Wang Xiaoli, Song Xiaobao, Liu Xiaoguang Comedy [40] From Vegas to Macau III Andrew Lau Wong Jing Chow Yun-fat, Andy Lau, Nick Cheung, Jacky Cheung, Shawn Yue, Li Yuchun, Carina Lau, Angela Wang, Jacky Heung, Michelle Hu, Janice Man, Yuen Qiu, Psy, Kimmy Tong, Law Kar-ying, Lo Hoi-pang Comedy / Action Mainland-Hong Kong co-production [41] The Mermaid Stephen Chow Deng Chao, Show Lo, Zhang Yuqi, Lin Yun, Kris Wu, Li Shangzheng, White. K, Kong Lianshun, Tin Kai-man, Tsui Hark, Wen Zhang, Yang Neng, Zhang Mei'e, Bo Xiaolong Drama / Romance / Sci-Fi [42] The Monkey King 2 Cheang Pou-soi Aaron Kwok, Gong Li, Feng Shaofeng, Xiaoshenyang, Him Law, Fei Xiang, Kelly Chen Comedy / Action / Fantasy [43] Mr. Nian Zhang Yang Lei Jiayin, Zhou Dongyu, Chen He, Tao Hong, Guo Tao, Patrick Guo, Liu Yiwei, Shen Teng, Zhang Yibai, Wang Xun, Hao Yun, Xie Na, Xiong Naijin [44] 11 Be Not Rivial Matter Zhou Yihua Fang Xiaogang Gong Hanlin, Jin Zhu, Zhu Lisha, Zhan Dou, Shen Baoping, Lü Zhong, Cui Kefa Drama / Comedy / Romance / Family [45] 14 Kill Time Fruit Chan Angelababy, Ethan Juan, Juck Zhang, Rayza, Hao Lei, Pan Hong, Yin Zhusheng, Huang Jue, Kou Zhenhai, Lam Suet, Song Ning [46] Mr. High Heels Lu Ke Du Jiang, Fiona Sit, Yu Xintian, Chen Xuedong, Wong Cho-lam, Huo Siyan, Li Yuan, Xiao Xiao, Li Yu [47] Run for Love Zhang Yibai Guan Hu Zhang Meng Teng Huatao Gao Qunshu Zhang Ziyi, Eddie Peng, Tong Liya, Zhou Dongyu, Michelle Chen, Zhang Yi, Liang Jing, Wang Qianyuan, Wu Mochou, Sebastian Stigar Drama / Romance [48] 19 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny Yuen Woo-ping Donnie Yen, Michelle Yeoh, Harry Shum, Jr., Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Jason Scott Lee, Eugenia Yuan, Veronica Ngo, Shuya Chang, Chris Pang, Woon Young-park, Zhou Xiaofei Drama / Action / Fantasy / Adventure [49] The Frog Kingdom 2: Sub-Zero Mission Chang Guangxi Peng Fei Sun Nan, Shi Banyu, Jiang Guijin, Mai Baoyao [50] The Game Yi Ping Liu Qing, Zhou Haodong, Su Ting, Yang Haichao, Wei Jianyun, Zhao Tingting Suspense / Thriller [51] Money and Love Sun Hongkai Cao Yunjin, Zhou Zhi, Du Haitao, Wu Xin, Jacky Wu, Daniel Chan, Jiang Chao, Su Xing, Oscar Sun, Zhang Yuxi, Wan Guopeng, Sun Yaoqi, Liu Yase, Mike Sui, Vivien Li, Han Yunyun, Ba Duo [52] 25 The Weird Doll Cheung Kwok-kuen Li Yuhang, Cheng Yuanyuan, Kong Wei Thriller / Horror [53] When We Were Young Chang Zheng Hu Suhan, Yin Liang, Chen Changhai, Ding Dang, Wang Xinhua, Guo Jiulong [54] M A R C H 4 You Really Are My Lover Chen Yutian Wei Lianfeng, Tian Yue, Qi Jiuzhou, Gao Chuan, Zhang Jingsheng Romance [55] Spicy Hot in Love Xiao Fei Zhang Changzheng Peter Ho, Qin Hao, Zhou Yiwei, Zhang Zilin, Tian Yuan, Acan Huang, Zhang Xinyi, Hai Yitian, Ady An, Jin Zhiwen, Jack Kao, Liu Xin, Li Xuanzhen [56] Don't Run the Thief Lei Jinke Peng Bo, Li Tiannuo, Dong Xiangrong, Han Feng, Dong Yijun Comedy / Action / Costume [57] Judge Archer Xu Haofeng Song Yang, Yu Chenghui, Li Chengyuan, Wang Yanni, Zhao Zheng, Li Changlin, Ma Jun Drama / Martial arts / Costume Entered into the 49th Golden Horse Film Festival [58] Love Studio Cheng Zhonghao Wang Kai Jiang Chao, Cica Zhou, Li Meng, Yu Menglong, Mandy Lee, Zhang Lei, Em Qi, Hei Ge [59] Under the Bed Shang Yongfeng Abby, Jiang Wenxuan, Miao Qing, Liu Liyuan, Song Wei [60] Wang Mao Zhao Xiaoxi Wang Dazhi, Guo Jinjie, Ge Xiaofeng, Su Li, Luo Jingmin, Xu Jian, Lin Yongjian, Liu Jiang, De Jiang Comedy / War [61] Never Forgive Sun Tie Wu Gang, Liu Bin, Jie Bing, Zhao Luokuang [62] Ya Hai Er Yang Yizhi Wu Ma, Sun Guitian, Xie Mengwei, Xiong Ke, Chang Ruoxi, Chen Jiayang, Guo Zhanyue, Lala, Ge Qihao, Guo Ziyuan [63] 17 Red Cheongsam Wang Liang Wang Liang, Qin Xue, Cici Hong, Li Beilei, Zhang Guodong, Gu Peng [64] 18 Papa Zheng Xiao Xia Yu, Song Zuer, Yang Zi, David Wu, Jiang Shan, Hu Bing, Mike Sui, Brother Sway, Macy Gray, Dennis Oh, Candice Zhao, Emily Kinney, Jake Elliott, Anjini Azhar, Chloe Perrin, Dai Huanyu, Claire Jacobs Comedy / Family [65] The Rise of a Tomboy Zhao Liying, Hans Zhang, Kimmy Tong, Jung Il-woo, Simon Twu, Alan Dawa Dolma, Xu Feng, He Wenhui, Wang Yiwei, Mu Cong, Chin Shih-chieh [66] Road to the Sky Wang Yi Johnny Kou, Liu Xiaoxiao, Wang Bo-chieh, Zhang Zhengxiang, Yi Shan, Yang Buting Entered into the 2015 Montreal World Film Festival [67] Easy Life Zhu Qing Zhang Tianyang, He Hongshan, Wan Cang, Jin Liang, Yu Dejiang, Ji Shuhai Action / Romance / Martial arts / Costume [68] Fear is Coming Xie Ronger, Mik Thongraya, Yang Xing, You Le'er, Li Mengmeng, Zhou Yaping, Yan Zi, Guo Zhongyou, Yang Ziyi, Peng Yibo, Chang Xiaoxiao, Xu Xihan, Yu Lei, Liu Baole, Ren Jiao, Jiang Haotong, Che Jingzi, Sun Manling [69] Girls' Generation Ah Niu, Zhao Yu, Teddy Chin Huang Cancan, Nan Sheng, Owodog, Hayden Wang, Jayden Wang, Ke Qing, Daphne Chuah, Yumi Wong, Jiang Qianling [70] Hui Xiang Dou Er Guo Feng Da Bing, Bai Bo, Huang Keyuan, Wu Qiong, Lü Xiaohe [71] Jia Zhuang Kan Bui Jian Zhi Dian Ying Da Shi Wei Jie Yao Xingtong, Lee Hyun-jae, Ming Ren, Wang Duoduo, Cynthia, Liu Yang, Benz Hui, Kingdom Yuen, Jang Woo-hyuk [72] One Night of Fate Miao Shu Xiao Haoran, Xu Xiyao, Jiang Chao, Sammy Lau, Xia Yunfei, Chen Kuan-tai, Liu Yuting [73] The White-Haired Girl Hou Keming Lei Jia, Zhang Yingxi, Gao Peng, Qian Zhiguo, Wu Meng, Chang Tong Chinese opera [74] A P R I L The Bodyguard Sammo Hung Sammo Hung, Andy Lau, Zhu Yuchen, Li Qinqin, Feng Jiayi, Jacqueline Chan, Hu Jun, Feng Shaofeng, Eddie Peng, Song Jia, Tsui Hark, Karl Maka, Dean Shek, Yuen Biao, Yuen Qiu, Yuen Wah, Wu Ming-tsai, Yuen Bo Comedy / Action / Mystery / Adventure [75] Bomb! Bomb! Bomb! Lin Zi Hai Yang, Zhang Xiaojue, Wang Ge, Feng Kai, Pan Yian, Zhang Yafei, Leo Wu, Guan Zhe Comedy / Romance / Fantasy [76] Chongqing Hot Pot Yang Qing Chen Kun, Bai Baihe, Qin Hao, Yu Entai Entered into the 2016 Hong Kong International Film Festival [77] The Guest Lim Dae-woong Leon Lai, Geng Le, Han Chae-young Mainland-South Korea co-production [78] Who Sleeps My Bro Zhang Qi Chen Xiao, Qin Lan, Calvin Tu, Liu Ruilin, Li Xian, Yu Xintian, Lan Yingying, Jiang Xueming, Wang Xiaokun [79] Xuan Yuan the Great Emperor Li Xiaojun Yu Bo, Cica Zhou, Ban Jiajia, Wang Deshun, Li Qilong, Sudengzha Musu, Tan Xiaohao [80] 2 Space Panda 3 Zheng Chengfeng Comedy / Sci-Fi / Animation / Adventure [81] Ghost Neighbor Xing Bo Li Zuofei, Cao Zichen [82] The Little Ke Wei Zhang Jixuan, Zhao Yuanyuan, Shi Lei, Chen Haoming [83] Midnight Record Search Liu Tianrong Sha Yi, Hu Ke, Li Qi, Fu Hong [84] The Deadly Reasoning Mystery [85] Lost in White Xu Wei Tony Leung Ka-fai, Tong Dawei, Zhou Dongyu, Deng Jiajia, Vision Wei, Cao Weiyu Action / Mystery / Crime [86] Mother's Revenge Wang Chong, Wang Danwei, Tian Miao, Xiao Yanbo, Wu Xi, Zhai Hongyu, Lu Feng, Wen Ting, Peng Zhongyang, Zhang Guorong, Chen Yupeng [87] New York New York Luo Dong Ethan Juan, Du Juan, Michael Miu, Cecilia Yip, Peter Greene, Yuan Wenkang, Huang Ling, Shi An, Shao Wen, Yang Xuwen, Ma Yanting, MC Jin [88] Yan Ran Wang Ziyi, Ariel Aisin-Gioro, Zhang Doudou, Xu Zhengting [89] 20 Tendresse in Your Voice Pan Mingguang Jia Yiping, Chen Yinuo, He Gang, Liu Can, Zhang Yao, Zhang Heng [90] Buddy Cops Peter Chik Bosco Wong, King Kong Lee, Eric Tsang, Kate Tsui, Charmaine Fong, Jordan Chan, Gordon Lam, Stanley Fung, Elaine Jin, Candice Yu, Michael Tse, Alice Chan [91] Goddess Era Bosco Lin Gao Lihong, Wei Wei, Rina An, Lam Suet, He Minghan, He Gang, Li Gen, Zhong Lei, Zou Jingjing [92] Insomnia Lover Yuan Jie Treechada Petcharat, Deng Zifeng, Yang Liao, Zhao Yixin, Patrick Tam, Teddy Lin, Wong Yat-fei, Kingdom Yuen [93] Music And Dream Li Qingcheng Wang Xianghong, Tong Xin, Tang Jiacheng, Yao Yuxin [94] My New Sassy Girl Joh Keun-shik Victoria Song, Cha Tae-hyun, Mina Fujii, Choi Jin-ho, Bae Seong-woo Romance / Comedy [95] My Ten Million Xiao Xunlin Benji Chiang, Paul Chun, Ken Lok, He Jie, Li Manyi, Wang Mingshuai, Huang Yonggang, Yang Jia, He Yufei, Ou Ning, Meng Xin, Zhang Linxiong, Li Yan Drama / Mystery [96] Yesterday Once More Yoyo Yao Bai Jingting, Guo Shutong, Li Hongyi, Wang Herun, Ding Guansen, Zhao Wenlong [97] Book of Love Xue Xiaolu Tang Wei, Wu Xiubo, Paul Chun, Kara Hui, Wang Zhiwen, Lu Yi, Zu Feng, Liu Zhihong, Cherry Ngan [98] MBA Partners Jang Tae-yoo Yao Chen, Tiffany Tang, Hao Lei, Li Chen, Wang Yibo, Aaron Kwok, Kim Sung-joo, Kent Tong, Gallen Lo, Lam Suet [99] Phantom of the Theatre Raymond Yip Ruby Lin, Tony Yang, Simon Yam, Huang Huan, Jing Gangshan, Lin Jiangguo, Natalie Meng, Zhang Zifeng, Huang Lei, Li Jing, He Yunwei [100] Xuan Zang Huo Jianqi Huang Xiaoming, Xu Zheng, Purba Rgyal, Luo Jin, Tan Kai, Vivian Dawson, Jiang Chao, Che Xiao, Lou Jiayue, Kent Tong, Zhao Liang History [101] 30 A Li Ba Ba 2: Suo Luo Men Feng Yin Ding Yan, Ye Fang, Yang Jin, Sun Ke, Zhang Yang, Ge Jun [102] Ma Xiaole and His Toys Animation / Fantasy / Adventure [103] Qing Wa Zong Dong Yuan Yang Renxian Ji Jing, Guo Zhengjian, Bai Tao, Wang Qiuming, Ku Feng, Teng Kuixing, Li Jinyan [104] M A Y Wind Chimes on the Card Hu Yang Li Chunli, Fu Shiyu, Gao Renhui Drama / Romance / Child [105] 6 Bu Ji Lan An Xingwei Wang Yu, Liu Xingsheng, Narenqi Muge, Wulanqi Qige Entered into the 2016 Beijing International Film Festival [106] Delusion Danny Pang Phat Pakho Chau, An Hu, Cici Hong, Cheng Yuanyuan, Timmy Hung [107] Gods Hug Tian Yue, Rong Zixi, Yang Tong, Shi Yuanting, Liu Wei, He Yunwei [108] Heaven of Nestling Zhan Junke Li Fengxu, Yang Xiaomi, Li Jinzhe, Qiu Yucheng, Mao Hanyi, Fang Yizhou, Chen Ruijia, Zhao Kuang, Lin Yibai, Han Jiqing [109] Sentence Me Guilty Sun Liang Li Xinyun, Francis Ng, Leon Dai, Tian Xiaojie, Chris Lee Entered into the 20th Busan International Film Festival [110] Song of the Phoenix Wu Tianming Tao Zeru, Li Mincheng Entered into the 2013 Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival [111] 13 22nd Catch Liu Guang-hui Qin Hailu, Van Fan, Weng Chia-ming, Ou Ning, Esther Liu, Jill Hsu, Run Bao, Tino Bao Mainland-Taiwan co-production [112] Bloody House Gao Yuxin Liu Feng Song Yijie, Jiang Xinqi, Zhang Lanyi, Wang Yanyang, Ma Danni, Li Yanbing, Scud, Deng Linying [113] Distance Xin Yukun Tan Shijie Sivaroj Kongsakul Chen Bolin, Jiang Wenli, Tony Yang, Paul Chun, Pat, Feng Li, Yeo Yann Yann Drama / Romance / Homosexual / Family Entered into the 2015 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival [114] 115] Don't Open the Door Zhou Ge Xu Li, Qu Shaoshi, Yang Long, Zhao Hongji, Li Henan, Wang Chang, Cao Lei, Li Xinrui, Liu Jin, Liu Zhu [116] 708090 Lin Yiqi Deng Jianquan Chen Muchuan Kenji Wu, Song Ji-hyo, Zhao Yihuan, Ray Lui, Irene Wan, Duo Liang, Li Fengming, Chen Rui, Lau Shek-yin, Zhao Chenyan, Li Donghan, Shang Kan, Jolie Fan [117] Brothers Ah Gan Peter Ho, Ethan Li, Xia Zitong, Yang Qiming, Tian Yuan, He Lanpeng, Song Ning, Wang Wang, Huang Tianyuan Drama / Action [118] The Death Note Jiang Jun Cao Feiran, Li Zheng, Li Ben [119] In the Rain Tang Yongkang Li Yuhang, Wang Yue, Qiu Yunhe, Zhan Junlin [120] Night Peacock Dai Sijie Liu Yifei, Liu Ye, Yu Shaoqun, Leon Lai Mainland-France co-production [121] Plastic Surgeon: Hunted Face Huang Jun Pu Pu, Li Wenwen, Fang Hui, Sun Zujun, Liu Tianzuo [122] Water Dream Chang Xiaoyang Hu Ming, Shi Lin [123] Self Redemption Zhu Jianghua Wang Shouyue Sun Boyang, Chen Meixing, Chen Zheng, Wang Qingxiang, Peng Bo, Wang Lei, Ren Xihong, Zi Xi [124] 27 A Horse with Hope Bai Haibin Huang Lu, Wei Zaizhong [125] Jungle Master: The Candy World Xu Kerr Huang Ying, An Qi, Li Zhengxiang, Zhang Xin, Jiang Yuling [126] Murder at Honeymoon Hotel Jang Cheol-soo Li Guanghao Qian Bingzhe Zhang Jingchu, Peter Ho, Kim Young-min, Ni Hongjie, Goh Wee Ping, Wen Xiang [127] Star Ant - Global Adventure Meng Wenlong Guan Xiaochao Tang Huabao Hu Yanyan, Liu Pei, Li Jing, Dai Yi, Zhang Jinling, Cai Dan, Ze Fei, Li Ming, Mao Mao [128] Witch Doctor Wu Zongqiang Treechada Petcharat, Patrick Tam, Lu Yulai, Meng Yao, Gao Yalin Mainland-Thailand co-production [129] J U N E Dragon Warrior Li Dongtai Animation / Fantasy [130] Floraand Faunas War Animation [131] Fruit Story Yang Jinsong Liang Donglong Liu Pingjie Lu Wei Zu Qing, Ming Jing, Xiao Yu, Jiang Linchen, Li Jing, Huang Shanshan, Mao Mao, Xiao Ma, Qi Jining, Ma Rui, Zhao Ran, Ze Fei [132] Kunta Li Lian [133] The Spring in the Winter Law Wing-cheung Ning Lu, Wu Junyu, Law Kar-ying, Amy Chan, Pan Jie, Bobby Tsang, Billy Lau, Chun Wong, Ma Qiguang [134] Fright Night Mai Zi Jill Hsu, Chen Bingqiang, Chen Huan [135] Memento Mori Park Yu-hwan Lei Jiayin, Xia Zitong, Li Jing, Sun Ning, He Yunwei [136] 9 Toys War Deng Xiaoting, Zhao Ben, Bai Wenxian, Sun Yajun [137] 10 Our Graduation Kimmy Tong, Gao Taiyu, Xie Yingfei, Ma Ding, Qiao Xi [138] The Curse of Chopsticks Ji Yu Hu Yingyi, Zhu Xuan, Zhou Jun, Sun Chen, Li Yazhen, Rong Yi, Wang Yu, Wang Yichan, Wang Lan [139] The Flowers Blooming Ji Ming Chen Shanshan, Ma Zijing, Zhao Fuli [140] Love of the Sea Alan Han Zaishi, Ju Hao, Wang Kuirong, A Wei, Yin Dandan, Zheng Zixun Romance / Sci-Fi [141] One Night Liu Ziwei Fu Weng Wang Junping, Fu Weng, Du Xiaoxiong, Zhou Yenan, Wang Zhuo, Ju Hongyu, Deng Hongyang [142] Warrior VS Dragon Zhou Bin Ge Zhangjun, Piao Shao, Chen Bo, An Ni, Huang Zhenji, Shan Xin, Chen Gongjie, Cui Jianwen, Tute Hameng, BBC, Wu Zhongyu, Tao Bao, Hai Tao, Xia Yike [143] When the Meteor Shot Across the Sky Song Qi Xu Nuo, Sun Lihua, Liang Yu, Yang Xiaorong [144] Seven Days Xing Jian Wang Deshun, Huang Songbo [145] Yu Wang Sen Lin Zhou Sansheng Zhou Chongyang Xiao Yuhang Li Shengxiong, Zhang Yongxian, Huang Shengliang, Zhang Chi, Yu Sutong Drama / Romance / Sci-Fi / Fiction / Erotica [146] Nankou in 1937 Zhu Dan Sun Kan, Sun Hongtao, Xie Fang, Du Xudong, Liu Jizhong Drama / War [147] 24 The Nursery Patchanon Thammajira Zhu Yilong, Peechaya Wattanamontree, Li Jiaming [148] Three Johnnie To Zhao Wei, Louis Koo, Wallace Chung, Lo Hoi-pang, Lam Suet, Cheung Siu-fai, Michael Tse Action / Crime [149] So I Married an Anti-fan Kim Jae-young Park Chanyeol, Yuan Shanshan, Jiang Chao, Seohyun [150] J U L Y Bounty Hunters Shin Tae-ra Lee Min-ho, Wallace Chung, Tiffany Tang, Jones Xu, Karena Ng, Louis Fan Drama / Comedy / Action Mainland-South Korea-Hong Kong co-production [151] The Death War Lin Xiaoxin Xu Jianghua He Yujun, Wang Lan, Gao Mingsheng, Hu Zijian, Lv Wenjun, Chen Shengwei, Lu Shaoping, Jiang Linyan, Sun Mingjun, Wang Jun, Wang Xusheng War [152] Gu Tian Hui Yi Tan Xiaoming Xu Bocen, Wang Weizhi, Ashton Chen History / War [153] The Last Race Stephen Shin Joseph Fiennes, Shawn Dou, Darren Grosvenor, Shigeo Kobayashi, Elizabeth Arends Drama / History / Sport Mainland-Hong Kong-United States co-production [154] The Precipice Game Wang Zao Ruby Lin, Peter Ho, Jin Shijia, Wang Ji, Gai Yuexi, Li Lin, Li Shangyi, Shi Zhi, Liu Shijie [155] Scary Notes Min Jintao Zhao Yongxin, Tan Jianci, Feng Jiamei, Pan Chunchun [156] Yin Lingzhi Wei Xiaotong Gao Yaoping, Yao Anlian, Wang Jianguo, Li Lin, Yan Qingyu, Zhang Zhihong, Zhang Yeshi, Wang Pengli, Han Sanming, Lu Haihua, An Ning, Xu Li, Ming Junchen Drama / History / War [157] The Adventures of the Ugly Duckling Zheng Yi Zhu Keke, A Fei, Xia Yixuan, Gua Gua, Li Wenhan, Mu Ou, Qing Yun, Rui Qi, Yong Zhe, Bai Mao, A awu Science Fiction / Animation / Children / Adventure [158] Big Fish & Begonia Liang Xuan Zhang Chun Ji Guanlin, Su Shangqing, Xu Weizhou, Chin Shih-chieh, Yang Ting, Pan Shulan, Jiu Er, Wang Deshun, Zhang Yuanyuan, Jiang Guangtao, A Jie, Ma Zhengyang, Baomu Zhongyang, Liu Xiaoyu Drama / Animation / Fantasy [159] Chang Chen Ghost Stories Zhan Yue Lu Shan, Fu Heng, Wu Jinxi, Song Hanhuan, Ding Qi, Wei Yun, Li Yu, Xu Haipeng Romance / Suspense / Thriller [160] Foolish Plans Jiang Tao Wang Ning, Xiu Rui, Wang Zijian, Wang Ou, Liu Yase, Chen Yang, Wang Yanhui Comedy / Adventure [161] Never Gone Zhou Tuoru Kris Wu, Liu Yifei, Jin Shijia, Li Qin, Li Meng, Hao Shaowen, Chen Ran, Qiao Renliang [162] Rock Dog Ash Brannon Guo Degang, Guo Qilin, Yu Qian, Feng Xiaogang, Zheng Jun, Sun Yue, Zhu Yunfeng, Liu Yun, Jagger Zheng, Zhang Chucheng Animation / Music [163] Wang Deshun, Wangshi Wenqi, Huang Songbo, Xu Wenyu, Pu Zhengxi, Xu Songhua, Cui Ziyu [164] Coming Home Xie Zhenghui Guo Zhengchi, Zhang Rulei, Xia Fandi, Zhang Shihong, Sun Guitian, Dong Ping [165] Following the Donkey Yang Lin Shao Feng, Zhang Yaguang, Huang Chenglin, Li Ruojia, He Miao, Hou Kaiwen [166] Joy of Second Child Yan Linfei, Chen Haoming, Dong Ping, Li Yan, Li Jiaqi [167] Yue Song Yue Song, Xing Yu, Li Yufei, Collin Chou, Michael Chan, Shang Tielong, Xu Dongmei, Yang Jun, Li Changhai, Jiang Baocheng, Yuan Wu, Dong Jiangtao [168] For a Few Bullets Pan Anzi Lin Gengxin, Zhang Jingchu, Tengger, Liu Xiaoqing, Vivian Dawson, Kenneth Tsang, Shi Yufei [169] Kaili Blues Bi Gan Chen Yongzhong, Xie Lixun, Yu Shixue, Guo Yue Drama / Fantasy Entered into the 2015 Locarno International Film Festival [170] Movie Master of Pretending Yao Xingtong, Lee Hyun-jae, Ming Ren, Cynthia Sun, Jang Woo-hyuk, Kingdom Yuen, Benz Hui, Wang Duoduo, Liu Yang [171] Quackerz Viktor Lakisov Michael Gross, Jesse Corti, Mark DeCarlo, Enn Reitel, Robbie Daymond Drama / Comedy / Action / Animation Russia-United States-Hong Kong co-production [172] Tik Tok Li Jun Wallace Chung, Lee Jung-jae, Lang Yueting, Lee Chae-young Drama / Mystery / Crime [173] When Larry Met Mary Wen Zhang Bao Bei'er, Song Jia, Zhu Yawen, Jiao Junyan, Guo Jingfei, Guo Tao, Ma Yili, Li Chen, Chen He, Chang Yuan, Bao Wenjing, Jiu Kong, Yu Shasha [174] When Pen Ghost Meets Plate Ghost Mo Sali Kang Sung-goo, Shen Caier, Liu Xiaoqi, Yan Weier, Ding Yi, Xu Lin, Feng Han, Xu Jingyuan, Lin Xi, Yan Jiayin [175] Zhang Yongxian, Huang Shengliang, Zhang Chi [176] 21 Skiptrace Renny Harlin Jackie Chan, Fan Bingbing, Johnny Knoxville, Eric Tsang, Michael Wong, Winston Chao, Eve Torres, Dylan Kuo, Shi Shi, Yeon Jung-hoon, Zhang Lanxin, Lily Ji, Tomer Oz, Temur Mamisashvili, Paul Philip Clark Mainland-United States-Hong Kong co-production [177] Summer's Desire Lai Chun-yu Huang Cancan, Him Law, Jerry Yan, Jiu Kong, Gua Ah-leh [178] Bobby the Hedgehog Huang Jianming Da Wei, Xiao Ming [179] Horror Love Story Wrong Way Hong Shui Mu Yuchen, Feng Ke, Gao Mingyang, Wei Peng, Zhang Suzhe, Chen Yuanyuan, Zheng Peilin, Sun Chengcheng, Li Gan, Zhang Yao Suspense / Horror / Crime [180] One Night Only Matt Wu Aaron Kwok, Yang Zishan, Hao Lei, Andy On, Jack Kao, Zhou Yutong, Li Haofei, Jessie Li, Fan Tiantian [181] Shao Nian Shi Ye Zhi Da Yu Bao Zang Xiao Zhihui Chen Lingchao [182] The Whisper Peng Penghua Jiang Wen, Yu Xiaowei, Zhang Yao, Zhang Xinyuan, Wang Xiaotian, Yan Guanying, Zhang Tianying, Yu Hewei [183] A Busy Night Wang Li Li Jing, Cao Yunjin, Ma Li, Cica Zhou, Lam Suet, Joy Sheng, Paul Chun [184] At Cafe 6 Neal Wu Dong Zijian, Cherry Ngan, Austin Lin, Ouyang Nini, Ireine Song, Leon Dai, Sandrine Pinna [185] Girl of the Big House Aman Chang Angela Wang, Francis Ng, Miriam Yeung, Jim Chim, Yuen Qiu [186] League of Gods Koan Hui Jet Li, Fan Bingbing, Huang Xiaoming, Angelababy, Louis Koo, Wen Zhang, Jacky Heung, Tony Leung Ka-fai, Zu Feng, Andy On, Xu Qing, Jordan Chan Drama / Action / Fantasy [187] 188] The Peaceful Island Chang Yoon-hyun Stanley Huang, Leon Dai, Jiao Junyan, Rayza, Huang Jian-wei, Wang Yanzhi, Sun Lei, Han Li, Zhang Chun, He Yujun Action / Mystery / Adventure [189] Yugo & Lala 3 Wang Yunfei Liu Xiaoyu, Meng Quanlin, Lu Kui, Baomu Zhongyang, Guo Zhengjian, Bai Xuecen, Liu Qianhan, Wang Linxi, Zhang Yutong, Deng Weifeng, Feng Sheng, Yang Tianxiang, Su Shangqing, Chen Liyang, Guo Haoran, Chen Meijun, Xie Yaxin, Han Xiao [190] Toxic Poisoning Cui Zhimin Sun Haiying, Du Shuangyu, Yan Junxi, Sheng Shitou, Liu Changchun, Li Xiaoqiang Comedy / Mystery / War [191] Warrant the Reborn Zheng Qiang, Lu Enjie, Jiang Yiyi, Chen Weidong, Yu Menglong, Liu Zhenyou, Wang Gang, Li Yaojing [192] A U G U S T 5 My Best Friend's Wedding Chen Feihong Shu Qi, Feng Shaofeng, Victoria Song, Ye Qing, Rhydian Vaughan [193] 194] The Golden Doll Zhang Jiangnan Han Xue, Sattawat Sethakorn, Wu Yixuan, Zhu Shengyi [195] Sweet Sixteen Jo Jin-kyu Kris Wu, Han Geng, Lu Shan, Bao Bei'er, Joo Won, Zhang Yao [196] Time Raiders Daniel Lee Luhan, Jing Boran, Ma Sichun, Wang Jingchun, Zhang Boyu, Tu Shengcheng, Ngo Ka-nin, Philip Keung, Liu Weisen Fantasy / Adventure [197] Never Said Goodbye Lin Yu-hsien Zhou Dongyu, Lee Joon-gi, Ethan Juan, Rayza, Xing Jiadong, Yoo Sun, Tang Wang, Wang Zhizhi [198] Line Walker Jazz Boon Nick Cheung, Louis Koo, Francis Ng, Charmaine Sheh, Hui Shiu-hung, Stefan Wong, Océane Zhu, Jade Leung, Li Guangjie, Zhang Huiwen Drama / Action / Crime [199] 12 Call of Heroes Benny Chan Sean Lau, Louis Koo, Eddie Peng, Yuan Quan, Jiang Shuying, Wu Jing, Liu Kai-chi, Xing Yu, Berg Ng, Sammy Hung, Philip Keung Action / Martial arts / Costume [200] I Love That Crazy Little Thing Snow Zou William Chan, Tang Yixin, Jessica Jung, Nicholas Tse, Gillian Chung, He Jiong, Du Haitao, Mike Sui, Soinam Nima, Wang Ziqian, Seo In-guk, Sun Yi, Liu Xiaoqian, Nie Zaihao [201] Lost in Island Wang Ziyuan Li Miaoran, Zhang Luochen, Li Tianya, Xu Xiangying, Zhang Xiaoran, Liu Yuting, Jin Changliang, Zhang Lingyan, Guo Jian, Liu Zongwei, Zhang Yiqi, Wang Ziyuan Drama / Comedy / Mystery / Thriller [202] Love O2O Zhao Tianyu Angelababy, Jing Boran, Li Qin, Wang Sicong, Liu Xunzimo, Tan Songyun, Wu Qian, Li Xian, Cheng Yi, Jayden Wang, Bai Yu [203] A Wishing Tree Ankie Lau Ankie Beilke, Carl Ng, Sabin Tambrea, Michelle Yim, Timmy Hung, Denise Keller, Dey Young, Audrey Landers, Lai Suen, Ankie Lau, Terence Yin, Jiang Wenli, Clifton Ko [204] Bao Chi Chen Mo Zhou Ke Zhou Xun, Francis Ng, Zu Feng Drama / Romance / Suspense [205] Gui Zhou Samm Chan Anson Leung, Ye Lin, Gong Yuan [206] Ji Xiang Bao Bao Zhi Wo Shi Shi Shen Chen Suihua Kang Xinchun Zeng Peng Ye Fang, Jiang Min, Cui Peng, Sun Ke, Zhuang Yuchi, Wang Yenan, Qi Xia, Wang Qi, Wang Xueqin, Wang Xin, Tang Dezong [207] New Happy Dad and Son 2: The Instant Genius He Cheng Zhangzhen Yi Liu Chunyan, Dong Hao, Ju Ping, Lin Yongjian, Lin Dajun, Jia Jie, He Ziran, Chen Su, Geng Chenchen, Huang Wei Comedy / Animation / Family [208] River At Far North Zhang Xin Ni Jingyang, Sun Song, Gao Yalin, Zheng Weili, Guo Dongwen, Wang Chu, Dong Hui, Zhang Enqi, Zhou Wen [209] Throne of Elves Song Yuefeng [210] Qi Miao De Peng You Zi Meng Ai 2016 John Cheung Du Haitao, Guo Yan, Guo Taiyu, Jiang Chao, Xie Binbin, Lam Suet, Liu Xin, Ning Xiaohua, Philip Lau, Yeung Jing [211] Mid-July Days 2 Li Hongjian Chen Meixing, Zhai Zimo, Luo Xiang, Wang Liang, Zhao Ji, Miao Qing, Xia Xingling, Chang Yiran, Fu Man, Zhang Lifei, Zeng Yilian Drama / Mystery / Thriller / Horror [212] Ultimate Hero Cui Lei Dragon Chen Dragon Chen, Alexandre Bailly, Luc Bendza, Zeddy Benson, Gian Derek, Warwica Gilles, Doug Babaru, Israel, Liu Yongqi, Yu Zhenhuan Action / Crime / Adventure [213] Di Tan Qi Qing Li Ang Wang Longzheng, Lu Chen, Li Haozhen, Wang Junping [214] Wu Wang Chu Xin Yin Zhe Purba Rgyal, Angel Wei, Cao Yang, Jiang Chao, Fang Qingzhuo [215] 26 Crazy Crazy He Zhonghua He Zhonghua, Lei Zhenwei, Qiu Shiyou, Zhang Yuqian, Ren Xihong, Jia Ya Comedy / Mystery / Crime [216] Crying Out in Love Kwak Jae-yong Ou Hao, Zhang Huiwen, Yang Zi, Yao Lu, Wang Zhi, Gao Taiyu, Li Qinqin, Yang Tongshu, Liu Chao, Wen Xin, Deng Xin [217] Dad's Cabin Li Desheng Du Yulu, Zhu Dan, Giulia Calovini, Jonathan Kos-Read, John Do, Zhang Ke, Zhou Xionghou [218] Elanne Starlight Wang Ziqi Elanne Kong, Lu Yulin, Chen Zeyu [219] The Haunted Graduation Photo Jiu Jiu Chen Yuan, Jin Guangmin, Liu Lier, Song Wei, Nie Jinglei, Chai Zidi, Li Qian, Liu Chonger [220] Mountain Cry Larry Yang Lang Yueting, Nick Wang, Chen Taishen, Yu Ailei, Guo Jin, Xu Caigen, Zhao Chendong, Li Siying, Zhang Zimu Drama / Romance / Crime [221] Snow White and the Three Pigs Sha Li Ni Hongjie, Ren Zhihong, Gu Fangbing Action / Animation / Adventure [222] The Weird Bride Wang Jian Li Jizheng Su Fei, Liu Qi, Rose Yang, Chen Guoliang, Wen Chunrong, Li Shihong, Yue Junling, Yu Tianchuan, Jia Shuyi, He Mingyu [223] S E P T E M B E R Change Life Style Wen Deguang Zhu Yuchen, Ding Liuyuan, Su Li, Zhao Liang [224] Battle of Cuju Meng Weiguo Sang Weilin, Wang Jing, Sun Chuanxin, Wang Yongdi, Ma Ziqi Action / Romance / Sport [225] Days of Our Own Joe Ma Liu Hai Zhao Liying, Qiao Renliang, Gui Gui, Van Fan, Ban Jiajia, Feng Mingchao [226] The Magic of Children: Magic Attack Fang Xiaogang Wu Yang, Chen Xu, Zhang Chao Drama / Child / Fantasy [227] Wan Ming Ju Zu Li Dewei Wang Xiaohu, Mei Xue, Sun Bo, Bai Hezhen, Bai Yang, Yang Jun, Li Suyan [228] Who is Crying at Midnight Lu Shilei Liu Lier, Liu Yichen, Qin Liyang, Isabella, Chen Tianxin, Lu Ziru [229] Zhong Er Bing Shao Nu Yao Zheng Jiu Shi Jie Kulele Wang Linyi, Zhang Meiqi, Wang Ruichang, Huang Jinshuai, Feng Xiaofeng, Wang Jinsong, Jiang Shimeng [230] See You I See Me! Xie Yihang Du Haitao, Liu Xuan, Wu Xin, Danson Tang, Wang Wenwen, Kent Tong, Lee Kin-yan, Chen Zhixiong, Sun Dandan, Zheng Yihang Action / Romance [231] A Woman in the Shadow Zhang Kunyi Wei Ni, Lu Lingjie, Na Renhua, Du Yuming, Li Longjun, Xu Siyu, Yang Kaidi [232] Crosscurrent Yang Chao Qin Hao, Xin Zhilei, Wu Lipeng, Jiang Hualin, Tan Kai, Wang Hongwei Entered into the 66th Berlin International Film Festival [233] For Love to Let Go Luo Min Kimmy Tong, Jiang Chao, Yu Menglong, Xie Binbin, Gao Taiyu, Wang Wei, Zheng Xiaoning, Wang Zhixia [234] Horrible Masion in Wild Village Lu Shiyu Kara Hui, Cai Juntao, Jia Lin, Tang Kuo-chung, Chen Yuaner [235] Mi Yue Ji Hua Hao Ran Oscar Sun, Chen Ran, Wang Yang, Wang Xuemin, Qi Chao [236] Two Idiots Wang Wanzhong, Allen, Chang Yuan, Huang Shengyi, Zhao Liang, Yuan Feng, Peng Bo, Lei Han, Chen Sina, Chen Xiaolong, Kang Kang [237] Silk Road Hero: Khan's Arrow Yang Xiaopu Fang Jun Liu Quanwei Zheng Xiaojia Sookie Pan, Lu Nuo, Zhao Yuying, Su Guotao, Feng Bing [238] A Chinese Odyssey Part Three Jeffrey Lau Han Geng, Tiffany Tang, Wu Jing, Karen Mok, Zhang Juck, Zhang Yao, Wang Yibo, Gillian Chung, Xie Nan, He Jiong, Hu Jing, Huang Zheng, Jeffrey Lau, ho Seung-youn, Zhou Yixuan, Corey Yuen Drama / Comedy / Fantasy [239] Cock and Bull Cao Baoping Liu Ye, Zhang Yi, Duan Bowen, Wang Ziwen, Tan Zhuo, Wang Yanhui, Yan Bei, Sun Lei Drama / Comedy / Crime [240] Soul Mate Derek Tsang Zhou Dongyu, Ma Sichun, Toby Lee [241] Z Storm 2 David Lam Louis Koo, Julian Cheung, Vic Chou, Bowie Lam, Lo Hoi-pang, Shek Sau, Dada Chan, Derek Tsang, Janelle Sing, Deno Cheung, Gordon Lam, Philip Keung, Jacky Cai, Stephen Au Drama / Crime [242] A Dog Named “Wang Zi” Yang Jianwu Zhong Jiaqi, Prince Chiu, Paw Hee-ching, Law Lan, Na Wei, Clara Lee, Peter Pang [243] Ai De Xie Hou Tommy Cui Huang Shichao, Lyan Chen, Tse Kwan-ho, Grace Yu [244] Godbeast Megazord: Return of Green Dragon Zhu Xiaobing Huang Yiqing [245] McDull: Rise of the Rice Cooker Brian Tse King Kong Lee, Da Wang, Zhang Zhengzhong, Peng Bo, Sun Xiaoniu [246] My War Oxide Pang Liu Ye, Wang Luodan, Tony Yang, Ye Qing, Huang Zhizhong, Wang Longhua [247] The Match Yan Xusheng Wang Jingchun, Wang Sen, Bao Chunlai, Qiao Xin, Liu Xiaoguang, Rain Li, Xiao Yanbo, Wang Chaowei, Wang Huaxu, Wang Yizhe Drama / Sport [248] The Grass in Wind Luo Ying Li Xinran, Li Huailong, Li Donghe, Chen Mengxi, Ban Lanqiao, Yang Deyu, Fu Hao, Ran Jinxing, Luo Deyuan, Wu Wen, Li Qiuping, Zhang Jiao Entered into the 2015 Vancouver Chinese Film Festival [249] Phoenix Valley Kang Yujiang Li Hongying, Dong Hanlu, Wong Yat-fei, Xia Jiawei, Bo Hong, Wang Shan, Wang Lu, Gai Xi [250] Gui Meng Xiong Ling Deng Andong Alex Fong, Dany Lee, He Yingqiao, Liu Xiaodong, Wang Xintong Suspense / Thriller / Horror / Crime [251] The Unvanished Vapour Ryan He Luo Lanshan, Wang Haochen, Pi Yijia [252] Three Idiots Li Chunxiao Liu Hua, Lai Xi, Yu Fei, Zhu Bo [253] I Belonged to You Zhang Yibai Deng Chao, Bai Baihe, Yang Yang, Zhang Tianai, Yue Yunpeng, Du Juan, Liu Yan [254] The Bell of Love Piao Junxi Wang Lan, Niu Ben, Luo Jingmin Drama / Children [255] Ghost Hospital Yin Guojun Bianca Bai, Li Changxi, Law Kar-ying, Meng Peng [256] L. O. R. D: Legend of Ravaging Dynasties Guo Jingming Fan Bingbing, Kris Wu, Chen Xuedong, William Chan, Amber Kuo, Yang Mi, Lin Yun, Yan Yikuan, Aarif Rahman, Wang Yuan, Wang Duo, Guo Jingming [257] Operation Mekong Dante Lam Zhang Hanyu, Eddie Peng, Sun Chun, Chen Baoguo, Feng Wenjuan, Liu Xiandazi, Zhao Jian, Wu Xudong, Carl Ng [258] Xin Mu Ou Qi Yu Ji Chen Lei Zhang Yang, Ye Fang, Ding Yan Comedy / Science Fiction / Animation / Adventure [259] O C T O B E R I Am Nezha Shu Zhan Tao Dian, Han Jiaojiao, Liu Yao Drama / Animation [260] Mind Decoding Yu Xiangyuan Ding Yingan Jiang Fangting, Wen Jing, Yu Xiaochun Drama / Suspense / Horror [261] Mission Milano Wong Jing Andy Lau, Huang Xiaoming, Wong Cho-lam, Michelle Hu, Nana Ou-yang, Xie Yilin, Shen Teng, Zhao Yingjun, Qi Wei, Xu Dongdong, Mao Junjie Comedy / Action / Adventure [262] On the Way Wang Xiaolong Ma Qiguang, Hai Tong, Xiao Song, Bi Hui Drama / Comedy / Love [263] Armor Hero Captor King Zheng Guowei Lai Yi, Wang Changchang, Qu Haojun Action / Animation / Fantasy / Adventure [264] Feng Kuang Chou Xiao Ya Jiang Yefeng Zheng Chengfeng Su Qianyun, Wang Xueqin, Yang Jin Comedy / Animation / Children / Adventure [265] Xin Dong Fang Shen Wa Yin Xiaodong Wang Yanhua, Wang Xiaotong, Li Ye Animation / Children [266] The Promise I Made to You Lin Baisong Yan Xiaopin, Zhang Jingsheng, Fei Xuan [267] Crossing Chishui He for Four Times Lu Yi Fang Cheng, Hu Xiaohui Drama / Animation / War [268] Cupid Arrow Ma Zhiquan Gu Qiming Hanson Ying, Zhao Yuanyuan, Jiro Wang [269] Fall in Love Ricky Lau Stephanie Siao, He Gang, Gao Tian, Melissa Ma, Xu Fengbai, Bryan Leung, Zheng Ning, Zhang Chunnian, Zhou Haodong [270] Super Model Niu Hui Zhu Yan, Ban Jiajia, Hou Jingwen [271] The Warriors Ning Haiqiang Ethan Li, Yu Xiaowei, Nie Yuan Action / History / War [272] What's in the Darkness Wang Yichun Su Xiaotong, Guo Xiao, Lu Qiwei Drama / Suspense / Crime Entered into the 2015 First Film Festival [273] Xiao Xiong De Xia Tian Yang Ming Jiang Chao, Chen Ting, Sun Guitian Comedy / Children [274] Xin Yu Yang Guang Lu Haotian Li Jiaming, Li Jingyang, Biao Ma [275] Heartfall Arises Ken Wu Nicholas Tse, Sean Lau, Tong Liya Drama / Action / Suspense / Crime Entered into the 2016 Shanghai International Film Festival [276] Flipped Ma Yong Kent Tong, Chiu Hao-chi, Zhang Xi-ai [277] Lei Feng Man Ma Shi, Yang Ruifeng [278] Roommates in Love Xie Jialiang He Minghan, Cica Zhou, Kristy Yang [279] So Lucky Jia Yiping Jia Yiping, Yuan Hong, Liu Yuxin [280] The Loner Guan Jin Hideo Nakaizumi, Qi Zimei, Li Hua [281] Mr. Donkey Zhou Shen Liu Lu Ren Suxi, Da Li, Liu Shuailiang [282] Mysterious Face II Zhao Huixian, Tian Jiada, Hu Rui [283] Pechaya Wattanamontri, Zhu Yilong, Jill Hsu [284] Xiaoming and His Friends Wang Xin Qiao Shan, Xu Juncong, Fei Weini [285] N O V E M B E R Looking For the Holy Land Zhang Li Nuobu Tuga, Tao Duoduo Drama / Romance / Mystery / Adventure [286] Hi Jack Wu Tiange Chen Shu, Jin Weiheng, Zeng Chen Comedy / Action / Romance [287] Hide and Seek Liu Jie Wallace Huo, Qin Hailu, Wan Qian, Jessie Li, Dong Zijian [288] Making Family Cho Jin-mo Aarif Rahman, Kim Ha-neul, Mason Moon Moorhouse [289] Never Give Up Jiang Qinmin Yuan Chenjie, Cao Yunjin, Elanne Kong [290] 291] Shadow Wan Shizhong Liu Haowen, Liu Junfeng, Lv Jia, Zhang Zhiwei Suspense / Thriller / Martial arts / Costume [292] Someone to Talk To Liu Yulin Mao Hai, Li Qian, Liu Bei Drama / Romance / Family [293] The Song of Cotton Zhu Yuancheng Yan Bingyan, Wang Deshun, Ai Liya [294] Xiao Lin Zu Qiu Lam Chi-chung Shin, Zhou Qiqi, Louis Cheung Comedy / Sports [295] The Light Huang Yan Ma Lin Wei Daxun, Xu Lu, Mao Chuan [296] Sheng Si 96 Xiao Shi Yuan Benli Nie Yuan, Ye Qianyun [297] Escape Route Wu Lin Zhang Yishan, He Yunwei, Li Jing, Park Ha-sun [298] Poor Rich Dad Alfred Cheung Kevin Cheng, Xiao Xiao-bin, Li Chengyuan, Annie Liu [299] The Bride With Painted Skin Ding Huiyu, Yin Guoer, Xu Qianjing [300] Desingle Bible Yue Lei Jin Jia, Guo Tongtong, Ye Zixuan [301] Ge Li Dao Xu Bin Zhang Yishan, Ding Ding, Zhu Yongteng [302] I Do Want My Money Back Zhang Tong Jiang Yisheng, Gao Chuan, Jia Yina Comedy / Romance / Crime [303] Scandal Maker Ahn Byeong-ki Tong Dawei, Michelle Chen, Lü Yuncong [304] Xiong Di Zhi Bei Piao Ge Shou Wang Zi Shi Haozheng, Liu Jialan, Liao Wang Drama / Action / Romance [305] Last Testimony Wang Shanyu Ma Shihong, Isabella Wu, Zhang Kaixuan [306] Haut-Brion Cao Limin Sun Lihua, Liang Yu, Liang Jialing [307] Bai Yun Qiao Zhong Xuan Zhong Xuan, Deric Wan, Liu Yuting [308] Intrude The Widow Village at Midnight Yu Menglong, Daniella Wang, Guo Yan [309] I Am Not Madame Bovary Feng Xiaogang Fan Bingbing, Guo Tao, Da Peng Entered into the 2016 Toronto International Film Festival [310] The Warriors Gate Matthias Hoene Mark Chao, Ni Ni, Uriah Shelton [311] Wu Lin Tan Mi Yu Xiaopeng Action / Documentary [312] The Youth's Entrepreneurial Dream Wang Yu Leng Mo, Long Meizi, Bryan Leung [313] An Flying Arrow Gao Feng Cheng Zining, Zhang Yulong Action / Romance / Adventure [314] Lost in Vietnam Guo Xiang Joe Ma, Wang Dazhi, Liu Liyang Comedy / Romance / Adventure Mainland-Vietnam co-production [315] Land of Hero Zou Dejiang, Lu Qianwen, Zhang Yu [316] Min & Max Ma Kan Godfrey Gao, Wang Shuilin, Fan Tiantian, Kong Jiu [317] Pali Road Jonathan Lim Michelle Chen, Henry Ian Cusick, Jackson Rathbone [318] Perfect Imperfection Chen Bing Ady An, Ahn Jae-hyun, Alex Fong [319] Sky on Fire Ringo Lam Daniel Wu, Zhang Ruoyun, Zhang Jingchu Action / Suspense [320] Soul House Zhou Guangxing Ni Xinyu, Chen Meixing, Na Wei [321] D E C E M B E R My Love Xie Yunpeng Du Changbo Zheng Hao, Zhang Moxi, Ke Yiwen [322] Ghost Li Kai Lou Qi, Yang Kaidi, Xie Bo Horror / Fantasy [323] Pot is Iron Bao Qiang Du Xudong, Xu Huanshan, Wang Liyun [324] Prince Orient House Zuo Weichen Yao Yi, Du Qiao, Chen Xiangcheng Drama / Action / Science fiction [325] Sha Mo Zhi Xin Li Ke Sui Yongliang, UNA, Xue Qi, Li Lei Drama / Romance / Adventure [326] Super Express Song Xiao Chen He, Song Ji-hyo, David Belle Mainland-South Korea-France co-production [327] Sword Master Derek Yee Lin Gengxin, Peter Ho, Jiang Yiyan, Jiang Mengjie, Paw Hee-ching, Gu Caobin Drama / Action / Martial arts / Costume filming started April 21, 2014 [328] 329] Yellow River Aria Li Yu, Li Meng, Ren Shan [330] 48 Hours Guo Kuiyong Li Tianye, Li Wan'er, Cheng Shuang [331] A Teenage Basketball Diary Gao Yang Zhao Qiang, Gao Xiangyu, Sun Jie, Peng Jing Drama / Romance / Sports [332] Foolish Plan Seng Dao Jordan Chan, Deng Jiajia, Jiro Wang [333] Rescripts Bout Peony Fairy Peng Jun Yuan Fei, Huang Zhen, Guo Fengzhou Romance / Fantasy [334] Room 704 Liu Shuqiao Su Xiaoming, Zhang Yishan, Fu Mei, Sun Yan Drama / Romance / Suspense / Thriller [335] Somewhere Connected Chen Chong Ai Wei, Wang Zhigang, Zhou Dexin, Gao Guang [336] Suddenly Seventeen Zhang Mo Ni Ni, Wallace Huo, Ma Su, Darren Wang [337] Tharlo Pema Tseden Shide Nyima, Yangshik Tso Entered into the 72nd Venice International Film Festival [338] Blood of Youth Yang Shupeng Ou Hao, Zhang Yi, Yu Nan Suspense / Crime [339] Five Besties: Divorce Busting Chen Jianfei Li Sirui, Liu Sitong, Melissa Wang [340] Flying Girl Tao Hai Yuan Hong, Jiang Bingjie, Zhou Mujie, Ju Renxi Romance / History / Costume [341] The Great Wall Zhang Yimou Matt Damon, Willem Dafoe, Pedro Pascal, Andy Lau, Zhang Hanyu, Eddie Peng, Luhan, Huang Xuan, Lin Gengxin, Ryan Cheng, Cheney Chen, Jing Tian, Karry Wang, Yu Xintian United States-China co-production [342] Masters in Forbidden City Xiao Han Wang Jin, Qi Haonan, Qu Feng [343] My Circle of Friends Yu Yang Xiao Shenlong, Jin Zhenghao, Zhu Yaxuan, Yu Yang [344] The Wasted Times Cheng Er Ge You, Zhang Ziyi, Tadanobu Asano, Gillian Chung, Du Chun, Ni Dahong, Yuan Quan, Yan Ni, Zhao Baogang, Han Geng, Huo Siyan, Wallace Chung, Eric Wang, Du Jiang, Lv Xing [345] 346] This is Life Chen Weijun Li Jiafu, Xia Jinju, Chen Xiaofeng, Zeng Xianchun [347] Four Warriors Liu Bangbang Sun Youshu Xu Kang, Zhu Rongrong Comedy / Animation / Children / Fantasy / Adventure [348] Spring of the Life Xu Hong Kong Xiangcheng, Gu Yu, Wang Jingteng, Chen Yunpeng [349] Survivor Yang Tao Chen Wanglin, Ken Lok, Liu Yidan Disaster [350] Sweet of the Song Ma Ning Chai Hao, Lu Qianwen, Fan Jintao [351] Lost Minds Chen Weier Jian Renzi, Andrew Lin, Hui Shiu-hung, Pat Ha, Kathy Yuen [352] Railroad Tigers Ding Sheng Jackie Chan, Huang Zitao, Wang Kai, Darren Wang [353] See You Tomorrow Zhang Jiajia Tony Leung Chiu-Wai, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Eason Chan, Angelababy, Sandrine Pinna [354] The Writing's on the Wall Shi Yingjie Zhang Yamei, Dong Borui, Daniel Yan, Wang Cheng, Cui Jing Romance / Suspense / Crime [355] My Super Girl Lin Chen Xu Xiaowen Zhao Miao, Yuan Dongdong, Liu Hui, Shao Hanjun, Zhu Chidan [356] One Dream About Love Hu Che Lai Xi, Nai Wen, Zhang Xue [357] Provoking Laughter Tang Xu Pan Yueming, Archie Kao, Chang Yuan Comedy / Crime / Adventure [358] Cherry Returns Chris Chow Song Jia, Gordon Lam, Cherry Ngan, Hu Ge Suspense [359] The Insanity Rao Xiaozhi Wan Qian, Zhou Yiwei, Wang Zijian Drama / Comedy / Suspense [360] Some Like It Hot Song Xiaofei Dong Xu Xiao Yang, Yan Ni, Xiaoshenyang [361] Three Weddings Jingle Ma Dong Jie, Zhang Liang, Sun Qian Comedy / Romance / Family [362] Unforgettable Jin Yin Tan Liang Zi Wang Yi, Zhai Jia, Ru Xue Romance / War [363] 31 She's From Another Planet Ye Ming Lin Yunxiang Wen Zhuo, Zou Yang, Cao Xiyue [364] Super Kindergarten Jiang Yefeng Ding Yan, Wang Xueqin, Wang Xin [365.
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Hey fellow reditors, This is an updated and rewritten post of one I posted a few month ago. There are new redditors and the list contains a lot more games now, so take a look if you like. We are a group of old friends and we meet up twice a year for a long weekend of couch (offline) coop gaming and play a handful of times a month coop games online. We already did this on other platforms but are really going strong on the switch. I think you can consider us Coop-Experts. We often notice that some of the games we play are not played by anyone else (no other parties in the online lobbies, very rare occasions of randoms joining us) so I guess I would like to use this post to a) recommend some games we really liked and b) offer our expertise when some of you guys plan to play Coop (on- or offline) and have troubles/questions. We have played almost all real coop games or have analyzed them to decide if we want to play them or not. So we pretty much have an opinion on most if not all coop games on the switch. We are also playing some multiplayer games (YES! There absolutely IS a distinction between coop and Multiplayer games although this is way too often ignored when people speak about these kind of games on the internet. If you plan a weekend for couch COOP and want to know if a game can be recommended or need an answer on how a certain coop feature is implemented please just ask. Often times databases ( we obviously know about the great website, but also they are not complete) official websites or even the digital storefront listings of games are quite vague on what modes can be played in which way, so we also had to resort to asking others (sometimes the devs themselves) for necessary details. Not that many games offer their coop modes also for online play (we heard from devs, that the switch architecture is sometimes to blame) so these online coop games are rare. I hope the following list of Coop Games can help some people to decide what to play when they have friends over. Maybe it will encourage a group to pick out one game as a coop project. Hopefully you guys can recommend some other coop titles that slipped through our net or get a discussion started on what are the best coop titles out there and what makes them great! I updated the following recommendations and put them in alphabetical order because they became so many (apparently we played a lot of games. I gave them an out of the hip star rating (out of 5) which does was not discussed or deliberated on in group. Real Coop Games Aegis defenders (3 Stars) couch only) 2 Player Tower Defense Plattformer. Game was short and neat. There was some iffy checkpointing and some framerate issues. Blazerush (4 Stars) couch tested, seems to have some online play as well) Hidden Gem Alert! We downloaded this as a micro machines stlye racer because we played too much of Mario Kart. The custom game modes are really neat. There is football, races, death races, king of the hill and they are sometimes 2 on 2 coop sometimes simply multiplayer. But then we found a feature that I think I have never before seen in a racing game: the career mode can be played fully with 4 player local coop. Everyone working together against the CPU. This was a lot of fun. We played through it on 2 days. This game deserves a lot more attention. It looks and plays great. The vehicle variety is great and sometimes key to mastering a level. If you like racers you have to get this. We were utterly surprised by the quality of this title and it turned unexpectedly to a show stealer of a whole weekend. It also features online multiplayer but we have not found out if also the career can be played online coop. Broforce (2 stars) couch and online) This is way more multiplayer than coop. fun romp but more action and less cooperation. We encountered some bugs (PS4 Version) Catastronauts (4 Stars) couch only) A mix out of Overcooked and Lovers in dangerous spacetime, But brings a different vibe. IT can get very chaotic but this is a little less process focused so far (we are not completely done yet) so there is more room for error than in the overcooked games. This game seems a little like a cheap overcooked clone but it is better than that and is quite fun. Very nice: the voicework is over the top and spoofes “Nintendo speech” in games. Up to 4 Player campaign-coop offline. Crawl (4 Stars) couch only) Really unique and clever concept! It is coopetetive and changes you around in a 3 vs 1 setup. Great style. Give it a try. Takes a lot of getting used to but deserves more attention. We have only played it a few times because we are scared if we play it more we wont play that much else. Experienced players will find a lot to like here since it is a great sort of working together against each other and it gets really tense towards the end. Death Squared (5 Stars) couch only) Great Coop puzzler. (too few of those. This is more brain and less controller input focused. So you try a few things but mainly you discuss what there is to do and what might work. Somebody gives a hypothesis and the other poke holes in it. Very fun. Leads to some levels where a player might have to too do only a small part of actual gameplay but still every character is vital to the solution of the puzzle. Quite laid back and not action heavy, but you have to concentrate and think a lot. Up to 4 player campaign coop offline. Deru: The Art of Cooperation (4 Stars) couch only) Hidden Gem Alert. This is a really good puzzle, coop game that makes full use of cooperative gaming. It is great fun, cleverly designed and something I really recommend. The setup is simple: two players, one black, one white, have to traverse to their respective target locations. There are however laser mazes and other obstacles that are also black and white. You cannot hit the opposite colour or you are dead and that means the team failed. You can however block or destroy your own colour to open routes for the other player. It is used in very unique and clever ways and playing it is a delight. You feel really dumb until you feel really smart. When somebody remembers Shizoid on Xbox360 (the most coop game ever! Brain synchronisation. this reminded me a bit of it. Utterly recommended. It is rather short though. Disc Jam (5 stars) couch and online) Hidden gem alert. This is multiplayer or at least 2 on 2 but oh boy: This game is great. It looks hideous. Seriously the artstyle is haunting and normally it would be okay to pass on this at the first sight of a screenshot. But this is the best Mario Tennis/virtua tennis – Court like games on this generation. You have Longer rallies than other games in that manner which means that the point counter and the reward for a winning shot is constantly going up. Not that many interrupting animations. Very fast paced. Seriously try this out. This is the most competitive we get amongst each other (right next to Mario Kart) Up to 4 Players on- and offline however the switch version has no 2 online Players as a double online. You need to be 4 online players or 1 player to play online against other humans. Escapists 2 (5 Stars) couch and online) We started this and were utterly confused. After 40 Minutes we were thinking that the game was nice but probably something we wont stick with, since it asked a lot of tiresome prison day-to-day stuff and it felt like we were playing alongside each other and not really cooperating. That something changed and the game clicked. WE LOVED THIS! We played every level. Every DLC. Every coop escape (there are a few single player only escapes which would have loved to do coop as well. This is really a unique game that makes you plan something and then realize said plans. Seriously after all this preparation your pulse is up to unhealthy levels! It is great jump of the couch moment fun when you flee from a tightly guarded prison. It has a strange saving system which is perfectly fine once understood. Flat heroes (4 Stars) couch only) It was a really nice, small game with creative levels for four squares to play through. I think this was one of those games that we started and played to completion in one sitting. We were totally captivated by it. Easy to pick up and play. Full Metal Furies (4 Stars) couch and online) We have recently started this and are around 30% through and really dig it so far. Great and very stable 4 Player online on switch (which is not always the case. All 4 player classes are completely different and the game asks specific players to kill specific colour-coded enemies which makes for great coop gameplay. It is a little hectic and there is a lot happening on screen which can be confusing at times. Also not too easy, not too hard. Looking forward to play more of it. Hammerwatch (3 Stars) couch and online) This is a nice pixel-art diablolike dungeon crawler for four people. It has different classes and from our experience you absolutely need one player to be the healer mage. It is quite the difficult game with a shared life-pool. You can save but loading means joining in again and that is where the trouble starts: the game has to be joined by a 4 digit code of letters and numbers and it does not run that smoothly, loading means rejoining which means that you communicate and type in the code a lot. That was a little annoying. However when the game works it is quite fun and we have only completed the first of two campaigns and plan to continue. Hell Warders (2 Stars) online only) This is a very very ugly Dungeon Defenders Clone. It runs horribly. I have to admit it was fun for a few evenings but this may have been so because we loved Dungeon Defenders 1 on 360. You should not play this game since a new Dungeon Defenders Game is announced. We did not finish it because the frame rate dropped to almost unplayable levels. It is a mess. A mess you can find fun in. You shouldnt. Human fall flat (4 Stars) couch and online) 2 Player offline Octodad-style fun. Some really great ideas (the climbing controls are very interesting) and top visual humour. It is a puzzleplattformer I guess. This has an 8 Player online mode I have not tried. If anyone can chime in on that this would be highly appreciated. We really laughed a lot. Not unsimilar to Octodad. Joggernauts (3 Stars) couch only) A simple concept: you run in a row and the player of the right colour has to be in front. Everybody can switch position with the player besides him. When the right person is not in front at the right time you will lose health. Simple but devilishly difficult to coordinate. We were really really bad at this. But if you have time and determination this can be a sort of hive-mind-ballet of the best kind. We were somewhat thrown off by the fact that in the options you have a slider of the speed which makes thinks easier. It is probably meant to be used to find a speed that suits your team but it felt to us as cheating? I dunno. Maybe we played it in way to hard, but we probably needed a little more direction and handholding here. Maybe we will pick it back up. It really seems to be a creative and good game that can be worth your time. Just Shapes N Beats (5 Stars) couch only) This Game is a little marvel. It is an audio-visual experience and very close to what I Imagine to be similar to group-drug-euphoria. This is not a rhythm game – though it helps if you feel the music. This needs to be played with sound on full volume and the biggest and best picture. Gameplay: you play along creatively designed winamp visualisations of BitPop Music in a bullet hell fashion(but very clearly communicated. This is almost a multiplayer game but the cleverly implemented revive mechanic elevates this to a great coop game. Best part is that the audiovisuals are so great that the group is almost dancing while playing and having a sort of synaesthesia experience where the feel for the song translates to great gameplay performance. Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes (5 Stars) table only) This is THE Team-COOP game. We are playing this for years now on these weekends. We play the pc version but the switch version is the same. This is a test of your own abilities to understand and perform under pressure, as well as a test of the team on how to juggle information and workload. Very clever game design, great concept and good onboarding. Gets very hard but that is okay. One of the best group game experiences ever, marries something like a board game with a videogame. Should be played in group of more than 2 but less than 8. You can play it over skype but it is more fun with everyone on one table. Killer Queen Black ( 4 Stars) couch and online) This is a very unique game that gives you a lot of tactical coop gameplay on one screen. You team has to be well tuned. It has a very creative rules that mix together a lot of rules similar to the Splatoon 2 ranked modes. This game is easy to learn but incredibly hard to master. I am hoping for a good community that will make this possible to play in ranked mode for a while and find people on your level. You can get easily devastated by a good team which might lead to some frustration. I really like this because of all the creativity but the task to get deep into it is daunting. Sky high skill ceiling. Kirbys Star Allies (1 Star) couch only) I am really sorry to say: this was not challenging enough. We are all Nintendo fans and payed full price and tried to like it but is was just too easy. This is okay but we were not the target demographic. Play this only if you are very young and inexperienced J Up to 4 Player campaign-coop offline. Lode Runner: Legacy (4 Stars) couch only) Lode Runner on the Xbox 360 is one of my all-time favourite Coop games and a great version. It has a great two player adventure mode and an utterly brilliant 2 player puzzle mode (the 2 plyer puzzle mode is in fact so great that you can play the 1 player puzzle also in coop. This version is not that good. However: There is a nice adventure mode and there is a puzzle mode which can be tackled in a team. So this is still a super fun game and especially great for people who like 2D Plattformers and Puzzle games and Coop. This would probably be a 5 Star Game as well because the mixture of coop and puzzle is unique and brilliant, it is however not that good than the preivious entry in the seires. But the best (and so far only) Lode Runner on Switch so stop reading now and buy it J Lovers in a dangerous space time (4 Stars) couch only) Also a big focus on Collaboration. The sense of “get us safely through here” is very great and fuses you together is a team. Very “we all lost or we all won”. Great team experience and also quite non-gamer friendly. It is also fun with two players, but gets harder at the end. Mechstermination Force (4 Stars) couch only) Hidden Gem Alert! This is a short and very good 2 Player Plattformer Boss-Rush with very creative enemy design and deserves way more praise and attention. It has some puzzle elements since you have to crack the pattern to kill the bosses and find your way to the weak points. It is an all-around ideal package for 2 players on a couch. Utterly recommended! To be 5 Stars it needed one finesse extra, but I am super interested in what this dev team does next. Mercenary Kings (4 Stars) couch and online) This marries Contra-Gameplay with Monster Hunter Looting. The structure takes a little getting used too and the (rather small) grind may be offputting for some but the graphics and the presentation are super nice. It was a very fun and engaging romp. It seems that we liked that way more than the general consensus. I urge more people to give it a try. Monaco: What's yours is mine (5 Stars) couch and online) This is a great game with a fantastic artsytyle and sound design. We played this way back on Xbox 360 and are now starting it again on switch beacause of the added content. We remember this as being one of the best coop titles we ever played so we all double dipped. This is utterly recommended and deserves to be a success on the switch as well. It has you and your friends breaking in and heisting into high security buildings playing on what looks like build plans. you have several characters and it will not always go to plan. Great mixture of stealth and action. Hilarity will ensue! Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (5 Stars) online only) A star of coop games. Very Japanese, Very much to learn. Quite difficult to get into it but when you are in. boy. You. Are. In. The complexitiy and the thrill of a good prepared hunt is matched by nothing. Game design at its finest hidden behind many hurdles. This is also a great version with many monsters and a few Quality of life improvements not that many as in MH World though but alos this game has a bit more charme than world (looking especially at the design choices for weapons and armor. This is one that your group has to decide beforehand that they really want an epic and complex adventure with a bit of forcing yourself through the early learning stages. The reward is immense. Getting into the MH Games is like learning an additional foreign language. Embrace everything that is weird and befuddling. Up to 4 Player campaign-coop online. After being done with it I would count this as one of the best games ever. Ms Splosion Man (2 Stars) couch and online) We played the sh*t out of Splosion man on 360 and loved it. Very nice timing based coop jumping. When you are in sync it works like ballet. This is the sequel with better reviews. We played a whole bunch but never got to finishing it. It is more or less the same but maybe we burned out on the first one so we did not get that into this. We plan to give it another go. (so take the rating of 2 stars with a grain of salt, not very firm rating) Mugsters (3 Stars) couch only) A somewhat strange game for 2 players in a nice polygon-popart artstyle that asks you to complete certain objectives on small diorama-like levels. It is a good time waster to talk over with a good friend and also brings some hilarious situations with it and also some puzzles. We are not done and we plan to continue. It is not that engaging that you have to keep on your toes all the time, so rather a laid back experience. Probably also neat in a bigger group and passing around the controllers. It is a little out of the ordinary which we always welcome. Nine Parchments (3 Stars) couch and online) This was a fun “one of those” games. Top down twin stick. This time again a somewhat diablo setup. However the coop spellcasting was fun. It feels a little bit more like a multiplayer game but the revival and healing is important so you need to work together. The coop is a bit drowned in the action. This sounds rather harsh. It really is a fun game but most of it has been seen in a similar fashion somewhere else. Up to 4 Player campaign-coop offline and I think also online. No Heroes Here (5 Star) couch and online) Hidden gem alert. This is a 2D Pixelart / tower defense take on the Overcooked Collaboration mechanics. This is a game that way too few people played. The generic name does not do it any justice. It really is a lot of fun. Great High Performance coop. Great screaming at each other. Very neat: This works online. we encountered some small bugs but the devs promised to fix them. There is follow up to this game which looks very similar called “Monica E A Guarda Dos Coelhos” which we were very much looking forward to but the devs left out the online coop mode (why oh why. so we did not yet get around to playing it. Up to 4 Player campaign-coop on- and offline. NoReload Heroes (2 Stars) couch and online) A very simple twin-stick shooter which does not really do anything new. Also it seems to be roguelike, because we did not find a way to save. We played this for a few hours and then died and it was over. It was not bad, it is just nothing special. It is a bland “one of those”. Octodad: Dadliest Catch (as a game 3 stars, as an experience 5 stars) couch only) Play this unsober with a complete group of 4. It is a party game. The controls are the best (worst) thing and humour is old-school top notch. Every player takes control of 1 of 4 limbs and your task is to do everyday tasks and hilarity ensues. The whole presentation and heart-warming story does the rest to make this game really good. This is more of an event as a real game. It is also the right amount of short. Overcooked 1 (5 Stars) couch only) Hectic & fun team experience. Very gaming-newcomer friendly. Big focus on Collaboration. Easy to learn, hard to master (gets very process-focused to increase performance for better results. You will scream at each other (always a big plus in our group. Up to 4 Player campaign-coop offline. Overcooked 2 (5 Stars) couch and online) Pretty much the same as the first one. Some neat changes, but not better or worse than part one. Biggest chance for us: this is online playable (which too few games are) so we keep our couch time for offline-exclusive titles. A sh*tload of DLC. PixelJunk Monsters2 (3 Stars) couch and online) This is a nice and very tower-defensy tower defence game that you can play coop and also online. It is quite challenging in the harder levels but it does not seem to leave that much room for error so games can be over quite quickly which means a quite long repeat of the whole level. It scratches the tower defence itch and leaves good room for tactical deliberations among the group but it misses a good action component during the waves like In Dungeon Defenders. Rayman Legends (4 Stars) couch only) Very fun and challenging 2D fast paced platforming. Maybe 2 or 3 players is the best way to play this. Rico (3 Stars) couch and online) A fun, tactical ego shooter roguelike. It has a great sense of place and cool slow-mo action that depends on good cooperation. It is mostly stylish gunplay that feels good. However, the fun is a little dampened by the fact that the game is a roguelike and you start from scratch once you failed. This is especially punitive since there are missions where you have to quickly find two bombs and finding them in time seems to us like pure luck. 2 Player fun but not that long lasting. Shift happens (3 Stars) couch and online) 2 Player Puzzle Platformer. Not that polished but some very good ideas. 2 Player on- or offline campaign coop. Super Chariot (5 Stars) couch only) 2 Player Puzzle Platformer. We played the PS4 version but switch should be identical. High Performance 2 Player Cooperation. This is really great. The game has a unique flow. The physics based puzzles are not easy and for some of the coop challenges you have to perform very good as a team. There is a very hard challenge in the end game after the campaign for dedicated players to sink their coop perfection teeth into. 2 Player offline campaign coop Super Kriby Clash (1 Star) couch and online) A 2D-Brawler with a simple “my first Monster Hunter”-Progression and structure. It is well presented and free to start but the multiplayer integration is horrendous. You have to play a lot on your own to unlock coop stages. This boils down to a gameplay loop of playing together for 10 minutes and then each player alone for 10 minutes and it never comes together as a real coop experience. It had potential but the structure killed it for us completely. Fun for one evening but not really worth anyone coop-groups time! Snipperclips: Cut it out! Together! 3 Stars) couch only) Played the 2 player “campaign” and it is really nice. Very creative because every level is a little different. Some levels are more fun than others. It is a great showcase of the switchs portability. I coop played this on the subway (mounted on a suitcase in the isle) and on a train. This is also something you can coop with non gamers. It is not that deep though. Splatoon 2 (5 stars) online only) 4 player online in ranked mode. Ranked mode is superbe and the most coop splatoon gets. Why so many people stick to turf war or salmon run is beyond me. These modes are so creative, strategic and demand a high amount of team work and collaboration. If you want to test your coop team against others this is the game to play. You have to be a group of 2 or a group of 4. Sadly 3 squads are screwed. Terraria (4 Stars) couch and online) This is a really good game. It offers you a lot to do and caters to many playstyles. You CAN play this as a building game like Minecraft but you absolutely do not HAVE to do so. There are “quests” and Bosses and a progression and you can totally team up as a group to play through it which we did and we really enjoyed. You can upgrade your gear and get fun mobility gadgets. You have to dig and fight and gather to reach some weird (a wiki or an experienced player helps) conditions to unlock a boss. Everyone should have built at least one “Hellevator” in his coop-gaming live. We played this on PS4 and switch has to seemingly wait for local Coop. Tied Together (3 Stars) couch only) A very fun concept and a nice game. It is very indie and veeeeery short. I think we played it in one sitting with 4 players. This also means that it did not get a true difficulty curve going. This was a nice effort by an indie studio and is worth your time but this could have been so much more with more content and some more ideas to build on the concept. Towerfall (4 Stars) couch only) We played only the coop campaign+dlc, not the multiplayer. And sadly we did it with 2 people and you can and probably should do it with 4, because the game is really good. It has a very nice pixel art style and a very intuitive gameplay loop. Though it controls very easy the game itself is rather difficult at times, so probably more for the gamepad experienced player. We played it on ps4. but it is a good fit for switch (what isn't. 4 Player offline campaign coop. Unravel 2 (3 Stars) couch only) It is a nice puzzle platformer for 2 players with some neat mechanics. We have not completed it yet but I think it deserves its mention here. It is not really innovative but very competent. We failed to find the feature that really sets it apart, except its graphical polish, but we played the PS4 Version. Warframe (5 Stars) online only) This also has to be highly recommend. Very hard to get into. Not all of us made it. But some of us are now real fans with quite the hour count. and free. It brings with it one of the most creative player design there is and harbours some crazy surprises down the road for people who stick with it. It somehow really scratched my borderlands itch and I like it more than Borderlands 3. I wrote a love letter to this game here: Wolfenstein: Youngblood (2 Stars) online only) Playing through the campaign with a friend. It is a modern shooter and has not that many unique things. It is a nice coop mode since you can revive and buff each other but the game isnt really that great or memorable. The switch version is also not very well optimized and not pretty. Serviceable game, serviceable port. Good game to play while you are talking about stuff. 20xx (4 Stars) couch and online) A fun roguelite megaman-ish platformer for 2 people. This is roguelite done well (and similar to how dead cells handled things) You always get some little upgrades you can keep and your progressions moves along in a good pace. The game overs a lot of characters and quite some depth that we did not check out but we played it through and really liked it. The coop aspect is mostly that pickups have to be distributed well and that your positioning can give tactical advantages. Especially with the great boss design. Multiplayer Astro Bears (4 Stars) couch only) This is always cheap in the store and really really good. It is a sort of a palate cleanser game you can play for a few rounds between other games or really get your teeth into. It is easy to pick up and can get really tense when the round continues on and the space to manoeuver gets smaller and smaller. It is just competitive and nor really that varied but simple fun. This really should be on every switch out there. It can be played in almost every group, for almost every amount of time. Ideal party game. Bomberman R (2 Stars or 5 Stars) couch and online) It is Bomberman! Hoooray! One of the absolute best and most fun competitive games out there. BUT it is simply not that great a version FOR US. We prefer Bomberman 95 on PC. We played this for hundreds of hours in the last 24 years, so we feel every change and Bomberman R feels wrong. Wrong speed, Wrong physics, wrong pixelhitboxes. If you have not played and loved another Bomberman version and would start with this I implore you: do it! You will most likely love it and it will stick with you your whole live. It could be legitimately 5 Stars FOR YOU. Everybody should have their own got Bomberman and play a lot of Bomberman. It is just how things are meant to be. Diablo 3 (2 Stars) couch and online) I think I will get yelled at for this, but please hear me out: I played this on PS4 and it was one of my biggest gaming disappointments ever. I liked the first 2 Diablo games a lot and was looking forward to the PS4 port of Diablo 3. Played it in coop and we noticed it was too easy on normal. We increased the difficulty several times to the absolute max (of what was unlocked at first playthrough) and the game was still too easy. It was so easy in fact that it was challenge free and close to broken: bosses would die in a few hits and never were able to complete their voicelines. It was a boring slog and also we were just playing alongside each other. As far as I remember it felt more like multiplayer than real cooperation or coordination. I was super bummed and did not enjoy my time with the game at all. For a long time I thought this might have been a bug but people online told me that ‘yes it is too easy and ‘the campaign is just the tutorial and ‘the game really gets good with the endgame. I believe that. BUT a game that takes 35hrs to get good is a really badly designed game and not for me. This is my honest opinion and I am sorry. Flip Wars (1 Star) couch and online) This was cheap and looked a little like Bomberman. Simple geometric action against other players. The game idea is not bad. Nothing else positive to say. Not that fun, not that well made, horrible online mode. Stay away. Guns Gore and Canoli (1 Star) couch only) I think this is just multiplayer. There were no coop elements if I remember correctly so we all were not that hot n this one. It is rather stupid action and you do not need to work as a team. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe ( 5 stars) couch and online) We play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Of course we do. Everyone should. We desperately need new tracks. New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe (3 Stars) couch only) We played the Wii U undeluxe variant. I hesitated to put it under Multiplayer but compared to other games on this list the coop component is not that huge. It is however super fun and I think also better than its reputation. The game design is top notch and the game gets harder as you go along and it does was a 2D Mario game has to do. I also really liked finding the shortcuts on the overworld. This is probably best played with 2 or 3 players since 4 is very chaotic. Runbow (3 Stars) couch and online) This is a fun diversion. A clever concept where consistently changing colours of the background change the level layout and you have to pass thorugh it as fast as possible while bothering other players. It is quite hard in the beginning and feels random. But you learn to have an eye out for the next colour changes and what they mean for your best way to traverse the level. This has very short rounds and you can die in a second. It is also a palate cleanser and party game but I think it is not deep enough for us to play it a lot. Honourable mentions Skyforce Reloaded We tried this but stopped and never gotten back around to playing it. We palyed the first one on PS4 and really liked it. Seems to be more of the same which would make this a very good 2 player coop shoot em up that took a lot of things from ealier games in this genre and mixed and matched the best. Sine Mora EX Played this on PS4. It was short and quite good. I dont remember it well enough so to score it fairly. Unruly Heroes We are in the middle of this and I remember it being quite nice but somehow the details escape me. Will probably be able to say more soon. Yoshis Crafted World Will be played this weekend. Will put this in later. Degrees of Separation Will be played this weekend. Please comment, ask and criticise. I will edit if I missed stuff or have to correct errors. We are also always looking for coop recommendations so please post these. Thanks in advance.
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I like sometimes when Bono is too tired to sing and he just talk his songs sounds amazing ❤️⚽️🇵🇱. In my youth. teenage years, I only had total peace when I was surfing with friends. There was a terrible Northeastern storm but it made the surf 15' to 25' waves. I took my Bugs Bunny board to the beach and paddled my arse off thru monster surf to catch a wave. I wrote a poem about it 30 years ago called The Storm. The Storm Late September in early morn' Waves plenty in structured chaos as I gazed into the storm Rain coming down like a waterfall My log covered in wax by my side Watching for the perfect set While waiting for my perfect ride My eyes caught sight of a wave a mile from shore Running with my log to water my heart pumping as I entered Heaven's door Adrenaline flowing as I met the wave halfway Picks me up then jump to stand living life as my last day Speeding like a bullet while rushing to shore Wave crashing over my head Like a washing machine in spin as my grave curled around me thinking I'm dead Exhausted, all I could do was float `till my log and I reached shore As I lay in spent peace on sand Knowing I made it through the Storm. FGS copyright 1986.

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Ordinary love u2 download. Ganda ng song lalo na kung si Meng ang magduet sila ni Alden sa EB ng LIVE. Ordinary Love download free. Amo demais, sempre vou amar, está no meu coração. ISLAMIZATION AND FRAGMENTATION / DIVERSIFICATION This is a very complicated topic. For much of history, Javanese looked at religion and beliefs from an Eastern perspective. Prior to becoming Muslims, all Javanese didn't distinguish between agama and adat, there was only "agama. Adat is an Arabic term for customs. Agama in Sanskrit means teaching / precepts that have come down or literally means tradition. In Hinduism, Agama text are divide into 3 branches Shaivism (Shiva) Vaishnavism (Vishnu) and Shaktism (Devi. They are separate from Vedas. Vedic form of worship requires no shrine and ritual. Agama involves puja (rituals) to idols. Best way to describe it is Vedas are "pure science" and Agama "applied science" It is more complicated, but it is the best way to describe the difference. Some Agamas are pre-vedic, some are post-vedic, some are separate from the vedas, others aren't. Most Indians can tell you that a lot of Malay/Javanese wedding rituals are very similar to Indian ones. What reformist Muslim and the Dutch did during the 19th century was separate adat from agama. To illustrate this further, the Javanese believe that Agama is like Agemen, or clothes in Javanese Krama. It is different from what is inside. So the ritual (Agama) can change, but what is inside is more immutable. What is interesting is how close the words Agama and Ageman are, which isn't coincidence, because agama in Sanskrit can also mean to appear or to be present. The Javanese also viewed beliefs syncretically. This means while they treated Hinduism and Buddhism as separate, individuals can worship Hindu deities and the Buddha. Javanese Buddhism were Mahayana Buddhism like in East Asia rather than Theravada Buddhism like in Mainland SEA, there are more similarities with Japan/China than countries in Mainland SEA. Majapahit Queen Regents could rule as Hindus, and retire to a Buddhist nunnery, similar to the way some Japanese emperors would retire to a Buddhist monastery. This is different from India, where there was significant tension between Hinduism and Buddhism. The the verse in Kakawin Sutasoma, where Bhinneka Tunggal Ika comes from, symbolizes this syncretism. GEERTZ VS RICKLEFS Clifford Geertz in his famous work "Religion of Java" divides Javanese society into three groups - Abangan, Santri and Priyayi. While many consider Geertz outdated, its still relevant today, because many Indonesians still use these terms when talking about the Javanese approach to religion. While Ricklefs share some of the common criticism of Geertz like romanticizing beliefs of abangan and down playing the role of Islam. Ricklefs main criticism of Geertz is Geertz assumes the abangan and priyayi have always existed without putting it in a historical context. Ricklefs in his book Mystic synthesis in Java: A history of Islamisation from the fourteenth to the early nineteenth centuries (2006) argues by early 19th century, Javanese society had adopted a mystic synthesis I argue in my book Mystic synthesis in Java (Ricklefs forthcoming, especially 204-5, 214-17) that by the early nineteenth century a synthesis of 1. firm Islamic identity, 2. observation of Islams five pillars, and 3. acceptance of indigenous spiritual forces, all within the capacious boundaries of what Javanese understood Sufism to be, was found not only among the elite but also – so far as we can see from the limited evidence – among Javanese commoners While I have criticism of Geertz, Ricklefs theory has more problems than answers, among them being: Both Geertz, Ricklefs and many others take a Western approach toward religion. Prior to mid-19th century before reformist Islam and the Dutch started to classify agama and adat, most Javanese had an Eastern view of beliefs. They operated on a gradient when it came to religion, with people choosing to adopt some Islamic practices while not following others. Many scholar talking about Islamization in Java have an insufficient understanding of Hindu-Buddhism, and more importantly history of religion in Medieval India (500-1526. Ricklefs cherry picks the most "Islamic leaders" like Sultan Agung and Diponegoro, and emphasizes their Islamic credentials, while downplaying their unislamic actions. For example, he spends a lot of time talking about Sultan Agung's Siege Of Batavia, but little about Sultan Agung destruction of the last Wali stronghold in Giri. He dmisses the many other less "Islamic" Sultans like Amangkurat I, Amangkurat II, Amangkurat III, Pakubuwono I as being flawed, while highlighting their lack of piety (ie going to the Grand mosques couple of times in their life and their love of European liquor and wine. Ricklefs exaggerate Sultan Agung Islamizing influence, by over reliance on literary accounts about Sultan Agung written under Ratu Pakubuwana who exerted a Islamizing influence from 1690 to her death in 1732. Even Ricklefs himself admits he has little first hand accounts from native sources as to how devoted Sultan Agung was. More importantly, Dutch military accounts during the period didn't play much attention to religion. If Sultan Agung was raising a Holy War they would have talked about it extensively. From 1600-1800, there is a only one major literary work that mentions the Dutch and their religion, Babad Suropati, which tells the story of Suropati and the daughter of high Dutch official nourished by the same mother. She tells SuropatI " According to Dutch religion, as long as we are of the same mind, it can be sanctified by religion, even though you are adoptive brother, let go into this beautiful sleeping chamber and enjoy the pleasure of love on the bed. Thus, one of the last things the Javanese were concerned about with the Dutch was their religion. Ricklefs' information about early 19th century religious life for ordinary Javanese rest on accounts by VOC officials in the Persisi in the early 19th century, who observed people praying five times a day. It was only when missionaries first ventured into the countryside in 1840-50s, that we have an understanding of what religions life was like. However, it wasn't clear to Javanese scholars and courtiers in the late 18th century that Islam had achieved the Ricklef's mystical synthesis. In Serat Cabolek, supposedly written by Raden Ngabehi Yasadipura I, the famous Surakarta court poet of 18th century, highlights the tensions between orthodox Islam and Javanese beliefs. Yasadipura I views The Sharia as a container, not as the contents of the spiritual life. Sharia is essential as a guide that is central to human outward life, but more important is the spiritual content. The ultimate goal of the human spiritual life is to know ‘from where and ‘where life is. In other words, it is to know himself that in reality is a manifestation of God. For Yasadipura I the greatest contribution to humanity in the quest for life perfectness, namely: the teachings of Dewa Ruci. It provides answers to the problem of ‘from where and ‘where of human existence. From the perspective of Javanese tradition, the change of the container by declaring itself a Muslim who upholds that the Shariah creates no obstacles. Provided that the person maintains his Javanese belief in his efforts to achieve marifat, which in Javanese is called “pamoring kawula Gusti” (unity between the Servant and God) This interpretation of Serat Cabolek accepted by most Indonesian scholars is based on S. Soebardi 1975 translation and interpretation of Serat Cabolek. Ricklefs in his 1998 work The Seen and Unseen Worlds in Java, 1726-1749: History, Literature and Islam in the Court of Pakubuwana II disputes Yasadipura I authorship and believes that Serat Cabolek was about the dangers of Kyai with a poor understanding of Islam propagating it. In this section I will provide a brief overview of the development of Islam in Tanah Jawa for the four periods. SULTAN AGUNG (1613) TO JAVA WAR (1825-30) The presence of Muslims was already seen in the Majapahit court by the mid-15th century by burial markers with Arabic writing on them. In the early 1500s there were well established communities of foreign Muslims in the North Coast of Java (Pesisir. Malays, Arabs, Chinese. By the end of 1400s, the Majapahit was on its last legs; however, Muslims Sultanates that came after it, like Demak and Pahang were short lived and weak. The conversion of Javanese to Islam during from the fall of the Majapahit (1526) to the Peace of Gayatri (1755) can be characterized by several attributes. It was ad hoc, haphazard and multifaceted. Sometimes people converted because their lord converted, sometimes because of traveling preachers and later on concerted efforts by pesantrens. By the time, Sultan Agung established the Javanese Islamic Calendar in 1634, only pesisir was Islamized and the majority of the peasantry in the interior were most likely still non-Muslim. The reasons why I suspect this was the case was when Sultan Agung attacked Wali stronghold in Giri, written accounts talk about non- Javanese troops defending the stronghold, but little mention surrounding Javanese rising up and defending Giri. Also under Sultan Agung there were religious villages were given tax breaks, meaning it was rare enough that it had to be encouraged... Conversion of the Javanese to Islam was slow because of the following three reasons a) The Javanese made up more than 50% of the population of Maritime SEA in the 1600s. Most of the missionaries or preachers were either foreign (Arab, Indian or Chinese) or from ethnic groups like the Malays. Minang that were much smaller in number than the Javanese b) They were most Dharmic influenced region in Indonesia much more so than the Sundanese c) For more than two hundreds years after the collapse of the Majapahit, Tanah Jawa was beset by constant warfare. Javanese rulers both advanced and curbed Islam's spread. Unlike, rulers in other parts of the archipelago, the Javanese rulers conversion to Islam didn't necessarily mean his subjects followed. The Javanese rulers didn't gain their legitimacy through their association with Islam. From end of Sultan Agung reign in 1645, it wasn't for another hundred years that a Mataram leader took the title of Sultan. During this period from 1613-1755 there were two periods of strong Islamization, one under Sultan Agung from 1634-1645, and under Ratu Pakubuwana 1690-1732. Some scholar believed Islamization continued after Sultan Agung, I believed there was a pause for fifty years until the reign of Ratu Pakubuwan a. The majority of Javanese prior to 19th century most likely still saw religion in Eastern syncretic terms than a defined Western / Abrahamic view of religion. The problem is we don't know much about Islam in Java prior to 19th century. In Adrian Vicker 1987 work Hinduism and Islam in Indonesia: Bali and the Pasisir World he describes communities in Bali in the 19th century that used Islamic incantations and called upon Allah and other prophets. The Balinese attitude toward Islam was varied, and it was largely among the priestly caste were it was antagonistic. I assume the Javanese farmer in 18th century would have a similar view of belief, he might visit Muslim Kyai for a blessing, but also a dukun. By the beginning of the 19th century the vast majority of Javanese identify with Islam; however, they still believed there were tensions between Javanese culture and Islam, and being Javanese didn't equal being Muslim. The intervening period from Sultan Agung's death in 1649 to rule of Ratu Pakubuwana in 1690. Islamization stalled as a result of Amangkurat I purge of 6000 ulama and their families in 1648. Thus, in the interior of Java, there was only a century of strong Islamization between 1600-1800 (The last decade under Sultan Agung and after 1700. Secondly, the Hindu Blambangan in East Java only fell in 1771. Its nobility converted to Islam after 1770s, and there there were still Hindu communities in the Blambangan (outside the Tenggar region) well into the 19th century. Thirdly, in the Javanese epic Serat Centhini released in 1814, the characters Jayengsari and Rancangkapti visit Hindu societies in the Tenggar region. They discuss religion with the Hindu figure Ki Ajar Satmoko, who replies "My son, while the practice of Islam, Buddhism and Brahmanism are different, the aim is the same - to worship the God Almighty" END OF JAVA WAR (1830) TO 1965 PURGES The second period, between the end of the Java until the anti-Communist purges in 1965, was a period of deep changes in Javanese society as you can see from the previous sections, not just in religion, but economics, society and language. Ricklefs in his work Polarising Javanese society: Islamic and other visions c. 1830-1930 (2007) where he argues that Javanese society became more polarized. Ricklef notes the principals features of this polarization are Conflicting interpretations of religious truth (mystic synthesis, reformed Sufi, Orthodox sharia-oriented, messianic, Modernist and so on) Conflicting religious identities (abangan, devote Muslim of various kinds, Christian and so on) Separate school systems (but note that most unschooled and illiterate in this period) religious institutions. Wilh modern organizational structures for the devote (notably Muhammadiyah and NU) Political parties founded on religious-socio constituencies or streams (aliran. such political parties being the only significant institutions for the abangan Muslims. Unfortunately, what he is describing above isn't polarization but fragmentation of Javanese society, with some components entering into a life and death struggle in the Javanese countryside (PKI and NU Muslims. Polarization is defined as the act of dividing something, especially something that contains different people or opinions, into two completely separate groups. What Ricklef is trying to draw parallels to Westerns societies like Netherlands and Germany from end of the Wars of Religion to the 19 to 20th century, where societies were divided between Catholics and Protestants, Catholics would go to their own schools, live in certain neighborhoods and later extend their support to political parties and even football clubs. Javanese society wasn't as polarized and civil society organizations were weaker relative to the state. The pesantren only begun educating a noticeable number of nobility and courtiers in late 17th century. and by 1840s they were already facing competition from colonial and missionary schools Whereas in Europe, the Catholic Church had been operating educational institutions for 400-700 years before the state involved itself in education in 19th century. A society with a more established and cohesive Muslim identity like West Sumatran society during the Padri Wars 1808-1830 was polarized. What Javanese society experienced in the 19-20th century was cornucopia of ideologies and processes of the 19th and early 20th century - Islamic Modernism, Christianity, Socialism, Hindu-Buddhist Revival, Nationalism, plantation agriculture and industrialization. What you get in such a scenario is fragmentation or more positively diversification Starting from the early 19th century there was increased contact with the Middle East, and this was noted by the exponential growth in the people traveling on the Hajj from Java from the 1850s to 1920 In 1850, the colonial regime recorded forty-eight such departures and in 1851 only twenty-three. By 1858, however, the figure was 2, 283. Similar numbers were found throughout the later nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, with particularly high figures in some years: 5, 322 were reported in 1898, 4, 530 in1908, 7, 614 in 1911 and 15, 036 in 1921(in the last case including pilgrims from Madura. Usually the people who could afford to travel to Mecca were the santri, who were often middle men between the Dutch and the typical abangan villager. One also saw a rapid expansion in students enrolled in the pesantren from 93000 in 1863 to 270, 000 in 1890s. Muhammadiyah was formed in 1912 in Yogyakarta by Ahmad Dahlan. belongs to modernist school, with Dahlan being very much influenced by the Egyptian scholar, Muhammad Abduh (1849-1905. First, Muhammad Abduh believed that Muslims couldn't just rely on medieval interpretations, but should use the two gifts that God had given man - independence of thought and independence of will. Secondly, believed that Islamic religious teachings could be reasoned and irdly, he believed the Muslims should look forward, and not be held down by tradition and superstition. Some scholars like Mark Woodward have tried to group Islamic modernist organizations like Muhammadiyah with Salafism, because both seek a return to the teachings of the first generation of Muslims (Salaf. But this association is disputed by Muhammadiyah Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) was formed in 1926 as a traditionalist response to the rise of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia and Islamic Modernism in Indonesia (Muhammadiyah. Many believe NU represents the traditional syncretic Javanese Islam. Generally that is true, however, there are some NU clerics that are very orthodox and more "conservative" than many Muhammadiyah members. To get a clearer understanding, NU should also be seen as a traditional Islamist movement within the wider Muslims world. What does that mean? NU follows Sunni orthodoxy in accepting Shafi'i jurisprudence, Ash'ari or Maturidi theology and Sufism of al-Junayad and al-Ghazali I would like to briefly elaborate on the differences between NU vs Muhammadiyah within a broader Islamic framework, rather than the usual traditionalist-syncratic vs modernist-orthodox arguments one usually finds in the media, by describing the differences in three key areas. First is the veneration of saints (ie Walisongo) most traditionalist organizations like NU and FPI, veneration of Saints is acceptable for Muslims. For Muhammadiyah and other Islamic modernist is they foster superstition and goes against Tawhid (oneness of God. The difference between Muhammadiyah and Wahhabist in this regard, Muhammadiyah and other modernist organization won't allow followers to worship at shrines of Saints, but won't try to destroy as a Wahhabist would. In addition, for Muhammadiyah, worshiping at shrine/artefacts devoted to Muhammad is consistent with Tawhid, while for many Wahhabist it is not. The second aspect is interpreting the Quran. NU belongs to Ashʿari, the foremost school of theology in Sunni Islam, which believes that interpretations of the Quran ( Tafsir) and the Hadith should keep developing with the aid of older interpretations. It was founded by Abu al-Hasan al-Ashʿari. Puritanical critics of Ash'ari (ie Wahhabist) have accused it of lack of literalism and speculative interpretation. Most early Muhammadiyah thinkers saw themselves as rationalist Ash'aris. Lastly, is Muhammadiyah sought to limit the importance of Taqlid. Taqlid is an Islamic terminology denoting the conformity of one person to the teaching of another. Ideally for Islamic Modernist, people should reach their own conclusions about the Quran and not "blindly" follow the interpretations of others. This is where most of the early conflicts between NU and Muhammadiyah, because many of the Javanese Kyai had developed what Ahmad Dahlan saw as often heretical interpretations of the Quran. There was also the practice of Kyai offering blessings for money, which Dahlan saw as abuse of religious authority. However, this increasing orthodoxy of Islam in Java in the 19th century, led to the gradual development of a abangan and santri identity, The first mention of abangan was by the Dutch missionary, W. Hoezoo in 1855, in which he translated the abangan (the reds) as being profane or secular. This was further followed by Ganswijk who reported from Kediri in 1856 Whoever among ordinary Javanese is, for whatever reasons, attracted to religion then takes himself to a school where an aged Javanese teacher reading, praying, singing etc in Arabic. Then goes goes to the mosque and lo longer belongs to the lay "red population" bangsa abangan. the stupid multitude who don't know the law, but rather to the bangsa putihan (the white stocks, the holy ones) Until the first decades of 20th most abangan were not conscious of their identity, since it was term used by the santri to describes those less religious. For example, most Javanese who had converted to Christianity were abangan, and the main reason for converting was to gain higher social status, education, money, rather than a dissatisfaction with Islam. The same could be said of the priyayi like Albertus Soegijapranata, the first native bishop of the Dutch East Indies. However, by the 1830-60s, small number of Javanese began to declare Islam as incompatible with being Javanese, and "anti-Islamic" works begin to emerge, calling for the Javanese to return their original religion of Hindu-Buddhism or as some argue a rejection of a purer less Javanese versions of Islam. The three works are Babad Kedhiri (1873) Suluk Gatholoco (1872 latest) and Serat Dermagandhul (1873. The dates shown are the published dates or were first noticed by Dutch missionaries. Scholars suspect these three text were written sometime after Java War, 1830 to 1860s. All three texts were met with protest in 1910-20 and banned under Order Baru; however, since 1998 all three works have been republished. The authorship of the works is unknown, for example, some have attributed Darmagandhul to Ronggawarsita or to Tunggul Wulung. Babad Kediri claims to reveal the secret his­tory of the triumph of Islam in Java. The fall of Majapahit, the last and greatest of the pre-Islamic kingdoms, was ascribed to the treachery of the first Sultan of Demak and his close advi­sors from the wall. A crucial figure in the story is Sabda Palon, who advises the king of Majapahit, Brawijaya V, to persevere in his Hindu-Buddhist faith, and is later revealed to be Semar. Suluk Gatoloco describes the journey of a talking penis (gato-penis, loco - masterbate) in a mystical-dystopian Java travelling between opium dens, brothels and pensatren. He has multiple sexual adventures, makes fools of the kiai, proclaims Muhammad to be an opium smoker, religion of Islam is a religion for Arabs. The confes­sion of faith is explained as a metaphor for sexual intercourse, and Kala­mullah (the word of God) is interpreted as sexual penetration, Serat Darmagandhul (Darma - together and gandhul - hanging testicle) combines the historical revisionism of Babad Kediri with the ribald iconoclasm of Suluk Gatoloco. Islamisation is again a great mistake perpetrated upon the Javanese by dishonourable Sultan of Demak and the Wali, Upon their victory, these traitors burn all the buda books to prevent Javanese from reverting to their old faith. The poem ends with a prophecy that Java will revert back to the old religion from Islam. There are many interpretation of these works, and even though the works are fictional, they ended up impacting how some Javanese view religion, history and society well into the 20th century... Alot of New Javanese literature (Sastra Jawa Baru) which covers Javanese literature written from 18th to 19th century, even those which have mystical / historical settings are often political and social commentary of the period in which the work was created. There are three major social and political themes Zeman Eden The three works can be seen within the context of Ranggawarsita 's Zaman Eden theme in his Serat Kalatidha (1860) particularly Suluk Gatholoco and Serat Darmagandhul. A journey of walking and talking penis having debates with the ulema, in between visiting opium dens and having sex pretty much expresses the craziness. The most likely period in which the works were written (1830-60s) was the low point in Javanese civilization. Diponegoro's rebellion had failed and Java was controlled by the Dutch with the Javanese peasants working under the Cultivation System with the Santri, Chinese and Priyayi all playing a hand in the colonial machinery. As they were being exploited, little money they had left was often was spent on Opium being sold by the Chinese with proceeds collected by both the Dutch and Sultanates. Knowledge and Learning In Darmagandhul the author constantly plays with the words buda (what he refers to as the old religion of Java - Hindu Buddhism) and budi (culture/ knowledge) While some have accused the Dermagandhul of advocating for conversion to Christianity, the author praises Christianity because they put knowledge and learning as their Gods. The Javanese epic Serat Centhini (1814) setups the discourse in Suluk Gatoloco. In Serat Centhini the nobility and priest don't have magical powers, and knowledge (ngelmu) is in the hands of skilled professional and compilers. Gatoloco special ability is his matchless skill in langauge and argument. In the Suluk Gatoloco the protagonist wins debates with the Kyai not through magic, but through wit and worldly knowledge and street smarts, Gatococo mocking of the Santri in his debates could be seen an attack on orthodox forms of Islam, but its also an attack on Islam in Java with its esoteric sufi interpretations. This focus on knowledge and learning should be seen within the context of the Cultivation System and interaction with the Dutch, where Javanese society was taught the importance of working based on production and against the clock 2) The presence of Western education brought by missionary and colonial government introduced the native elite to Western science and learning. This criticism of pensatren amd Santri should be seen in the context of much greater choice in education opportunities for the Javanese upper classes in 1860-70s. In the early 19th century, for Javanese nobility, education either meant being educated by tutors at home or going to a pesantren. Now they had the choice of schools setup by the colonial government and missionary schools (Protestant and Catholic. Moreover, for Javanese girls of noble birth, the missionary schools provided their first opportunity for a formal education. NU didn't setup schools for girls until the 1930s. Javanism and Returning to Buda All three works have an anti-Islamic theme, and in Kediri and Darmagandhul they also call for Javanese society to revert back to its Javanese-Hindu-Buddhist roots (referred to as Buda) and to turn away from Islam. Sabdo Pulon's denouncing of Brawijaya conversion to Islam in the Serat Darmagandhul makes clear that Islam was a civilization mistake. Both Gatoloco and Darmagandhul are also works of Javanese chauvinism, and makes repeatedly attacks on Arabs and Chinese, the first public criticism of Darmagandhul were from the Chinese Indonesian community in 1920s, Muslims follow shortly thereafter. Since the fall of the Majapahit, rulers have used the mantle of restored Majapahit to rally support. However, Javanese revivalism of the 19th century shouldn't just been seen is Majapahit restoration or anti-Islam, but within a broader Asian Hindu-Buddhist revival created in part by European excavation and restoration of archaeological sites, and Western interest in Eastern religions (Buddhism and Hinduism. Lastly, while there had been contact between Java and Bali during 17-18th century, but on the Javanese side it was limited to hiring Balinese as advisors and mercenaries. The reduced rivalry after the fall of the Blambangan and Dutch control of parts of Bali in 19th century, saw greater contact between the Javanese elite and Bali. Ronggawarsita (1802-1873) the last great court poet of the Javanese Kraton, in his youth went to Bali to study Old Javanese works. By the 1870s, one version of the Darmagandhul was found in Bali Some of the theme touched upon by these works manifest directly or indirectly later in social and political movements. The Javanese nationalism/chauvinism and desire for Western knowledge form the basis for Taman Siswa and Budi Utomo. These works foreshadow the coming tensions between the santri and abangan dominated PKI in the 1960-60s, down to sexual themes. The story of Sabdo Palon in Darmagandhul is taken seriously among Kejawen Javanese, Hindu Javanese and Balinese, and helps forms the basis for Hindu revivalism in Java ANTI COMMUNIST PURGES 1965 TO FALL OF SUHARTO 1998 The Anti-Communist purges while being labelled by some as a "genocide" were by Javanese standards not the most catarophic event in terms of lives lost as% of the population, that would belong either to the Java War of 1825-30 and the Japanese occupation between 1942-45. Secondly, the religious impact on Javanese society was just as profound as the political impact, brought about by Indonesian government's religious policies which have been closely associated with the 1965 events. The impact of these religious policies fall into two interlinked processes. the Bureaucratization of Religion and the Abrahamization of Religion. Bureaucratization and Abrahamization of Religion In January 27, 1965, Sukarno signed PENETAPAN PRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIA NOMOR 1/PNPS TAHUN 1965 (1/PNPS/1965) after pressure from conservative Muslim leaders. The contents of the law itself talks about making sure religions aren't misinterpretation. But i t was explanation at the back of the law, that provided as to why it was passed Telah ternyata, bahwa pada akhir-akhir ini hampir di seluruh Indonesia tidak sedikit timbul aliran-aliran atau organisasi kebatinan/kepercayaan masyarakat yang bertentangan dengan ajaran-ajaran dan hukum Agama. Diantara ajaran-ajaran/perbuatan-perbuatan pada pemeluk aliran-aliran tersebut sudah banyak yang telah menimbulkan hal-hal yang melanggar hukum, memecah persatuan Nasional dan menodai Agama. Dari kenyataan teranglah, bahwa aliran-aliran atau Organisasi-organisasi kebatinan/kepercayaan masyarakat yang menyalah-gunakan dan/atau mempergunakan Agama sebagai pokok, pada akhir-akhir ini bertambah banyak dan telah berkembang kearah yang sangat membahayakan Agama-agama yang ada. At the time Sukarno was being pressured by Conservative Muslim to restrict the activities of people who practised indigenous faiths. Further in the explanation section of the law it elaborated the six main religions followed by Indonesians Islam, Buddhism, Protestantism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism. However, it doesn't mean other religions can't be practiced, but they don;t get any official support. The law had three effects on Indonesian religious life, and of all the Muslim majority ethnic groups, the Javanese were impacted the most. First, it "forced" many nominal Muslims or follower of kejawen to pick one of the five officials religions (Confucianism have been removed in 1967. While most put down Islam, many of them picked Christianity An estimated two million nominal Muslims (mostly Javanese) converted to Christianity from 1965-70. In East Java, Gereja Kristen Jawa Timur baptized 10, 000 from July to August 1966 People did so out of fear of being accused of being a PKI member for not having a religion... They choose Christianity, because the path to becoming a Christian was clear and relatively quick. The reason for this speed at which people converted was because by 1967, the government added a religion column to identification papers, which none had existed before. Secondly, in line with the law there was renewed effort to Abrahamize religion in Indonesia by laying down the religious doctrine of each of the five official religions and than controlling them through a Directorate General in the Department of Religious Affairs. All of the five religions were supposed to have a set of religious text (kitab. For Balinese Hindus the process had begun in the mid-1950s. In addition, the two Eastern religions of Buddhism and Hinduism, where made more monotheistic so to be in line with the first Sila of Pancasila, Ketuhanan Maha Esa. The first President of the Indonesian Buddhist Organization, Bhikku Ashin Jinarakkhita, proposed that there was a single supreme deity, Sanghyang Adi Buddha, In Buddhism, the question of whether there is a supreme being or not, is not an important question. Thirdly, the New Order government enforced this clearer religious divide, by increasing the number of teachers of religion, and the number of religion classes. Each student was supposed to be taught his assigned religion. Under Sukarno, a teacher might show up once a month or often not at all.

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I wasn't expecting anything special from this movie just bcz u had Lagaan under ur name but now everyone understand that it wasn't u it was actually Aamir khan who pushed u to change the story so the credit goes to Aamir not u. Ashothosh your storey For panipat is full of exaggerations and lie, you just wanted to make some people happy, you didn't do any justice with characters, you don't deserve even a single star.
You could have taken some ideas from Abdali book which is written by an Indian.
This movie is a disaster in every single department. Ashotosh you should think 10 times before you jump in to another period movie. According to me the first half of the movie is dragged a lot,only Sanjay Dutt scenes are had a scope to cut it short but the second half keeps you engaged and is Dutt has done an awesome job playing an afghan which i can say is better than Ranvir Singh(Although I he did the job pretty well too) Arjun Kapoor was Average dont judge his performance on the basis of trailer and comparing to Ranvir Singh in Bajirao Mastani.Overall a good movie.

यह गाना हम तो १ बिलीयन तक तो लेके जायेंगे ही, छञपती शिवाजी महाराज की जय🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩. Akshay's dialogue tera baap takliya is more funny thn this whole trailer... 😂. Panipat Movie streaming sur internet. Panipat Movie streams. Panipat movie streaming. Rgvuvvj. Jai shivaji jai bhavani🔱🔱. (pä`nēpət) town (1991 pop. 191, 212) Haryana state, NW India, on the Western Yamuna Canal. It has saltpeter refining plants and manufactures electrical appliances, bricks, glass, and textiles. On a plain astride the easiest route from Afghanistan to central India, Panipat has seen several great battles. In 1526, Babur Babur [Turk. lion] 1483–1530, founder of the Mughal empire of India. His full name was Zahir ud-Din Muhammad. A descendant of Timur (Tamerlane) and of Jenghiz Khan, he succeeded (1494) to the principality of Fergana in central Asia. Click the link for more information.  defeated the Delhi Sultanate Delhi Sultanate, refers to the various Muslim dynasties that ruled in India (1210–1526. It was founded after Muhammad of Ghor defeated Prithvi Raj and captured Delhi in 1192.  there, thus paving the way for the formation of the Mughal Mughal or Mogul, Muslim empire in India, 1526–1857. The dynasty was founded by Babur, a Turkic chieftain who had his base in Afghanistan. Babur's invasion of India culminated in the battle of Panipat (1526) and the occupation of Delhi and Agra.  empire. In 1556, Akbar Akbar, 1542–1605, Mughal emperor of India (1556–1605) son of Humayun, grandson of Babur. He succeeded to the throne under a regent, Bairam Khan, who rendered loyal service in expanding and consolidating the Mughal domains before he was summarily dismissed (1560) by.  defeated the Afghans at Panipat and thus secured Mughal rule. In 1761, Panipat was the site of an Afghan victory over the Marathas Marathas or Mahrattas, Marathi-speaking people of W central India, known for their ability as warriors and their devotion to Hinduism. From their homeland in Maharashtra their chieftains rose to power in the 17th cent. Click the link for more information...

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I am sure Panipat was one of the greatest victories in the history of India but this movie does not bring the excitement that such a movie should.
Not sure what the director was thinking, the cast did not match the movie and on top of that they acted very badly, the only actor that I could tolerate was Sanjay Dutt (he plays the Afghan Warlord.
This a very long, badly acted movie, even the songs were below par. Only watch this movie if you are serious geek for history.

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Panipat movie stream. Panipat full movie stream. Whoa! Something is not right. Please refresh the page and try again Refresh Whoa! Something is not right. Welcome back, Your tickets are waiting to be Booked! Check availability for Home Delivery Check Home Delivery available for. Change YOU CAN ALSO Pickup at Box Office Please fill in the Delivery Address First Name * First Name appears to be empty or incorrect Last Name * Last Name appears to be empty or incorrect Address Line 1 * Address Line 1 appears to be empty or incorrect Address Line 2 * Address Line 2 appears to be empty or incorrect Landmark * Landmark appears to be empty or incorrect Delivery Location * Home Office Please select appropriate options 5 21281 4 11384 3 7785 2 2733 1 3962 3. 8 USERS RATING TRENDING STORIES See More SYNOPSIS Panipat is set in 1761, when the Maratha Empire had reached its zenith and their grip on Hindustan reigned supreme with no one to challenge them. Until an invader set his eyes on the throne of Hindustan. That`s when Sadashiv Rao Bhau (Arjun Kapoor) the Commander-in-Chief of the Maratha army led a northern expedition in order to repel the invading forces of Ahmad Shah Abdali (Sanjay Dutt) the king of Afghanistan. This action-drama entailing the events that led to the Third Battle of Panipat, stars Sanjay Dutt, Arjun Kapoor and Kriti Sanon. It is produced by Sunita Gowariker under their banner of AGPPL along with Rohit Shelatkar`s company Vision World and is directed by Ashutosh Gowariker. Report Content Online Tickets → Movie Tickets Latest Movies Panipat.

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